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Teach English in Krakow, Poland

Krakow, often referred to as the "Jewel of Poland," is a city steeped in history, culture, and charm. Nestled on the banks of the Vistula River, it was once the royal capital of Poland and has witnessed several pivotal events in European history. Today, the city stands as a harmonious blend of its storied past and contemporary dynamism. Its well-preserved medieval core and Jewish quarter beckon tourists, while the lively squares and alleyways teem with students, artists, and locals. As the country's academic and cultural heart, Krakow is also becoming an increasingly attractive destination for those looking to teach English abroad.

Reasons to Teach English in Krakow

  1. Historical Significance: Teaching in Krakow is not just about imparting language skills but also delving into its rich tapestry of history. From the stunning Wawel Castle to the sobering Auschwitz-Birkenau nearby, educators often find themselves amidst living lessons of resilience and history.

  2. Vibrant Student Scene: Home to Jagiellonian University, one of the oldest in the world, and several other educational institutions, Krakow has a vibrant student population. This creates a high demand for English teachers, especially for those catering to students and young professionals.

  3. Cultural Festivals: Krakow is renowned for its numerous festivals, ranging from film and music to literature and art. These events offer teachers a delightful way to immerse themselves in Polish culture and traditions.

  4. Cost of Living: Compared to many Western European cities, Krakow boasts a relatively lower cost of living. This allows teachers to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without the exorbitant expenses.

  5. Central European Hub: Krakow's strategic location makes it a gateway to explore other parts of Central and Eastern Europe. Weekend getaways to cities like Prague, Budapest, or Vienna are convenient and affordable.

  6. Warm and Welcoming Locals: The Polish people are known for their warmth and hospitality. As an English teacher, you'll find students eager to learn and locals curious about your background and culture.

  7. Local Delicacies: For the food enthusiasts, teaching in Krakow means indulging in Polish delicacies like pierogi, kielbasa, and paczki. The city's culinary scene is a delightful blend of traditional tastes and modern interpretations.

Understanding Krakow's Education Landscape

Krakow, with its esteemed educational legacy, has always been a beacon of learning in Poland. The city boasts a myriad of schools, universities, and private institutions, making it a fertile ground for educators from around the world. The education system here aligns with the broader Polish standards but is characterized by its emphasis on culture, arts, and history, given Krakow's unique historical significance.

Language learning, especially English, is highly prized. With Poland's integration into the European Union and Krakow's emerging role as a business hub, English proficiency has become a vital skill. Consequently, there's a notable demand for English teachers in private language schools, public schools, and even for private tutoring sessions. Moreover, given the city's thriving student population, many university students seek English courses to bolster their career prospects.

Eligibility and Requirements to Teach English in Krakow

The requirements to teach English in Krakow will be similar to the standard requirements for teaching English in Poland, however, here are the specific requirements for Krakow:

  1. Bachelor's Degree: Most schools and institutions in Krakow prefer candidates with a bachelor's degree. The field of study doesn't always need to be in education or linguistics, but having a degree related to these fields can be advantageous.

  2. TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certification: While some institutions might hire you without one, having a TEFL, TESOL, or CELTA certification undoubtedly broadens your prospects and might be a requisite for many reputable schools.

  3. Teaching Experience: Previous teaching experience can be beneficial, especially for higher-paying positions or for roles in prestigious schools. However, there are plenty of opportunities for novice teachers too.

  4. Native English Speaker: Being a native speaker from countries like the USA, UK, South Africa, Australia, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, or Ireland can be a significant advantage, though it's not always a strict requirement.

  5. Knowledge of Polish: Not a necessity, but having a basic understanding of Polish can ease daily life and classroom management, especially if you're teaching younger students.

  6. Work Permit: Non-EU citizens will require a work permit to teach in Poland. Many schools assist with this process, especially if they are keen on hiring you.

Salary and Benefits for Teaching English in Krakow

Teaching English in Krakow can be a rewarding experience, both culturally and financially. Here's a general overview of what you can expect:

  1. Salary: Monthly salaries for English teachers in Krakow typically range from 2,500 to 4,500 PLN. Factors influencing pay include the type of institution, your qualifications, and teaching experience.

  2. Health Insurance: Health insurance is usually provided by the employer, especially if you have a formal contract.

  3. Contract Duration: Contracts typically last for an academic year, with the possibility of renewal. Some institutions also offer shorter-term contracts or summer programs.

  4. Vacation: Teachers usually get paid vacations during major Polish holidays and school breaks. Additionally, many teachers take on private tutoring during these breaks to supplement their income.

  5. Teaching Hours: On average, teachers can expect to work 20-25 hours a week, excluding preparation time. Private tutors might have varied schedules based on their clientele.

Living in Krakow

Nestled on the banks of the Vistula River, Krakow, one of Poland's oldest cities, strikes a beautiful balance between its rich history and the vibrancy of modern-day European life. Living in Krakow offers an immersive experience in Polish culture, history, and lifestyle, making it a unique destination for English teachers from around the globe. Here's a glimpse into life in this charming city:

The Historical Heart

Krakow's Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a maze of cobbled streets, historical monuments, and atmospheric squares. The Main Market Square (Rynek Główny) is one of Europe's largest medieval town squares, boasting iconic landmarks like St. Mary's Basilica and the Cloth Hall (Sukiennice).

Culinary Delights

Polish cuisine is hearty and flavorful, and Krakow offers countless spots to savor traditional dishes like pierogi, żurek, and bigos. The city is also teeming with cafes, serving up Poland's famous pastries and desserts. Don't forget to try the local obwarzanek krakowski, a bagel-like bread that's a Krakow specialty.

Green Spaces

Despite its historical ambiance, Krakow isn't devoid of green spaces. Planty Park encircles the Old Town, offering a serene spot for strolls. Additionally, the Vistula Riverbanks provide scenic walking and cycling paths.

Cultural Experiences

From its Jewish heritage in the Kazimierz district to the regal Wawel Castle, Krakow is a hub of cultural experiences. The city hosts numerous festivals throughout the year, celebrating everything from music to film and food.

Cost of Living

While Krakow is one of Poland's major tourist destinations, the cost of living remains relatively affordable. A meal at a mid-range restaurant will cost around 80-120 PLN, and a monthly transportation pass is approximately 100 PLN. Housing costs, as mentioned earlier, vary but are generally reasonable compared to Western European cities.

Safety and Community

Krakow is considered a safe city, with low crime rates. The locals are friendly and hospitable, and there's a growing community of expats and international students, making it easier for newcomers to find a sense of belonging.


While Polish is the official language, many younger residents and professionals in the tourism sector speak English. Learning a few basic Polish phrases, however, can greatly enhance your experience and connection with locals.

Teacher Stories

Sarah from the UK:

"I always dreamt of living in a city where every corner told a story, and Krakow did not disappoint. Teaching English here gave me an opportunity to not only share my language but also immerse myself in a culture so deep-rooted in history. From sharing tales of the Wawel Dragon with my students to enjoying pierogis post-classes in the local eateries, every day felt like a chapter from a historical novel."

Liam from New Zealand:

"The juxtaposition of old-world charm and modernity in Krakow fascinated me. My stint as an English teacher here was interspersed with moments of awe - be it the haunting beauty of the Wieliczka Salt Mine or the vibrant energy of the Main Market Square. The city offered an incredible backdrop to my teaching journey."

Amelia from Canada:

"As someone passionate about history, Krakow felt like the right place to teach. The city, with its tales of resilience and cultural richness, offered countless opportunities for interactive lessons. My students and I often took walks in the Planty Park, discussing English idioms while soaking in the beauty of the city."

Connor from South Africa:

"The first thing that struck me about Krakow was its warmth. Not the weather, mind you, but its people. Teaching English here, I was often invited to local homes, events, and festivals. The city's tapestry of traditions, foods, and stories added depth to my teaching experience."

Moving Towards Teaching English In Krakow

Embarking on a journey to teach English in Krakow is not just about imparting language skills but also about embracing the myriad experiences the city has to offer. As one of Poland's cultural and historical epicenters, Krakow provides a unique backdrop for educators to integrate real-world experiences into their teaching methods. From exploring the echoing chambers of Wawel Castle to understanding Poland's complex history at the Schindler's Factory, every aspect of Krakow can be a learning opportunity.

Teaching in Krakow is not just a job, but a cultural exchange - a two-way street where you share your language and, in return, receive the gift of unforgettable memories, insights, and friendships.

If you're considering taking the leap, remember that Krakow is waiting with its arms wide open, ready to welcome you into its age-old embrace, and into its classrooms filled with eager learners.