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Exciting Job Opportunity At Apollo English

🏫 Apollo English
📍Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
💰 Competitive Salary
Full-TimePrivate School
Job Description:

✨EXCITING JOB OPPORTUNITY AWAITS AT APOLLO ENGLISH IN #Hochiminh #BinhDuong #CanTho #KienGiang ! BEGIN A NEW JOURNEY✨#Full_Time #PartTime #Offline
Open positions in SOUTHERN REGION right now:
Apollo Nguyễn Văn Luông - District 6
Apollo Phổ Quang - Phu Nhuạn District
Apollo Estella - District 2
Apollo Hung Phu - District 8
Apollo Khánh Hòa - Nha Trang
Apollo Bình Dương (Dĩ An và Thủ Dầu Một)
Apollo Kiên Giang
Apollo Cần Thơ
📌 At APOLLO Centers, Weekdays'evenings and Weekends FULL TIME/ PART TIME Positions:
Uncover Opportunities here
- With a long-standing reputation and affiliation with International House (IH), Apollo English is an excellent place to build and advance your career.
- Our state-of-the-art facilities, comprehensive curriculum and syllabi, training workshops, and observations will help you excel and advance your professional growth.
- The onboarding process, facilitated by our Apollonian Experience team, ensures a smooth transition for you to settle down and work legally in Vietnam.
Send your application to : teaching@apollo.edu.vn
Apply via our website: Apollo Teaching Careers - https://apollo.edu.vn/teach
Hotline: 0901.800.208
At Apollo, we firmly believe in the life-changing power of learning. With your knowledge and experience, we are confident that we can continue to make a substantial impact and help children fulfill their potential.

⛔ This job has expired, please do not apply