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Cheyenne's TESOL Recruitment Center

Cheyenne's TESOL Recruitment Center ‘s clients are education institutes with a culture of success in the classroom. Our services are provided from extremely supportive and social staffs. We have provided international opportunities for thousands of candidates. This is a great opportunity offering many benefits for those who eager to work at a schools in China that are committed to encouraging individual academic success for their students.
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ESL Teachers Needed In Different Cities in China Now ASAP

🏫 Cheyenne's TESOL Recruitment Center

Public School
Housing Allowance
Flight Reimbursement

Cheyenne's TESOL Recruitment Center ‘s clients are education institutes with a culture of success in the classroom. Our services are provided from extremely supportive and social staffs. We have provided international op...

📍 Shanghai, China
💰 Up To 35,000 CNY per month