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Teaching Job In Hanoi

SACE Education Vietnam
💼 SACE Education Vietnam
📍Hanoi, Vietnam
💰 Up To 550,000 VND per hour
Language Center
Job Description:

☘️ We are currently recruiting suitably qualified and experienced teacher to teach Research and Business subject for high school students in Hanoi, Vietnam. Details as below:
- Native speaker;
- BA or MA in Education, Social Studies (if you apply for Research subject)
- BA or MA in Business or related to Business studies (if you apply for Business subject)
- At least 1-2 years teaching Research or Business related subjects
- Conducting or instructing students to do small scale research
- Understanding of Global and Vietnam social contexts to help student conducting research
- Minimum 550k / hour (NET) and negotiable based on experience and interview performance
👉Total teaching hour:
- 20 credits (equal 120 hours) for each subject; students study 2-3 days a week for 1 subject (depending on the timetable), mostly from 6pm - 8h30pm (2 week days) and 2pm-4h30pm or 9am-11h30am (Sunday).
👉Start date: around March and April 2023
Please DM if you have any questions or send your CV to info@sacevietnam.vn
Thank you!

Website: https://sacevietnam.vn/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Saceeducationvietnam/

⛔ This job has expired, please do not apply