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Teach English Online: Requirements, Salary, Top Companies

Teach English Online

There are several reasons why people choose to teach English online:

  • Flexibility: Teaching English online allows you to set your own schedule and work from anywhere with an internet connection.

  • Convenience: Online teaching eliminates the need to travel, which can be especially appealing if you have a busy schedule or live in a remote location.

  • Opportunity to work with a global audience: Teaching English online allows you to work with students from all over the world, giving you the opportunity to learn about and connect with people from different cultures.

  • Potential for higher pay: Some online English teaching positions offer higher pay compared to in-person teaching jobs.

  • Ability to specialize: Online teaching allows you to specialize in certain areas, such as business English or exam preparation, which can be more challenging to do in an in-person classroom.

  • Professional development: Teaching English online can provide opportunities for professional development, such as access to online training programs and the opportunity to work with a diverse group of colleagues and students.

What are the requirements to teach English online?

The requirements to teach English online will vary depending on the company or platform you are applying to. However, there are some common requirements that many online English teaching companies look for:

  • A bachelor's degree: Most online English teaching companies require applicants to have a bachelor's degree in any field. Some companies may also require a teaching certification or a degree in education.

  • Proficiency in English: You will need to have strong English language skills to be able to teach English effectively online.

  • A reliable internet connection: You will need a stable and fast internet connection to teach English online.

  • A computer or laptop: You will need a computer or laptop with a microphone and webcam to participate in online teaching sessions.

  • A quiet and professional teaching space: It is important to have a quiet and professional-looking space in which to teach.

  • Teaching experience: Some online English teaching companies may require applicants to have previous teaching experience, while others may provide training for new teachers.

  • A TEFL or TESOL certificate: Some online English teaching companies may require applicants to have a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) or TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certificate. These certificates can be obtained through online or in-person courses.

Equipment needed for teaching English online

To teach English online, you will need a few basic pieces of equipment:

  • A computer: You will need a computer with a stable internet connection to host online classes and access online teaching resources.

  • A webcam: A webcam is necessary for students to see you during the online class.

  • A microphone: A microphone is necessary for students to hear you clearly during the online class.

  • A headset: A headset with a microphone can help improve the audio quality of your voice during the online class.

  • An online teaching platform: There are many online teaching platforms available, such as Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, and others. Choose one that meets your needs and is compatible with your computer.

  • Teaching materials: You will need access to teaching materials, such as textbooks, worksheets, and other resources to use in your online classes.

It's also a good idea to have a backup plan in case of technical difficulties, such as having a phone with a stable internet connection and the ability to use video call apps in case your computer or internet connection fails.

Can you teach English online without a degree?

It is generally more difficult to find online English teaching jobs without a bachelor's degree, as most online teaching platforms and companies require applicants to have at least a bachelor's degree in any field. However, it is not impossible to find opportunities to teach English online without a degree.

Some companies may be willing to hire non-degree holders if they have strong English language skills and relevant teaching experience. Additionally, some companies may offer training or support for non-degree holders who are interested in teaching English online.

It is important to note that having a bachelor's degree and a teaching certification, such as a TEFL or TESOL certificate, can make you a more competitive candidate for online English teaching jobs and may increase your chances of finding a job.

Do You Need a TEFL Certificate to Teach English Online?

The requirement for a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate when teaching English online varies significantly across companies and platforms. While some online teaching platforms do mandate a TEFL certification, others may not consider it a strict necessity. However, having a TEFL certificate can be a substantial asset, enhancing your credentials and making you a more competitive candidate for teaching positions.

Opting for an online TEFL course can offer several advantages, especially for those planning to teach English in a virtual environment. Not only do these courses prepare you with effective teaching methodologies and strategies, but they also acclimatize you to the online learning environment — an experience that closely mirrors the setting in which you will be teaching. This dual benefit of learning and teaching in a similar modality can significantly smooth your transition into online education.

Moreover, online TEFL courses tend to be more convenient and cost-effective than their in-person counterparts. They offer the flexibility to study from anywhere at any time, allowing you to balance your learning with other commitments. This aspect of convenience and accessibility mirrors the benefits of teaching English online, where the ability to work remotely provides a significant advantage in terms of work-life balance and personal scheduling.

In addition, pursuing a TEFL certification online emphasizes your commitment to adapting to digital education trends and showcases your readiness to engage with students in a remote learning environment. Just as teaching online allows you to reach students across the globe from the comfort of your home, obtaining your TEFL certificate online offers a similar flexibility and global perspective, preparing you for the diverse and dynamic world of online English language teaching.

Can you teach English online as a non native English speaker?

Yes, it is possible to teach English online as a non-native English speaker. Many language schools and online tutoring platforms hire non-native English speakers to teach English to students around the world.

However, it is important to have a high level of proficiency in English and a thorough understanding of the English language in order to effectively teach it to others. This includes having a strong command of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, as well as being able to communicate clearly and effectively in English.

It is also helpful to have a teaching qualification, such as a TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) or CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) certification, as these can provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to teach English effectively.

In addition, it is important to be comfortable using technology and online teaching platforms, as well as being able to adapt to different teaching styles and learning needs of your students.

Can you teach English online without experience?

It is possible to teach English online without prior teaching experience, but it may be more challenging and you may face more competition for teaching jobs. Many language schools and online tutoring platforms require at least some teaching experience.

However, some platforms may be willing to hire inexperienced teachers who are native English speakers and have a strong command of the English language. In these cases, you may be required to undergo training or complete a probationary period before you can start teaching classes independently.

If you are interested in teaching English online but do not have any prior teaching experience, you may want to consider volunteering to teach English to non-native speakers in your community or taking a course or workshop on teaching English as a foreign language. This can help you gain some teaching experience and develop your skills and knowledge as an English teacher.

How much money can you earn by teaching English online?

The amount of money you can earn by teaching English online will depend on various factors, such as your qualifications, experience, and the demand for your services. Some online English teaching platforms offer fixed hourly rates, while others allow teachers to set their own rates.

On average, English teachers who work for online teaching platforms can earn anywhere from $10 to $30 per hour, depending on their qualifications and experience. Some teachers may also be able to earn additional income by offering private lessons or tutoring services.

It is important to note that the cost of living in different countries can vary significantly, so the amount of money you earn may not have the same purchasing power in different locations. It is also worth considering any taxes or fees that may be deducted from your earnings.

The best online English teaching companies

There are many online English teaching companies that offer opportunities for people to teach English online. Some of the most popular and well-respected companies include:

  • VIPKid: This company offers one-on-one English language instruction to children in China.

  • iTutorGroup: This company offers English language instruction to students in over 40 countries.

  • Qkids: This company offers one-on-one English language instruction to children in China.

  • GoGoKid: This company offers one-on-one English language instruction to children in China.

  • SayABC: This company offers small group English language instruction to children in China.

  • DadaABC: This company offers one-on-one English language instruction to children in China.

  • Cambly: This company allows students to connect with native English speakers for conversation practice.

  • Preply: This company allows students to connect with private tutors for one-on-one English language instruction.

It is important to do your research and carefully evaluate the reputation and policies of any online teaching company before applying to work with them.

The demand for online English teachers

There is a high demand for online English teachers, as more and more people are seeking to learn or improve their English skills through online language learning programs. The demand for online English teachers is especially strong in countries where English is not the primary language, as many people in these countries view learning English as a way to improve their job prospects and increase their economic opportunities.

In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in the demand for online English teachers, as many language schools and tutoring programs have moved their classes online to continue offering language instruction in a safe and socially distant manner.

There are many online platforms and websites that offer opportunities for English teachers to connect with students around the world, including iTutorGroup, VIPKid, and Preply, among others. Many of these platforms allow you to set your own schedule and choose the students you want to work with, making it a flexible and convenient way to teach English online.

Pros and cons of teaching English online

There are both pros and cons to teaching English online. Some of the benefits of teaching English online include:


  • Flexibility: One of the biggest advantages of teaching English online is the flexibility it offers. You can set your own schedule and choose the students you want to work with, making it a convenient way to earn an income while still having the freedom to pursue other interests or commitments.

  • Convenience: Teaching English online allows you to work from anywhere, as long as you have a computer and a stable internet connection. This can be especially appealing for those who prefer to work from home or who live in a location where it is difficult to find teaching jobs.

  • Opportunities to work with students from different countries: Teaching English online allows you to work with students from all over the world, which can be a rewarding and enriching experience.

  • Potential to earn a good income: Depending on your qualifications and experience, you may be able to earn a good income teaching English online.

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to teaching English online:


  • Technical difficulties: There is always the risk of technical difficulties, such as internet connection issues or problems with the online teaching platform, which can be frustrating and disrupt your classes.

  • Lack of in-person interaction: Teaching online can be isolating and you may miss the personal interaction and connection that comes with teaching in a traditional classroom setting.

  • Competition: There is a lot of competition for teaching jobs online, especially for those who are just starting out or who do not have a lot of experience.

  • Limited opportunities for professional development: There may be fewer opportunities for professional development or advancement when teaching English online compared to teaching in a traditional classroom setting.

There are pros and cons with most things we do, so it all comes down to personal preferences. It's possible that some people might be better suited for teaching English in-person instead of online, while others enjoy being about to work remotely.

How to find an online English teaching job

Here are some steps you can follow to find an online English teaching job:

  • Determine your qualifications: Consider your education, experience, and qualifications, such as a bachelor's degree and a teaching certification, to determine which teaching opportunities are a good fit for you.

  • Research online teaching platforms: Research and compare different online teaching platforms and companies to find one that fits your needs and preferences. Look for reviews and testimonials from current and former teachers to get an idea of the company's reputation.

  • Create a resume and cover letter: Create a resume and cover letter that highlight your education, experience, and qualifications. Emphasize any experience you have in teaching or working with students, as well as any relevant skills or certifications you have.

  • Submit your application: Follow the application instructions for the online teaching platform or company you are interested in. This may involve submitting a resume, cover letter, and any other required materials.

  • Prepare for an interview: If you are selected for an interview, prepare by reviewing the company's policies and procedures, as well as common interview questions. Practice your interview skills and be prepared to discuss your education, experience, and qualifications in detail.

  • Follow up: After submitting your application or completing an interview, follow up with the company to express your interest in the position and inquire about the status of your application.

You can find online English teaching jobs on job board sites such as Teast, LinkedIn, or Indeed. It is also a good idea to network and reach out to other English teachers or educators to ask for recommendations or advice on finding online teaching jobs.

Tips for teaching English online

Here are some tips for teaching English online:

  • Create a positive and engaging learning environment: Use positive reinforcement and encouragement to create a positive and engaging learning environment for your students.

  • Use a variety of teaching methods: Mix up your teaching methods to keep your students engaged and motivated. Consider using lectures, discussions, role-plays, and hands-on activities.

  • Use visual aids: Visual aids, such as pictures, videos, and slides, can help students better understand and retain the material.

  • Encourage participation: Encourage student participation by asking open-ended questions, giving students time to think before answering, and using group work.

  • Be patient and flexible: Teaching online can be challenging at times, especially when there are language or cultural barriers to overcome. It is important to be patient and flexible, and to be willing to adapt your teaching style to meet the needs of your students.

  • Use authentic materials: Using authentic materials, such as real-life examples or authentic texts, can help students better understand and relate to the material.

  • Encourage self-study: Encourage students to practice their English outside of class through self-study and independent learning activities.

  • Use clear and concise language: Use clear and concise language to help students understand the material, and avoid using complex sentence structures or idiomatic expressions.

  • Stay organized: Stay organized by creating lesson plans and materials in advance and keeping track of student progress.