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English Teacher In Nagano Coty Japan

💼 IDEA: Ian Davidson's English Academy
💰 Competitive Salary
Job Description:

IDEA is an English School based in Nagano City. We teach students of all ages and levels and focus on speaking skills. 
We are looking for part time instructors or possibly a full time instructor to teach at our school. We can provide visa sponsorship if necessary and can assist with accommodation and transportation. The ideal candidate should have a university degree, experience working with children, a driver's license and Japanese ability. A teaching certificate is preferred. Salary is based on experience. More detailed information about the job and salary are available upon application. Please send a cover letter and resume to info@idea-english.com if you are interested in joining our team.

To apply, email info@idea-english.com

Website: http://idea-english.com

⛔ This job has expired, please do not apply