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Teach English in Jerusalem, Israel

Jerusalem, the capital city of Israel, stands as a tapestry of history, religion, and culture. Nestled in the Middle Eastern region, it is revered as one of the holiest cities by three of the world's major religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. For thousands of years, its ancient walls have witnessed the rise and fall of empires, religious fervor, and countless pilgrimages. The city, with its winding alleys, golden stones, and iconic landmarks, offers a unique blend of the past and the present. Modern cafes stand side by side with age-old markets, while the call to prayer reverberates alongside church bells. For teachers looking to embark on an unparalleled cultural journey while sharing the gift of the English language, Jerusalem offers an exceptional destination.

Reasons to Teach English in Jerusalem

  1. Cultural Immersion: Jerusalem offers teachers a deep dive into a mosaic of cultures and histories. Every corner of the city tells a story, making it a living classroom for both teachers and students alike.

  2. High Demand for English Teachers: As a global city with a vibrant tourism industry, there's a rising demand for English to cater to tourists, businesses, and locals seeking to expand their global horizons.

  3. Chance to Learn New Languages: Living in Jerusalem offers the opportunity to pick up Hebrew or Arabic, enhancing one's linguistic repertoire.

  4. Unique Teaching Environment: Jerusalem's diverse population means that as an English teacher, one might find themselves teaching a class comprising of Jewish, Muslim, and Christian students, making the teaching experience rich and varied.

  5. Living in a Historical Epicenter: Few places in the world offer the chance to live and work in a city that has influenced the course of history and religion as profoundly as Jerusalem.

  6. Connection to the Abrahamic Faiths: For those with a deep-seated interest in the Abrahamic religions, teaching in Jerusalem offers an immersive experience into their histories and traditions.

  7. A Diverse Culinary Scene: Jerusalem's food is as diverse as its people. From traditional Middle Eastern dishes to contemporary fusions, the culinary delights are endless.

  8. Engage in Local Festivals and Traditions: Witnessing and participating in various religious festivals and local traditions can be a profound experience, deepening one's understanding of global cultures.

  9. Contribute to Cross-cultural Understanding: In a city where diverse groups coexist, English teachers can play a role in bridging gaps and fostering understanding through language.

  10. Explore Israel: Jerusalem serves as a great base to explore the rest of Israel, from the beaches of Tel Aviv to the Negev desert's tranquility.

Understanding Jerusalem's Education Landscape

Jerusalem's education system mirrors the diversity of its population. With a mix of public, private, and religious schools catering to its Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and Armenian communities, the city has a wide-ranging educational framework. English is a fundamental subject in the Israeli curriculum, and Jerusalem, being a focal point for international interactions, places a high emphasis on the language. Furthermore, there are several language schools and institutions specifically aimed at teaching English to adults, professionals, and tourists.

International schools in Jerusalem also offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) and other globally recognized curricula, further increasing the demand for qualified English teachers. Besides formal educational settings, there are opportunities for private tutoring, especially catering to the expatriate community and business professionals.

Eligibility and Requirements to Teach English in Jerusalem

The requirements to teach English in Jerusalem will be similar to the standard requirements for teaching English in Israel, however, here are the specific requirements for Jerusalem:

  1. Bachelor's Degree: Most schools and language institutions in Jerusalem require teachers to have at least a bachelor's degree, preferably in education, English, or a related field.

  2. TEFL/TESOL Certification: A TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) or TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certification is often mandatory, especially for those without a degree in education.

  3. Teaching Experience: Previous teaching experience, while not always compulsory, can significantly enhance job prospects and salary potential.

  4. Criminal Background Check: Many institutions will require a clean criminal background check.

  5. Proficiency in English: For non-native speakers, proof of proficiency in English might be required, such as an IELTS or TOEFL score.

  6. Understanding of the Local Culture: While not a formal requirement, having a basic understanding of Jerusalem's intricate cultural and religious tapestry can be a significant advantage in the classroom.

Salary and Benefits for Teaching English in Jerusalem

The salary for English teachers in Jerusalem can vary based on the institution, qualifications of the teacher, and the level of teaching. On average, teachers can expect to earn:

  • Public Schools: Approximately 6,000 to 9,000 Israeli New Shekels (ILS) per month.
  • Private Language Institutes: Around 7,000 to 10,000 ILS per month.
  • International Schools: Salaries can range from 10,000 to 15,000 ILS per month, depending on qualifications and experience.


  • Many institutions provide health insurance as part of the employment package.
  • Contracts may include paid holidays and end-of-contract bonuses.
  • Opportunities for private tutoring can augment the income, with rates typically ranging from 80 to 150 ILS per hour.

It's essential to remember that the cost of living in Jerusalem can be relatively high, especially in more central areas. However, with careful budgeting, teachers can lead a comfortable life and even save a portion of their income.

Living in Jerusalem

Living in Jerusalem is a unique experience, blending ancient history with modern living. This city, which is sacred to three of the world's major religions, offers a kaleidoscope of cultures, sounds, and tastes that can be both exhilarating and overwhelming.

Cultural and Historical Significance:
At every turn, one is reminded of the city's profound historical and religious significance. Landmarks like the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque are not just tourist attractions but active places of worship, pulsating with devotion and fervor.

Diverse Population:
The city's population is a mix of Jews, Muslims, and Christians, each group residing in different quarters of the city. This diversity can be seen in the festivals, rituals, and daily life in Jerusalem.

Local Cuisine:
The food in Jerusalem is a reflection of its diverse population. From delicious falafels and hummus to savory shawarmas and sweet baklavas, the local cuisine is sure to tantalize your taste buds.

Cost of Living:
Living in Jerusalem can be more expensive than other parts of Israel. Renting an apartment in the city center can be particularly costly, but moving a bit away from the heart of the city can be more affordable.

Safety and Politics:
While Jerusalem is generally safe for residents and tourists, it's essential to be aware of the city's political significance and occasional tensions. Keeping abreast of local news and avoiding demonstrations or protests is always a good idea.

Public Transportation:
The city has a well-connected public transportation system, including buses, light rail, and shared taxi services called "sheruts."

Local Etiquette:
Given the city's religious significance, it's advisable to dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites.

Jerusalem experiences a Mediterranean climate, with hot summers and cool, rainy winters. The city's elevation means it can occasionally receive snowfall in winter.

Leisure and Entertainment:
Beyond its historical and religious sites, Jerusalem offers a vibrant arts and culture scene. The city boasts numerous museums, theaters, and galleries, such as the Israel Museum, which houses the Dead Sea Scrolls. Mahane Yehuda Market, with its myriad of stalls, eateries, and bars, becomes a hub of activity, especially during the evening.

Facts about Jerusalem:

  • Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world, with a history that dates back to ancient times.
  • The city is located at an elevation of 754 meters (2,474 ft) making it one of the highest cities in the Middle East.
  • The Old City of Jerusalem was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1981.
  • Jerusalem has over 2,000 archaeological sites.
  • Hebrew and Arabic are the official languages of Jerusalem, with English widely spoken, especially in the tourism and business sectors.

Teacher Stories

Sarah from the USA

"When I first arrived in Jerusalem, I was overwhelmed by its deep-rooted history and the daily life that buzzes amidst such ancient surroundings. Teaching English here is an experience like no other. My students, from diverse backgrounds, bring rich perspectives to the classroom. We don't just learn languages; we exchange stories, traditions, and beliefs. On weekends, I explore the Old City, tasting foods from bustling markets and engaging in conversations with locals. While there are challenges, given the region's political landscape, the warmth of the people and the city's undeniable charm make it all worth it."

Liam from Ireland

"Teaching in Jerusalem is as much a learning experience for me as it is for my students. The passion with which locals hold onto their traditions and faith is awe-inspiring. As someone who loves history, I'm constantly amazed at how it lives on in every alley and stone. My students are eager to learn, and our classes often turn into cultural exchange sessions. And yes, being in the heart of such a significant city does mean there are tensions, but the friendships I've forged and the experiences I've gathered are irreplaceable."

Chloe from New Zealand

"Coming from the serene landscapes of New Zealand to the historically dense streets of Jerusalem was a jolt. But, it's a decision I'll never regret. My students range from young adults to professionals wanting to expand their global opportunities. Their resilience and determination, set against the backdrop of a city that has seen centuries of change, are inspiring. I've also had the chance to learn Hebrew and a bit of Arabic, making my stay here even more enriching."

Naledi from South Africa

"Jerusalem is a city of stories, and every day here adds a new chapter to my tale. My students are a mix of hope, ambition, and tradition. While I teach them English, they've taught me about perseverance, faith, and the intricate tapestry of cultures that Jerusalem is. The city has its complexities, and there are days when the weight of its history can be felt profoundly. But, every sunset over the golden stones of the city and the laughter-filled classrooms make the journey unforgettable."

Moving Towards Teaching English In Jerusalem

Choosing to teach English in Jerusalem is more than just an employment opportunity; it's an immersion into a world where the past and present coexist, where every corner tells a story, and where the spirit of humanity shines bright even in the face of challenges.

Teaching in this ancient city offers an unparalleled chance to engage with a melting pot of cultures, traditions, and histories. It demands sensitivity, adaptability, and an open heart ready to embrace diversity in all its forms. For educators, Jerusalem isn't just a workplace, but a classroom in itself, where every interaction is a lesson and every experience a testament to the enduring spirit of the city.

So, if you're looking for a teaching journey that transcends textbooks and classrooms, and dives deep into the annals of history, faith, and humanity, Jerusalem beckons. Embrace the challenge, cherish the rewards, and become a part of this city's ever-evolving narrative.