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Teach English in Fiji: Requirements, Salary, Jobs

Bula! Welcome to Fiji, a Pacific paradise made up of over 300 islands boasting pristine beaches, lush tropical forests, and a rich cultural tapestry. Known for its warm hospitality, Fiji is not just a top tourist destination, it's an emerging hub for education and English teaching. The nation's growing emphasis on quality education, coupled with its multicultural background, offers unique opportunities for English educators. Dive into the ins and outs of teaching English in Fiji, from requirements and remuneration to job openings and the best locations.

Navigating Fiji's Educational Waters

The Fijian archipelago, renowned for its breathtaking vistas and friendly locals, is also home to an evolving educational ecosystem. As Fiji steadily moves towards global prominence, there's an increasing emphasis on quality education, and English, as an official language, plays a crucial role in this.

Historical Legacy: The British colonization left English as an indelible mark on Fiji's linguistic landscape. Post-independence in 1970, English remained one of Fiji's official languages, alongside Fijian and Fiji Hindi.

Education System Overview: Fiji's education is divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. English is taught as a core subject right from primary school. The curriculum, while rooted in Fijian culture, draws influences from international educational standards, preparing students for global opportunities.

Demand for English: As Fiji expands its horizons, welcoming tourists, forging international partnerships, and establishing itself in global markets, proficiency in English has become more critical than ever. This has bolstered the demand for quality English education.

Multicultural Classroom: Fijian classrooms are a microcosm of the nation's diverse population, which includes indigenous Fijians, Indo-Fijians, and smaller communities of Pacific Islanders, Europeans, and Chinese. This diversity adds a layer of richness and complexity to the teaching experience.

Local vs. International Schools: While local schools follow the national curriculum set by the Fijian Ministry of Education, international schools in Fiji might adhere to British, American, or other international curricula. The choice between these depends on one's teaching credentials and personal preference.

Requirements to Teach English in Fiji

To ensure that students receive top-notch education, Fiji maintains specific criteria for educators looking to teach within its shores. Whether you're a fresh graduate or a seasoned teacher, understanding the prerequisites is the first step to securing a teaching position.

Basic Qualifications

Bachelor's Degree: A minimum of a Bachelor's degree is typically required. For those looking to teach English specifically, degrees in English, Literature, or related fields can be advantageous.

Teaching License or Certificate: A teaching license from your home country or a recognized teaching certification, such as PGCE, is often sought after by schools in Fiji.

TEFL/TESOL/CELTA: While not always mandatory, having a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), or CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) can be a significant advantage, especially if you aim to teach in language schools or offer private tuition.

Experience Matters

Many reputable schools prefer candidates with a few years of teaching experience, especially at the level or subject they intend to teach.

Cultural Sensitivity and Adaptability

Given Fiji's diverse classroom environment, teachers should be culturally sensitive, adaptable, and open-minded. The ability to understand and respect local customs and traditions goes a long way in ensuring a harmonious teaching experience.

Background Checks

Prospective teachers should be ready for background checks. Schools want to ensure the safety of their students, so a criminal record check from your home country might be a prerequisite.

Work Visa and Permits

Non-residents must secure a proper work visa to teach in Fiji. Typically, once you receive a job offer, your employing school will guide you through the work permit process.

Language Proficiency

While English is an official language, knowing the basics of Fijian or Fiji Hindi can be beneficial, though not compulsory. It can help in day-to-day interactions and also endear you to the local community.

By ensuring that your credentials align with Fiji's requirements, you not only increase your chances of landing a teaching position but also demonstrate your commitment to providing the best possible education to your future students.

Earning in the Islands: Deciphering Salary Structures

Embarking on a teaching career in Fiji is not just about the allure of its sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters; it's also crucial to understand the financial landscape. Fiji, being a developing nation, may not offer salaries comparable to Western standards, but when juxtaposed with the local cost of living, the earnings often prove sufficient and sometimes even lucrative.

Public Schools

Teachers in the public education system in Fiji have their salaries determined by the Fijian Ministry of Education. While these may not be as high as in international schools, they come with certain benefits like job stability.

Private and International Schools

These schools often have a higher salary bracket, influenced by the school's funding, reputation, and curriculum. Perks may include housing allowances, flight reimbursements, and medical insurance.

Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL) Positions

Language schools, NGOs, or community centers might offer TESOL positions. Salaries here can vary widely based on the institution's funding and the teacher's experience and qualifications.

Private Tutoring

Many educators supplement their income through private English lessons. With English being in demand, there's a potential for significant earnings in this sector, especially if you cater to students preparing for exams or business professionals.

Cost of Living

Fiji's cost of living is lower than in many Western countries. Essentials like food, local transportation, and housing are relatively affordable, especially outside tourist hotspots. However, imported goods can be pricier.

Contractual Details

When considering a position, always examine the contract's finer points. Understand the terms related to work hours, additional duties, holiday entitlements, and termination clauses.

Tax Implications

Fiji has a progressive tax system. Ensure you're familiar with the tax obligations as an expatriate. Your employing institution will usually provide guidance on this.

Teaching Terrains: Spotlight on Job Opportunities

Fiji's captivating landscapes are mirrored by its diverse teaching opportunities. From bustling urban centers to serene island communities, teaching positions span a spectrum of environments and institutions.

Public Schools

Fiji’s public schools, funded by the government, are distributed across its islands. These institutions cater primarily to local students. Teaching in a public school often means a deeper immersion into Fijian culture and communities, allowing educators to form genuine bonds with locals.

Private Schools

Typically situated in larger towns and cities, private schools in Fiji might cater to a more diverse student body, including expatriates. They often have smaller class sizes, better resources, and a curriculum that might differ from the national standard.

International Schools

These institutions cater mainly to expatriate families and might follow curricula like the International Baccalaureate (IB) or the British A-Levels. Positions in these schools often come with attractive packages and a more global classroom demographic.

Language Centers

With the growing emphasis on English proficiency, there are a handful of language centers focusing on English instruction. These cater to individuals of all ages, from children to adults seeking to improve their business English.

Volunteer Teaching

For those looking for a more altruistic endeavor, Fiji has various NGOs and community organizations seeking volunteers to teach English, especially in rural or underprivileged areas. While these roles might not be financially rewarding, they offer a different kind of fulfillment.

Higher Education

There are opportunities in tertiary institutions, especially for those with advanced degrees and specialized expertise. The University of the South Pacific, based in Suva, is one of the prominent institutions in the Pacific region.

Online Teaching

With the global shift towards digital learning, there's a growing market for online English education. Teachers based in Fiji can tap into this, teaching students from all over the world, right from the comfort of their island home.

Best Places to Teach English in Fiji

When one thinks of Fiji, images of serene beaches, swaying palm trees, and clear blue waters might dominate the mind. However, when it comes to teaching, the locations and environments can be as varied as the subjects taught.


As the capital city, Suva is the political, economic, and educational heart of Fiji. It houses several reputed schools, including international ones, and the prominent University of the South Pacific. Suva's urban vibe, combined with its cultural landmarks, makes it an attractive destination for many educators.


Known as the gateway to Fiji due to its international airport, Nadi is a bustling town with a mix of cultures. Several schools and language centers cater to its diverse population, providing ample opportunities for educators.


Often referred to as the "Sugar City" due to its sugar cane production, Lautoka offers a blend of urban life with a touch of the rural. Schools here cater to a mix of local and expatriate students.


Located on Vanua Levu, Fiji's second-largest island, Labasa is an essential educational center in the northern region. Teachers here get a chance to experience a more traditional Fijian lifestyle.

Rural and Remote Islands

For those seeking a truly immersive experience, teaching in one of Fiji's smaller islands or remote villages might be the answer. While resources might be limited, the chance to make a significant impact is immense. These positions often come with unique challenges but offer unparalleled insights into traditional Fijian life.

International Schools and Resorts

Some of Fiji's luxury resorts offer educational facilities for the children of their guests and staff. Teaching in such a setting can be a unique experience, with a blend of luxury and local culture.

Volunteer Programs

Various islands and regions might not have structured educational institutions but are part of volunteer programs. These programs aim to uplift communities and offer basic English education.

Charting Your Fijian Adventure: Taking the Leap into Teaching

Having acquainted yourself with Fiji's teaching landscape, requirements, and opportunities, you might be eager to set sail. But, as with any journey, careful planning ensures smoother sailing. Here's a roadmap to kickstarting your teaching adventure in this Pacific paradise:

Research and Preparation

Immerse yourself in comprehensive research. From understanding the education system to familiarizing yourself with cultural nuances, knowledge is your compass.

Gather Your Documents

Make sure all your credentials, including degrees, certifications, and background checks, are in order and appropriately authenticated for international use.


Join online forums, teaching associations, or Facebook groups dedicated to teaching in Fiji. Engaging with current or former teachers can provide valuable insights and might even lead to job referrals.


Target specific schools or institutions aligned with your aspirations. While general job boards are useful, visiting the websites of schools or educational organizations can yield more focused opportunities.

Attend Interviews

Whether in-person, if you're already in Fiji, or via video calls, be prepared to showcase not just your teaching prowess but also your adaptability and enthusiasm for Fijian culture.

Secure the Work Visa

Upon receiving a job offer, liaise with your employing school or institution regarding the visa process. Ensure all paperwork is diligently completed to avoid any bureaucratic hiccups.

Arrive and Acclimatize

Once in Fiji, give yourself time to adjust. Understand local customs, pick up basic phrases, and immerse in the community. This will not only enrich your teaching experience but also your life in Fiji.

Continuous Learning

The world of education is ever-evolving. Attend local workshops, engage in community events, or even learn traditional Fijian crafts or dances. Such experiences enhance your teaching toolkit and foster deeper connections with your students.

Embrace and Enjoy

While challenges are part and parcel of any journey, focusing on the positive, embracing the Fijian 'Bula' spirit, and immersing in the island's beauty will make your teaching stint in Fiji a memorable chapter of your life.

Remember that teaching in Fiji is not just about imparting knowledge, it's about cultural exchange, mutual learning, and forging connections that last a lifetime. So, dive in and let the Fijian islands be the backdrop to your teaching story.