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Teach English in Ireland: Requirements, Salary, Jobs

Known for its lush landscapes, vibrant cities, and rich history and culture, Ireland presents an attractive destination for educators worldwide. While it's globally recognized for its literary legends like James Joyce and W.B. Yeats, the country also values and invests in education, making it a haven for teachers. Whether you're drawn by the call of its iconic cliffs, the allure of its folktales, or the promise of a pint of Guinness after class, teaching English in Ireland promises an experience like no other. Dive in to understand the requirements, potential earnings, job opportunities, and the best locales to kickstart your teaching journey on the Emerald Isle.

The Irish Educational Landscape: A Glimpse

At the heart of Ireland lies a profound respect for education, stemming from its age-old traditions, historical struggles, and its continuous drive towards modernity. The education system here is not just a conduit for academic knowledge but also a platform for inculcating values, preserving heritage, and fostering creativity.

Primary Education (Bunscoil)

Foundation of Knowledge: Beginning at age 4 or 5, primary education in Ireland focuses on imparting basic literacy, numeracy, and personal development skills. This phase spans eight years, culminating in the primary certificate.

Secondary Education (Meánscoil)

Journey towards Specialization: Lasting six years, secondary education is divided into a three-year Junior Cycle, followed by an optional Transition Year, and culminating in a two-year Senior Cycle. Students undergo the Junior Certificate exams and eventually, the Leaving Certificate exams, which play a pivotal role in university admissions.

Tertiary Education

Diverse Paths: Whether it's attending a university, an institute of technology, or a college of education, tertiary education in Ireland is multifaceted. English, being a core subject, finds significant emphasis in various disciplines, from arts to engineering.

English Language Schools

Catering to Global Learners: With the rise in global mobility and Ireland's strategic location, there's been a surge in English language schools. These cater predominantly to international students, offering courses ranging from basic proficiency to advanced business English.

Gaelic and Bilingual Education

Preserving Linguistic Heritage: Gaelic, or Irish, is not just a language but a symbol of national identity. There are dedicated 'Gaelscoileanna' (Gaelic schools) and many mainstream schools offer bilingual education, ensuring the language thrives alongside English.

Literature and Cultural Integration

Ireland's literary giants, from Samuel Beckett to Seamus Heaney, find their way into the curriculum. This intertwining of literature and history offers English teachers a unique canvas to blend linguistic skills with cultural appreciation.

Teacher Training and Continuous Development

The Irish government and educational bodies place a strong emphasis on teacher training, ensuring that educators are equipped with the latest methodologies and pedagogical tools.

Eligibility and Qualifications: Mapping Your Credentials

If you're contemplating a teaching stint in Ireland, understanding the qualifications and eligibility criteria is paramount. The Irish education system, while accommodating, has a set of standards to ensure quality education across its institutions. Here's a structured breakdown of what you need to know to make your teaching aspirations in Ireland a reality.

Recognized Qualifications

Teaching Council of Ireland: This is the professional body for teachers in Ireland. To teach in publicly funded schools, you must be registered with the Council, and this requires recognized qualifications.

Primary Level: Typically, a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) degree or a postgraduate degree in education is needed for primary school teaching.

Secondary Level: A degree in the subject you wish to teach, followed by a Postgraduate Master's in Education, is the standard pathway.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

Accreditation: While there's an abundance of TEFL courses available, it's crucial to opt for one that's globally recognized. A minimum of 120 hours of training, including practical teaching experience, is often recommended.

Language Schools: For English language schools in Ireland catering to international students, a TEFL, TESOL, or CELTA qualification is typically required.

Experience and Additional Credentials

Teaching Practice: Most qualifications, especially for primary and secondary education, mandate a period of supervised teaching practice in schools.

Vetting: All teachers in Ireland must undergo vetting by the National Vetting Bureau. This ensures the safety and well-being of students.

Recognition of International Qualifications

If you've gained your qualifications outside Ireland, the Teaching Council will assess them. There's a dedicated route for trained teachers migrating to Ireland, ensuring their credentials align with Irish standards.

Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

Staying updated is a cornerstone of the teaching profession in Ireland. Regular workshops, seminars, and courses are available, with some being mandatory for maintaining Teaching Council registration.

Language Proficiency:

If English isn't your first language, demonstrating proficiency through exams like IELTS or TOEFL might be required, especially for roles in English language schools.

Decoding the Irish Pay Scale: What's in Your Wallet?

When considering a teaching role in Ireland, an integral aspect is understanding the salary structure. The remuneration for teachers in Ireland is competitive, reflecting the country's commitment to attracting and retaining top educational talent. Here, we delve into the nuances of the pay scale, highlighting factors that influence earnings and offering a holistic view of the financial landscape for educators.

Base Salary

Starting Figures: A newly qualified teacher's starting salary in Ireland is respectable and serves as a stable foundation. Over time, with experience and additional qualifications, this figure can see substantial growth.

Differentials: The salary can vary based on the level of education you're teaching (primary vs. secondary) and the nature of the institution (public vs. private).

Increments and Progression

Regular increments are a feature of the Irish teaching profession. Based on years of service and continuous professional development, teachers can expect periodic salary hikes. Qualification Allowances:

Ireland offers allowances for teachers with postgraduate qualifications. So, if you possess a Master's or Ph.D., you might be eligible for an additional amount over your base salary.

Additional Responsibilities

Taking on extra responsibilities, such as becoming a department head, managing extracurricular activities, or engaging in administrative roles, can lead to supplementary earnings.

Urban vs. Rural Divide

While the base salary structures are consistent across the country, living costs can differ. Urban centers like Dublin might offer slightly higher salaries to offset the increased cost of living.

Contractual Nature

Permanent, full-time positions naturally come with a higher salary and added benefits. However, temporary or part-time roles are also available, which might have a prorated pay scale.

Benefits and Perks

Beyond the paycheck, the teaching profession in Ireland often comes with additional benefits. These can include pension schemes, health insurance contributions, and paid leaves. Some institutions also assist with accommodation or provide travel allowances.

Teaching English to Foreign Students

If you're in the realm of TEFL, salaries might be structured differently, often based on hourly rates. The demand during peak tourist seasons, especially in cities known for their educational tourism, can also influence earnings.

Job Prospects: From Gaelic Heartlands to Modern Metropolises

The varied landscapes of Ireland echo its educational prospects: diverse, vibrant, and brimming with opportunities. Whether you're eyeing the bustling life of cities like Dublin or Cork, or the serene charm of counties like Galway or Kerry, there's a teaching role that awaits. Let's navigate the job landscape to discern where your skills and aspirations can find the best fit.

Public Schools

Stability and Structure: As the backbone of the Irish education system, public schools offer roles in both primary and secondary education. With structured curriculums and a diverse student body, these positions provide both stability and a chance to make a significant impact.

Private Institutions

Niche Opportunities: Private schools, often following alternative curriculums or specialized pedagogies, offer a different classroom experience. They might also have a higher student-to-teacher ratio, ensuring more personalized teaching.

English Language Schools

For the Global Audience: As Ireland's popularity among international students grows, so does the demand for English language teachers. These positions are ideal for those with TEFL, TESOL, or CELTA qualifications. The job roles can range from short-term, intensive courses to longer, more comprehensive programs.

Universities and Higher Education

Specialized Roles: If you possess advanced degrees and have a penchant for research or specialized subjects, Irish universities and institutes of technology offer numerous positions. From lecturing roles to research assignments, the scope is vast.


Embracing the Native Tongue: If you're proficient in Gaelic, the Gaelscoileanna offer a unique blend of teaching English while preserving the linguistic heritage. These institutions, found across Ireland, are an integral part of the country's educational fabric.

Online and Freelance Roles

Flexibility First: With the digital age in full swing, there's a surge in demand for online English tutors catering to global audiences. Additionally, freelance training roles, especially in corporate sectors or for specific projects, are on the rise. Teaching Immigrants and Refugees:

Social Impact: Several organizations and initiatives focus on helping immigrants and refugees integrate into Irish society through language training. These roles, while challenging, offer immense gratification.

Support and Administrative Roles

Beyond the Classroom: If you're looking to diversify, there are numerous roles in curriculum development, educational research, counseling, and administrative tasks in educational institutions.

Ireland's Teaching Hotspots: Best Places to Educate and Explore

Teaching in Ireland offers more than just a fulfilling career; it's a chance to immerse oneself in a land of captivating beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture. Knowing where to position yourself can influence both your professional journey and personal experiences. Here's a curated list of locales that stand out for educators:


The Capital Advantage: As Ireland's capital, Dublin is an educational hub with renowned institutions, a plethora of English language schools, and a bustling international community. Beyond work, Dublin's history, nightlife, and arts scene are bound to captivate.


Southern Charm: Known as the 'real capital' by its residents, Cork is a blend of traditional Irish culture and modernity. Its universities, colleges, and schools are known for their quality, making it an attractive spot for educators. The nearby coastal towns add to its allure.


The Cultural Heartland: Often termed as Ireland's most 'Irish' city, Galway is known for its music, arts, and festivals. Teachers here can immerse themselves in Gaelic culture while benefiting from a tight-knit educational community.


Riverside Renaissance: Limerick, nestled by the River Shannon, boasts of esteemed educational institutions and a revitalized city center. Its position makes it a strategic point for educators looking to balance urban life with the tranquillity of nature.


Historic Port City: As Ireland's oldest city, Waterford offers educators a journey through time. The city's schools and colleges are complemented by its Viking heritage, crystal craftsmanship, and coastal beauty.


Natural Wonder: For those looking to teach in a serene setting, Sligo, with its stunning landscapes inspired by the likes of W.B. Yeats, is ideal. The town offers quality educational institutions set against a backdrop of mountains and beaches.

Belfast (Northern Ireland)

Bridging Histories: While technically in Northern Ireland, Belfast's educational scene is vibrant. The city's history, from the Titanic to its political past, provides a rich context for educators.

English Language School Hotspots

Tourist Centers: Cities like Kilkenny, Killarney, and Dingle, known for their tourist appeal, also house numerous English language schools catering to international learners.

Rural Opportunities

Community Connect: Several educators find unmatched satisfaction in teaching in rural communities, where schools are integral to local life. Places like Clare, Kerry, and Donegal offer such opportunities.

Envisioning Your Irish Odyssey: Steps to Teaching in the Emerald Isle

Launching a teaching career in Ireland requires more than just passion and qualifications. It demands a strategic approach, an understanding of the local regulations, and a vision for your future. Let’s simplify this journey with a step-by-step guide to establishing yourself as an educator in Ireland:

Determine Your Eligibility

Qualifications Check: Begin by ensuring your academic qualifications align with Ireland's requirements. Typically, a bachelor's degree in education or a related field is a minimum. For TEFL roles, certifications like TESOL, TEFL, or CELTA are essential.

Registration with the Teaching Council

Official Recognition: To teach in publicly funded schools, registration with the Teaching Council of Ireland is mandatory. The process involves a thorough check of your qualifications, professional experience, and character references.

Job Hunt

Multiple Avenues: Leverage job portals, educational institution websites, recruitment agencies, and even local newspapers. Remember to network, as many positions, especially in rural areas, are filled through word-of-mouth.

Understand Work Permits and Visa Requirements

Legal Clearance: Non-EU/EEA citizens might require a work permit. Familiarize yourself with the types of permits available and the one that aligns with your job offer.

Adapt to the Irish Curriculum

Local Pedagogy: The Irish curriculum, while comprehensive, might differ from what you're used to. Invest time in understanding its nuances, grading systems, and teaching methodologies.

Professional Development

Stay Updated: Ireland places a significant emphasis on continuous professional development (CPD). Engage in workshops, seminars, and courses to enhance your skills and stay updated.

Secure Accommodation

Comfort Matters: While some institutions might assist with housing, it's essential to find a place that suits your comfort and budget. Websites, local agents, or even school notice boards can be invaluable resources.

Embrace the Local Culture

Integration: The more you integrate, the more rewarding your experience will be. Engage in local festivals, learn basic Gaelic phrases, and explore the Irish countryside during school breaks.

Financial Planning

Budgeting: Understand the cost of living in your chosen city, set up a local bank account, and ensure you're aware of taxation norms.

Connect and Collaborate

Networking: Join teacher associations, engage in community projects, and collaborate with fellow educators. These connections can be instrumental in personal and professional growth.

Embarking on an educational journey in Ireland promises not only a fulfilling career but also a life enriched by the nation's history, culture, and natural beauty. With a roadmap in hand, envisioning and realizing your Irish odyssey becomes an exciting and achievable dream.