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Teach English in Kazakhstan: Requirements, Salary, Jobs

Teach English in Kazakhstan

There are several reasons why you might want to consider teaching English in Kazakhstan:

  • Cultural exchange: Kazakhstan is a diverse and culturally rich country with a long history, and teaching English there can be a great opportunity to learn about the culture and way of life of the local people.

  • Professional development: Teaching English as a foreign language can be a rewarding and challenging career, and teaching in Kazakhstan can provide you with valuable experience and professional development opportunities.

  • Good pay and benefits: English language teachers in Kazakhstan generally earn good salaries and often receive additional benefits such as housing, airfare, and medical insurance.

  • Beautiful country: Kazakhstan is a country with a varied and stunning landscape, from the snow-capped mountains of the Tian Shan range to the rolling steppes and vast deserts. It's a great place to live and work if you enjoy the outdoors.

  • Easy visa process: The process for obtaining a work visa to teach English in Kazakhstan is generally straightforward, and the country has a welcoming and supportive environment for foreign teachers.

Overall, teaching English in Kazakhstan can be a fulfilling and enriching experience that allows you to make a positive impact in the lives of others while also gaining new skills and perspectives.

What are the requirements to teach English in Kazakhstan?

The specific requirements for teaching English in Kazakhstan may vary depending on the employer and the type of position. However, some common requirements for teaching English in Kazakhstan include:

  • A bachelor's degree: Most employers in Kazakhstan require applicants to have a bachelor's degree in any field.

  • A teaching qualification: Many employers in Kazakhstan require applicants to have a teaching qualification, such as a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate.

  • English language proficiency: As you will be teaching English in Kazakhstan, it is important to have a high level of English language proficiency.

  • A clean criminal record: Some employers in Kazakhstan may require a criminal background check as part of the hiring process.

  • A valid passport: You will need a valid passport to work in Kazakhstan.

In addition to these requirements, it is also important to be adaptable, flexible, and culturally sensitive when working in a foreign country.

Do you need to speak Kazakh to teach English in Kazakhstan?

It is not typically a requirement to speak Kazakh in order to teach English in Kazakhstan. Most English language teaching positions in Kazakhstan are designed for native or near-native English speakers to teach English to speakers of other languages. As such, it is generally not necessary to speak Kazakh in order to be hired for these positions.

However, learning some basic phrases in Kazakh or Russian (which is widely spoken in Kazakhstan) may be helpful for navigating daily life in the country and building rapport with your students. In addition, being able to speak a little bit of the local language can be a sign of respect and can help you to better understand and appreciate the culture of Kazakhstan.

What salary can you earn as an English teacher in Kazakhstan?

The salary that you can earn as an English teacher in Kazakhstan will depend on a number of factors, including your qualifications, experience, and the specific location and type of position. In general, salaries for English teachers in Kazakhstan are likely to be lower than those in some other countries, although the cost of living in Kazakhstan is also generally lower.

The average monthly salary for an English teacher in Kazakhstan is around $500-700 per month. This amount may vary depending on your employer and the specific terms of your employment contract. In some cases, English teachers in Kazakhstan may also receive additional benefits, such as housing, airfare, and medical insurance.

It is important to carefully research and negotiate your salary and benefits when applying for teaching positions in Kazakhstan, and to ensure that you have a clear understanding of the terms of your employment before accepting a job.

What is the cost of living in Kazakhstan?

The cost of living in Kazakhstan can vary depending on the specific location and your personal lifestyle. However, in general, the cost of living in Kazakhstan is lower than in many other countries.

According to data from Numbeo, the cost of living in Kazakhstan is generally lower than the global average. For example, the cost of housing, groceries, and transportation in Kazakhstan is generally lower than the global average, while the cost of healthcare and education is slightly higher.

In terms of specific expenses, the cost of rent in Kazakhstan can vary depending on the location and type of housing. For example, a one-bedroom apartment in the city center of Almaty, the largest city in Kazakhstan, may cost around $350-450 per month, while a similar apartment in a more suburban area may cost around $250-350 per month. The cost of groceries in Kazakhstan is generally lower than in many other countries, with a basic basket of goods costing around $100-150 per month.

Overall, the cost of living in Kazakhstan is generally lower than in many other countries, which can be beneficial for those working and living in the country.

The best places to teach English in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is a large country located in Central Asia, with a rich cultural heritage and a diverse population. Here are some of the best places to consider teaching English in Kazakhstan:

  • Astana: Astana is the capital and largest city in Kazakhstan, and it is home to a number of international schools and language centers that may be looking for English teachers.

  • Almaty: Almaty is the largest city in Kazakhstan and is located in the southeast of the country. It is home to a number of international schools and language centers that may be looking for English teachers.

  • Shymkent: Shymkent is a city located in the south of Kazakhstan and is known for its universities and cultural sites. It is home to a number of private schools and language centers that may be looking for English teachers.

  • Other cities and towns: There may also be opportunities to teach English in other cities and towns in Kazakhstan, such as Karaganda, Pavlodar, and Taraz.

It is worth noting that the demand for English teachers in Kazakhstan may vary depending on the location and the specific school or institution you are applying to. It is always a good idea to research and compare different job opportunities before accepting a position to ensure that you are getting a fair salary and working conditions.

Living in Kazakhstan

Living in Kazakhstan can be a rewarding and enriching experience, as it allows you to immerse yourself in a new culture and learn about the local way of life. Kazakhstan is a diverse country with a rich history and culture, and there are many interesting and unique things to see and do.

If you are planning to live in Kazakhstan, there are a few things you should consider:

  • Visa and work permit: Depending on your nationality, you may need to obtain a visa and work permit in order to live and work in Kazakhstan. It is important to research the specific requirements and to start the process as early as possible.

  • Housing: Finding a place to live in Kazakhstan can be a challenge, especially if you are new to the country. It is a good idea to research your options in advance and to consider factors such as location, cost, and amenities.

  • Health insurance: It is important to have health insurance when living in Kazakhstan, as the cost of healthcare can be expensive. Many employers offer health insurance as part of their employment package, but it is a good idea to research your options and ensure that you have coverage that meets your needs.

  • Cultural adaptation: Living in a foreign country can be a challenging but rewarding experience. It is important to be adaptable and open to new experiences, and to make an effort to learn about and understand the local culture.

Overall, living in Kazakhstan can be a fulfilling and enriching experience that allows you to learn about a new culture and make new connections.

Some facts About Kazakhstan

Here are some facts about Kazakhstan:

  • Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world by land area, covering an area of over 2.7 million square miles.

  • It is located in Central Asia and shares borders with Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan.

  • The population of Kazakhstan is around 18.7 million people, with the majority being ethnic Kazakhs. There are also significant minority groups including Russians, Uzbeks, and Uighurs.

  • The official language of Kazakhstan is Kazakh, although Russian is also widely spoken.

  • The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana (now known as Nursultan), which was named the capital in 1997. It is located in the north-central part of the country and is known for its futuristic architecture.

  • Kazakhstan has a diverse economy that includes industries such as oil and gas, mining, agriculture, and manufacturing.

  • The country has a rich cultural heritage, with a history that dates back over 3,000 years. It is home to a number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi and the Petroglyphs within the Archaeological Landscape of Tamgaly.

  • Kazakhstan is also home to a number of natural attractions, including the Altai Mountains, the Caspian Sea, and the vast steppes that make up much of the country's landscape.

  • The currency of Kazakhstan is the Kazakhstani tenge.

  • The climate in Kazakhstan is continental, with cold winters and hot summers. The country is known for its wide temperature variations, with temperatures ranging from -40°C (-40°F) in the winter to over 40°C (104°F) in the summer.