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Phanphittayakom School

School: Public
Name of School or University: Phanphittayakom School
Working time: Full-Time
Location: Phanphittayakom School in Phan, Chiang Rai. Address: 816 Moo 17, Mueang Phan, Phan District, Chiang Rai, 57120
Website: https://sites.google.com/phanphit.ac.th/ppk/
Chiang Rai is the northernmost province. It is known for The White Temple and scenic mountains. Phan is 40 minutes south from Mueang Chiang Rai. Phan is a small but lively city. Transportation: Chiang Rai province is accessible by bus, songthaew, car, or motorcycle. Amenities: Close proximity to 7/11's, shopping centers, and markets.
School Details: Public school. Largest school in Phan. Around 20-42 students per class. The teacher will only teach English lessons. Dress code is business casual. Student Age: Phanphittayakom School is a Mattayom level school with co-ed classes. Student ages are: 12-18. Teaching Hours: 21-26 hours of teaching per week. Most classes: 50 minutes. You will have two classes a week that are 100 minutes long.
Working Conditions: Personal work station provided. Working hours: 7:30-16:00 Mon-Fri. Salary: NES: 38,000 Baht. NNES: 25,000-32,000
Contract Period: School Year: First semester starts in May and goes to October. Second semester is November to March. The school is closed in April and it is the only month you will not get paid. Airport pickup and assistance in finding accommodation provided. Rent should not exceed 4,000 Baht per month.
Benefits: Thai holidays off. Three weeks off in October. Direct employment with the school. No agencies involved.
Lunch: At least 50 minutes per day. Options to buy food/drinks from the school cafeteria or nearby restaurants.
Financial Arrangements: Thai bank account will be given to you. Tourist visa can be turned into non-B visa.
Contract Duration: One-year contract starting in May 2024, renewable in February/March 2025.
Requirements for Work in Thailand: 1. Passport: Valid passport. 2. Educational Qualifications: College/university degree in any subject. Transcripts supporting the degree. 3. Teaching Certification: TEFL or CELTA certification. 4. Photographs: Two or more passport-sized photos. 5. Background Check: Criminal background check from the state/province/county of your home country. *These documents are essential for a complete application. Ensure that all materials are up-to-date and meet the specified requirements. Additional Information for Applicant: 1. Medical Exam: Upon arrival, applicant is required to undergo a quick medical examination to obtain the work permit. 2. Language Requirement: Proficiency in Thai is not a prerequisite for employment. 3. Experience Level: All levels of teaching experience are welcome. Open to applicants with any level of experience.
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English Teaching Job

💼 Phanphittayakom School

Public School

Full-Time English Teaching in Phan, Chiang Rai at Phanphittayakom School. You will teach students from the ages of 12-18. You will teach 21-26 hours a week. Native speakers will be paid 38,000 baht per month. Non-native ...

📍 Chiang Rai, Thailand
💰 Up To 38,000 THB per month