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We – lovers of education, always wonder, want to contribute to improving education; bring efficiency, usefulness and bright future to young people and to everyone. Through American Links, we want to give you a new model of language education: effective, relaxing...


We focus on the weaknesses of Vietnamese people who are sometimes shy, timid, non-standard pronunciation & LACK CONFIDENCE; to build an appropriate, effective language learning program & improve all weaknesses for Vietnamese people.

We carefully select well-known textbooks, topics with high application of language; as well as cultural knowledge that is not transitory but has long-term benefits for the career ... At the same time, combined with activities such as drama, puppetry, singing, pictures, short films, games, quizzes, lectures, rhetorical debates ... & extracurricular sessions (exchange with international schools, kindergartens, libraries, excursions, etc.)

We are committed to providing students with a lively English-speaking environment, significant progress in knowledge & a perfect confident communication style, even 1 interest in learning and a life skill suitable for the modern needs of the open period, integration.
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