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Houhai English

Who we are
Houhai English is an English reading institution in Beijing, China, founded in 2012. We provide high-quality small group ESL classes taught by International teachers for pre-teens and teenagers. Our foreign ESL teachers break through students' comprehensive English ability by improving their reading ability and helping them master advanced English through 17-level courses. Houhai English attracts many excellent students from primary to junior high school for in-depth English reading training and provides unique and effective solutions for language acquisition. We adhere to the values of simplicity. In an era of emphasis on relaxation, Houhai English insists on having a lifelong impact on learners by challenging them to be thoughtful and deliberate readers to enhance their comprehension and enjoy reading the text.
Find more on our website: https://www.houhaienglish.com.cn/
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ESL teachers needed in Chengdu

💼 Houhai English

Language School
Flight Reimbursement
Medical Insurance

Responsibilities* Maximum of 120 hours a month* Additional classes and responsibilities are available for additional compensation* Class size: maximum of 15 students per class* Student age: 6 – 16 year olds* Plan lessons...

📍 Chengdu, China
💰 Up To 30,000 CNY per month