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Teach English in Finland: Requirements, Salary, Jobs

Teach English in Finland

There are several reasons why someone might choose to teach English in Finland:

  • High demand for English teachers: English is a widely spoken language in Finland and there is a high demand for qualified English teachers in the country.

  • Strong education system: Finland has a strong education system and is known for its high-quality schools. Teaching English in Finland can provide an opportunity to be a part of this system and contribute to the education of Finnish students.

  • High standard of living: Finland is known for its high standard of living, with excellent public services, a strong social safety net, and a low crime rate.

  • Beautiful natural surroundings: Finland is home to a wide range of natural beauty, from forests and lakes to islands and archipelagos. It is an ideal place for those who enjoy outdoor activities and appreciate the beauty of nature.

  • Cultural exchange: Teaching English in Finland can provide an opportunity to learn about Finnish culture and customs, and to make connections with the local community.

  • Career advancement: Teaching English in Finland can provide valuable experience and improve language skills, which can be beneficial for career advancement.

What are the requirements to teach English in Finland?

To teach English in Finland, you will typically need to meet the following requirements:

  • A bachelor's degree: Most teaching positions in Finland require at least a bachelor's degree, preferably in a related field such as education or linguistics.

  • A teaching certification: To be eligible to teach in Finland, you will typically need to have a teaching certification, such as a TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) or CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) certification.

  • Language proficiency: You will need to have a high level of proficiency in English in order to teach it effectively. This may include demonstrating language skills through a language test, such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

  • Cultural awareness: It is important to be aware of and sensitive to Finnish culture and customs, as you will be working with students and colleagues from a variety of cultural backgrounds.

  • Other qualifications: Some schools may require additional qualifications, such as experience teaching English as a second language or a master's degree in education. It is always a good idea to check the specific requirements of the school or organization you are applying to teach with.

What salary can you earn as an English teacher in Finland?

The salary for an English teacher in Finland can vary depending on a number of factors, including your qualifications, experience, and the type of school or organization you are working for.

The minimum salary for a teacher in Finland is around €2,700 per month for a full-time position. This amount may vary based on your level of education and experience.

Experienced teachers with advanced degrees and additional qualifications may earn higher salaries. It is always a good idea to check the salary offered by the specific school or organization you are considering working for, as it may differ from the minimum salary guidelines.

In addition to salary, many teaching positions in Finland also offer additional benefits such as housing assistance, health insurance, and paid vacation time.

What is the cost of living in Finland?

The cost of living in Finland is generally high compared to many other countries. Prices for goods and services, such as housing, food, and transportation, are generally higher in Finland than in many other countries. However, the high standard of living in Finland, as well as the country's strong social safety net and excellent public services, may make up for the higher costs.

Here are some estimates of the cost of living in Finland:

  • Rent: The cost of rent in Finland can vary depending on location and the size and type of accommodation. A one-bedroom apartment in a city center can cost around €800-1,200 per month, while a three-bedroom apartment in a suburb may cost around €1,500-2,000 per month.

  • Food: The cost of food in Finland is generally higher than in many other countries. A weekly grocery bill for one person can cost around €40-80, depending on personal preferences and habits.

  • Transportation: Public transportation in Finland is generally reliable and efficient, but can be expensive. A monthly public transportation pass can cost around €50-80, depending on the region. The cost of owning and operating a car in Finland is also high, due to factors such as high fuel prices and taxes.

  • Entertainment: The cost of entertainment in Finland can vary depending on personal preferences. A movie ticket can cost around €10-15, while a meal at a mid-range restaurant can cost around €30-50.

Overall, it is important to budget carefully and consider the costs of living in Finland when planning your finances.

The best places to teach English In Finland

There are many great places to teach English in Finland, as the country has a strong education system and a high demand for English teachers. Here are a few cities and regions that may be particularly good options for teaching English in Finland:

  • Helsinki: As the capital and largest city in Finland, Helsinki has a large number of schools and educational institutions that may be looking for English teachers. It is also a vibrant city with a rich cultural scene and many opportunities for leisure and entertainment.

  • Turku: Located on the southwest coast of Finland, Turku is the fifth largest city in the country and home to several universities and colleges. It has a rich history and a thriving cultural scene, making it a great place to live and work.

  • Tampere: Located in southern Finland, Tampere is the third largest city in the country and home to several universities and colleges. It is known for its lively cultural scene and strong industrial history.

  • Oulu: Located in northern Finland, Oulu is the sixth largest city in the country and home to several universities and colleges. It is known for its high-tech industry and strong academic community.

  • Lapland: Located in the far north of Finland, Lapland is known for its stunning natural beauty and unique culture. It is home to several small schools and may be a good option for those looking for a more rural teaching experience.

Overall, it is important to research the specific schools and regions you are considering teaching in to determine which may be the best fit for you.

Living in Finland

Finland is a great place to live, with a high standard of living, excellent public services, and a strong social safety net. Here are a few things to consider if you are thinking about living in Finland:

  • Cost of living: As mentioned earlier, the cost of living in Finland is generally high compared to many other countries. It is important to budget carefully and consider the costs of housing, food, transportation, and other expenses when planning your finances.

  • Climate: Finland has a cold and snowy climate, with long winters and short, cool summers. It is important to be prepared for the weather and to have warm clothing and footwear.

  • Language: Finnish and Swedish are the official languages of Finland, and many Finns are also fluent in English. While it is not necessary to learn Finnish to live in Finland, it can be helpful to learn some basic phrases and be aware of cultural customs.

  • Healthcare: Finland has an excellent healthcare system, with universal coverage and high-quality care. All residents and citizens of Finland are entitled to healthcare services, which are funded through taxes.

  • Cultural customs: Finland has a rich cultural heritage and a unique way of life. It is important to be respectful of local customs and traditions, and to be open to learning about and experiencing Finnish culture.

Overall, living in Finland can be a rewarding experience, with the opportunity to enjoy a high standard of living and take part in the country's rich cultural heritage.

Some facts About Finland

Here are some facts about Finland:

  • Finland is a country located in Northern Europe, bordered by Russia to the east, Sweden to the west, and Norway to the north.

  • The official languages of Finland are Finnish and Swedish, both of which are members of the Finno-Ugric language family.

  • The population of Finland is about 5.5 million people. The majority of the population is Finnish, but there are also significant minority groups of Swedes and Russians.

  • The capital and largest city of Finland is Helsinki.

  • The currency of Finland is the Euro.

  • Finland has a mixed economy that includes elements of both a market economy and a welfare state. The country is known for its high standard of living and strong social safety net. It is also a major exporter of forestry and paper products, as well as technology and design.

  • Finland is a parliamentary republic, with a president as the head of state and a prime minister as the head of government.

  • Finland is a member of the United Nations, the European Union, and the NATO.

  • Finland has a rich cultural history, with influences from its Scandinavian, Baltic, and Russian past. The country is known for its folk music, dance, and design.

  • Finland is home to a number of natural attractions, including the Lapland region, the Finnish Lakeland, and the Archipelago Sea National Park. The country is also known for its forests, which cover about 75% of its land area.