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Teach English in Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt, often referred to as the "Gateway to Europe," is a bustling metropolis situated in the heart of Germany. With its iconic skyline, which has earned it the nickname "Mainhattan" (a portmanteau of the Main River and Manhattan), the city serves as a major financial hub, housing the European Central Bank and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. But beyond its modern skyscrapers and economic prowess, Frankfurt is a city rich in history, culture, and tradition. Its medieval Römer square, Goethe House, and numerous museums attest to its storied past and cultural depth. As Germany's transportation hub, it's interconnectedness to both Europe and the world makes it an ideal destination for expatriates, including those seeking opportunities to teach English.

Reasons to Teach English in Frankfurt

  1. Economic Powerhouse: As one of Europe's primary financial centers, Frankfurt attracts professionals from all over the world. This global influx creates a demand for English language skills, both for business and social integration.

  2. Cultural Melting Pot: With a significant expatriate population, there's a continuous exchange of cultures, languages, and ideas. Teaching English here means you're contributing to this vibrant intercultural dialogue.

  3. Quality of Life: Frankfurt consistently ranks high for its quality of life. Its efficient public transportation system, green spaces like the Palmengarten, and cultural festivities such as the Frankfurt Book Fair make it a desirable place to live and work.

  4. Historical Significance: While teaching, educators can immerse themselves in Frankfurt's rich history, from visiting medieval buildings to exploring museums that document the city's evolution.

  5. Central Location: Frankfurt's strategic location and its status as a transportation hub make traveling across Europe both convenient and affordable. Weekend trips to neighboring countries can become a regular delight.

  6. Diverse Student Base: Given the city's global nature, English teachers in Frankfurt often find themselves instructing a diverse set of students, ranging from corporate professionals to children of international residents.

  7. Professional Development: Numerous institutions and language schools in Frankfurt offer opportunities for English teachers to further hone their skills and advance in their careers.

Understanding Frankfurt's Education Landscape

Frankfurt's education system reflects the broader structure of the German education framework, with a distinct emphasis on its international character. As a global hub for finance and trade, the city has a plethora of international schools, business-focused language institutions, and universities that cater to its diverse population. Kindergartens, Grundschulen (primary schools), and secondary schools, both public and private, are spread throughout the city. Many of these institutions offer bilingual programs, wherein English becomes an integral component of the curriculum. Beyond the conventional schools, Frankfurt is home to many language schools that cater specifically to adults, often business professionals, looking to improve their English for work-related purposes.

Eligibility and Requirements to Teach English in Frankfurt

The requirements to teach English in Frankfurt will be similar to the standard requirements for teaching English in Germany, however, here are the specific requirements for Frankfurt:

  1. Bachelor's Degree: Most institutions require teachers to possess at least a bachelor's degree in any subject. A degree in education, linguistics, or English can be an added advantage.

  2. TEFL/TESOL Certification: A certification in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) is often required, especially by language schools.

  3. Native English Speaker: Being a native speaker from countries like the USA, UK, South Africa, Australia, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, and Ireland can be beneficial. However, non-native speakers with strong proficiency can also find opportunities.

  4. Teaching Experience: Some institutions may require previous teaching experience, though many language schools are open to hiring teachers new to the profession.

  5. Clean Criminal Record: A background check is standard procedure for most teaching jobs.

  6. Knowledge of German: While not a strict requirement for all positions, having a basic understanding of German can be beneficial, especially for day-to-day living and communicating with school administration and parents.

Salary and Benefits for Teaching English in Frankfurt

  1. Competitive Salary: Teachers can expect to earn between €1,500 to €2,500 per month, depending on their qualifications, the institution, and the hours they work.

  2. Contract Duration: Typically, contracts range from 6 months to 2 years. Some positions, especially at international schools, may offer longer contracts.

  3. Working Hours: Full-time positions usually require 20 to 30 teaching hours per week, with additional time for preparation and grading.

  4. Benefits: While benefits can vary by employer, some common perks include health insurance, paid vacation, and professional development opportunities. International schools often provide more comprehensive benefits packages.

  5. Opportunity for Private Tutoring: Many teachers supplement their income by offering private lessons, which can range from €20 to €50 per hour, based on experience and the client's needs.

  6. Cost of Living: While Frankfurt is one of the more expensive cities in Germany, the salary for English teachers is usually sufficient to live comfortably, especially when shared accommodation or housing subsidies are considered.

Choosing to teach English in Frankfurt not only offers a competitive salary and benefits but also provides teachers with an enriching cultural and professional experience in one of Europe's premier cities.

Living in Frankfurt

Frankfurt, fondly known as "Mainhattan" due to its impressive skyline and location along the River Main, is an exciting mix of tradition and modernity. As a central hub for finance, commerce, culture, and education, the city offers its residents a quality of life that's hard to surpass. But beyond the skyscrapers and corporate offices lies a city steeped in history, with a rich cultural tapestry that has much to offer to those willing to delve deep. Let's explore what life might look like for an English teacher living in Frankfurt.

Vibrant City Life

Frankfurt's compact size means that most amenities are within walking distance or a short ride on its efficient public transportation system. Whether it's browsing through the boutique shops in the Fressgass, taking a leisurely stroll along the River Main, or exploring the plethora of museums on Museumsufer, there's no shortage of activities to fill one's free time.

Cultural Melting Pot

Being one of the most international cities in Germany, over a third of Frankfurt's population has an international background. This diversity is reflected in its vibrant cultural scene, from festivals to food. The city boasts a wide array of international restaurants, catering to every palate.

Green Spaces

For those who appreciate nature, the city offers numerous parks and green spaces. The Palmengarten, one of the largest botanical gardens in Germany, is a popular spot for relaxation and leisure.

Cost of Living

While Frankfurt is one of the pricier cities in Germany, it's still affordable compared to other major European cities. Rent can be a significant expense, but sharing accommodation or living outside the city center can reduce costs. Food, entertainment, and transportation are reasonably priced, especially when using student or teacher discounts.


Although German is the official language, Frankfurt's international character means that English is widely spoken, especially in business circles and among the younger population. Nevertheless, picking up some basic German phrases can go a long way in daily interactions and is appreciated by locals.

Rich History

Frankfurt has a rich history that dates back to Roman times. The Römer, a medieval building in the Altstadt that has been the city hall for over 600 years, stands as a testament to its historical significance. Moreover, Frankfurt was the birthplace of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Germany's most famous writer, and his former home is now a museum.

Festivals and Events

Throughout the year, Frankfurt hosts a variety of festivals and events. From the lively Dippemess funfair and the traditional Christmas market to the Frankfurt Book Fair, there's always something happening.

Teacher Stories

Emma from the UK

Emma, originally from London, ventured to Frankfurt in search of a fresh start. "I had always been intrigued by German culture and the language," she recalls. "Frankfurt felt like the right blend of urban energy and historical charm." Her teaching journey began at a local language school, where she found her students, primarily business professionals, eager to learn. "The enthusiasm of my students and their dedication to mastering the language is what made my teaching experience in Frankfurt truly memorable."

Jackson from Australia

A surfer from Sydney, Jackson had his reservations about moving to a landlocked city like Frankfurt. But his desire to explore Europe and its rich history was too strong to resist. "I'd always thought of Germany as this land of castles, forests, and fairy tales," he says, "but teaching in Frankfurt introduced me to the country's modern, dynamic side." He often incorporated fun activities and field trips to the city's landmarks in his lessons, making learning English a holistic experience for his students.

Siobhan from Ireland

Coming from Dublin, Siobhan felt an immediate connection with Frankfurt's rich literary history. "Knowing that I was walking the same streets as Goethe was truly inspiring," she shares. Siobhan worked at a private school and often collaborated with local artists and writers to bring a creative flair to her English lessons. "Frankfurt has a vibrant arts scene, and I wanted my students to appreciate that while improving their language skills."

Maya from South Africa

Maya's journey to Frankfurt was unexpected. A chance meeting with a German traveler in her hometown of Cape Town led her to consider teaching English in Germany. "Frankfurt was an adjustment, especially the winters," she laughs. But the warmth of her colleagues and students made her feel at home. "The best part was the cultural exchange. I introduced them to South African history and idioms, and in return, learned so much about German traditions and festivals."

Moving Towards Teaching English In Frankfurt

Taking the leap to teach English abroad is not just about the job; it's about immersing oneself in a new culture, building connections, and growing both professionally and personally. Frankfurt, with its cosmopolitan spirit, rich history, and dynamic urban landscape, offers a unique setting for English teachers.

Frankfurt's strategic location in the heart of Europe also means that teachers can easily explore neighboring countries during breaks, making it a perfect base for those with a wanderlust. The city's international character ensures that English teachers are always in demand, and the opportunities for cultural exchange are endless.

If you're seeking a teaching experience that blends professional growth with cultural enrichment, Frankfurt beckons. It's a city that promises new adventures, lasting friendships, and unforgettable memories. So, pack your bags, embrace the challenge, and embark on a teaching journey in Frankfurt. The city and its students await you.