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Teach English in Colombo, Sri Lanka

Nestled along the western coast of Sri Lanka, Colombo serves as the island's vibrant capital and primary gateway to the teardrop-shaped nation. Its compelling mix of colonial history, modern skyscrapers, and rich cultural tapestry offers an environment that's both familiar and exotic. Lined with palm trees, the city stretches out beside the Indian Ocean, hinting at the tropical beauty that the rest of Sri Lanka holds. As the country continues to grow and evolve in the post-conflict era, so does its thirst for education, especially English education, making Colombo a dynamic destination for English teachers from around the world.

Reasons to Teach English in Colombo

1. Growing Demand for English:

As Sri Lanka becomes an emerging hub for tourism and international business, the demand for English proficiency has skyrocketed. In Colombo, where the blend of local and expatriate communities is evident, English is often seen as the bridge to global opportunities.

2. Cultural Immersion:

Teaching in Colombo offers an opportunity to immerse oneself in Sri Lankan culture. Be it the Sinhala and Tamil New Year celebrations or the city's bustling Pettah Market, every experience is a lesson in Sri Lanka's diverse traditions and customs.

3. Gateway to the Island:

While Colombo itself is a treasure trove of experiences, it also serves as the perfect starting point for explorations across Sri Lanka. From the pristine beaches of the south to the verdant hills of the central province, teachers can spend their weekends and holidays discovering the island's many wonders.

4. Warm and Welcoming Atmosphere:

Sri Lankans are known for their hospitality. As a teacher, you will find that both the school community and the neighborhood you live in will embrace you with warmth, making the transition to life in Colombo smoother.

5. Opportunity to Make a Difference:

While many schools in Colombo have access to quality education, there are also institutions and communities that greatly benefit from the expertise of foreign teachers. Teaching English here can be a chance to give back and make a tangible difference in students' lives.

6. Affordable Living:

Compared to many Western countries, the cost of living in Colombo is relatively low. This allows teachers to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle while also having the potential to save.

Understanding Colombo's Education Landscape

Colombo, as the capital of Sri Lanka, stands at the forefront of the country's education sector. The city boasts a diverse range of educational institutions, from prestigious international schools catering to the expatriate and local elite, to public schools that have stood the test of time, and numerous private tuition centers that supplement mainstream education.

Public Schools: These are funded and run by the government. They follow the local curriculum in Sinhala or Tamil medium, but English is taught as a subject from the primary level.

International Schools: These have been on the rise in Colombo over the past few decades. They offer various international curricula, such as the Cambridge A Levels, International Baccalaureate, and Edexcel, often taught entirely in English.

Private and Semi-government Schools: These institutions may follow the local curriculum but often have a stronger emphasis on English. They might also offer international curricula.

Tuition Centers: Given the competitive nature of education in Sri Lanka, tuition centers play a significant role in a student's life. They provide supplementary lessons, particularly for major exams, and there's a high demand for English classes.

Eligibility and Requirements to Teach English in Colombo

The requirements to teach English in Colombo will be similar to the standard requirements for teaching English in Sri Lanka, however, here are the specific requirements for Colombo:

  1. Bachelor's Degree: Most schools and institutions in Colombo require teachers to have at least a bachelor's degree. It doesn't always have to be in education, but having a degree related to the field can be advantageous.

  2. TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certification: Given the city's competitive educational landscape, a TEFL, TESOL, or CELTA certification is highly beneficial, if not essential, especially for those without a background in education.

  3. Experience: International and top-tier schools often prefer candidates with prior teaching experience. However, there are many opportunities for newly certified teachers, especially in private schools and tuition centers.

  4. Native English Speaker: While not always a strict requirement, being a native speaker from recognized English-speaking countries can be a significant advantage in securing a job.

  5. Background Check: Many schools will require a criminal background check to ensure the safety of their students.

Salary and Benefits for Teaching English in Colombo

The compensation package for English teachers in Colombo can vary significantly based on the type of institution, one's qualifications, and experience.

  1. Salary: A teacher can expect a monthly salary ranging from 80,000 to 200,000 LKR. International schools and established private schools tend to offer higher salaries.

  2. Healthcare: Medical insurance or healthcare benefits are sometimes provided, especially if the institution caters to expatriate staff.

  3. Contract Duration: Most contracts are for one to two years, with the potential for renewal.

  4. Holidays and Paid Leave: Schools generally provide paid leave, and teachers also benefit from public holidays, which are numerous in Sri Lanka given its diverse cultural and religious background.

  5. End-of-Contract Bonus: Some institutions might offer a bonus upon successful completion of the contract.

While the salaries in Colombo might seem modest compared to Western standards, the relatively low cost of living in the city ensures that teachers can lead a comfortable life. Plus, the experience of teaching and living in such a culturally rich environment is priceless.

Living in Colombo

Colombo, with its colonial charm, modern high-rises, and scenic ocean views, offers an eclectic mix of the old and the new. As the bustling heart of Sri Lanka, the city has much to offer for those seeking both adventure and comfort. Here's what living in Colombo is like:

Cultural Mix:

Colombo is a melting pot of cultures, religions, and traditions. The city's diverse population is reflected in its architecture, festivals, and even the daily hustle and bustle. From the beautifully restored colonial buildings in Fort to the Hindu temples in Kotahena, there's a sense of history and community everywhere.


Sri Lankan cuisine is a treat for the palate, and Colombo offers the best of it. From spicy curries to hoppers (a type of pancake) and the delectable kottu, there's a flavor for everyone. Plus, the city has an increasing number of international restaurants, catering to all tastes.

Entertainment and Nightlife:

Colombo's nightlife scene is growing. There are numerous bars, clubs, and lounges catering to different crowds. The city also has theaters, cinemas, and frequent cultural performances.


From high-end malls like One Galle Face and Colombo City Centre to the traditional Pettah market, shopping in Colombo is an experience. You can find everything from branded attire to traditional handicrafts.

Public Transportation:

The city's public transportation network, consisting of buses, tuk-tuks, and trains, is comprehensive. The introduction of ride-sharing services has also made commuting easier.


Colombo is generally safe, but like in any major city, it's wise to be cautious, especially during late hours.


With its tropical monsoon climate, Colombo experiences heavy rainfall during the monsoon seasons. However, for most of the year, the city is warm and humid.


Finding accommodation in Colombo varies based on budget and preference. While apartments in the city center can be pricier, there are plenty of affordable housing options in the suburbs.

Facts about Colombo:

  1. Colombo's name is believed to have been derived from the classical Sinhalese name "Kolon thota", which means "port on the river Kelani".
  2. The city has a population of over 750,000 residents.
  3. Galle Face Green, a half-kilometer promenade along the coast, is one of Colombo's most iconic spots, offering stunning sunset views.
  4. Colombo serves as the commercial capital of Sri Lanka, while the administrative capital has been moved to Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, a suburb of Colombo.

Teacher Stories

Emma from the UK:
"I moved to Colombo on a whim, looking for a change from the London hustle. I started teaching at a renowned international school, and it's been a transformative experience. The students are eager to learn, and the warmth of the local staff is unmatched. Plus, every weekend feels like a mini-holiday with the beaches and the hills just a short drive away."

Jake from Australia:
"As someone who loves to surf, Sri Lanka was already on my radar. Teaching English in Colombo gives me the stability of a city job with the freedom to hit the waves on the weekends. My students often teach me a thing or two about their culture, and I've even picked up some Sinhalese along the way!"

Aaliyah from South Africa:
"Teaching in Colombo is my first job out of university. Initially, I faced a cultural shock, but over time, I've grown to love the city's chaos and charm. The education system is competitive, which means students are dedicated, and that makes my job incredibly rewarding."

Liam from Ireland:
"I've taught in various countries, but Colombo stands out. The city's mix of history, modernity, and nature is fascinating. And then there's the food! I've developed a strong affinity for local dishes, much to the amusement of my students."

Eleanor from Canada:
"Colombo has been a pleasant surprise. The local community has been welcoming, making my transition smoother than I anticipated. I teach at a private school, and I've been involved in various extracurricular activities, which has given me a deeper connection with the students and the city."

Moving Towards Teaching English In Colombo

Embracing the opportunity to teach English in Colombo is not just about imparting language skills; it's about immersing oneself in a vibrant tapestry of cultures, histories, and traditions. The city, with its pulsating energy, offers an unparalleled blend of experiences that can enrich a teacher both personally and professionally.

While the teaching journey in Colombo might come with its set of challenges, the rewards, in terms of personal growth, unique experiences, and genuine connections, are profound. From the bustling streets of Pettah to the tranquil sunsets at Galle Face Green, Colombo is more than a teaching destination – it's a journey of discovery. Whether you're a seasoned educator or a newcomer to the profession, the city promises lessons beyond the classroom walls and stories that last a lifetime.