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English Teaching Jobs At Government Schools In Thailand

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🏫 King ‍‌​‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‌‍​‌‍Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang International Demonstration School

Government School

KMIDS, located in Ladkrabang (Bangkok), Thailand, is a specialized school focusing on science, technology, mathematics, and design. We are looking for dedicated educators who are fluent in English, collaborative, innovat...

📍 Bangkok, Thailand
💰 100,000 THB per month

Computing Teacher Needed

🏫 Samakkhi Witthayakhom School

Government School
Samakkhi Witthayakhom School

Chiang Rai - COMPUTING TEACHERENGLISH PROGRAM @ SWK School (Chiang Rai city) is looking for a teacher who is willing to teaching up to 18 periods per week.1. Already here in Thailand 2. Immediate start3. Clear accent and...

📍 Chiang Rai, Thailand
💰 Up To 38,000 THB per month