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Teach English in Quito, Ecuador

Quito, the capital city of Ecuador, stands tall and proud as one of the highest capital cities in the world. Nestled amidst the Andean mountains, it serves as a gateway to the country's incredible natural treasures, from the Amazon rainforest to the famed Galapagos Islands. As a UNESCO World Heritage site, the city is an architectural and cultural gem, with its well-preserved colonial center, rich indigenous heritage, and bustling markets. The blend of the traditional and the modern, the indigenous and the colonial, make Quito a city of contrasts, teeming with experiences waiting to be discovered.

Reasons to Teach English in Quito

  1. Cultural Immersion: Teaching in Quito offers an opportunity to immerse oneself in Ecuador's rich tapestry of cultures. From learning traditional Quechua phrases to engaging with the local festivals, it’s an educator's dream.

  2. Growing Demand for English: As Ecuador continues to expand its global footprint in trade and tourism, the demand for English proficiency is on the rise. This means a steady stream of students eager to learn and more opportunities for teachers.

  3. Gateway to Natural Wonders: On weekends or school breaks, teachers can explore Ecuador's diverse landscapes. From the depths of the Amazon to the heights of the Andes and even further afield to the Galapagos Islands, there's always a new adventure waiting.

  4. Affordable Living: Compared to many Western cities, Quito offers a more affordable cost of living. This allows teachers to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle and even save up for travels.

  5. Warm and Welcoming Locals: Ecuadorians are known for their warmth and hospitality. As a teacher, you'll not only be welcomed into classrooms but also into homes and communities.

  6. Diverse Student Base: Teachers in Quito often find themselves teaching a mix of students, from young children to professionals. This diversity can make for an enriching teaching experience, catering to different learning needs and aspirations.

  7. Preservation of Indigenous Culture: Quito provides a unique opportunity to learn and even integrate indigenous knowledge and culture into the teaching curriculum. With a significant indigenous population, there's much to learn and share in the classroom setting.

Understanding Quito's Education Landscape

Quito, being the capital city of Ecuador, has a diverse educational landscape. There are a variety of institutions ranging from public schools and universities to private language centers. With the increasing globalization and the rise of tourism, there's been a notable emphasis on bilingual education in recent years. This has sparked a growing demand for qualified English teachers in schools, universities, and private language institutes.

Many of the city's well-established schools aim to provide a bilingual education, often requiring students to sit for international English examinations. In addition to traditional schools, there are a number of language institutes in Quito catering to adults looking to improve their English for business or travel.

Eligibility and Requirements to Teach English in Quito

The requirements to teach English in Quito will be similar to the standard requirements for teaching English in Ecuador, however, here are the specific requirements for Quito:

  1. Bachelor's Degree: Most institutions in Quito require a bachelor's degree, though not necessarily in education or English.

  2. TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certification: A TEFL (Teach English as a Foreign Language) or similar certification is typically required, especially for those without a degree in education.

  3. Native English Speaker: Being a native speaker from countries like the USA, UK, South Africa, Australia, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, and Ireland can be advantageous, though some institutions also hire fluent non-native speakers.

  4. Previous Teaching Experience: While not always mandatory, prior teaching experience can be beneficial for securing higher-paying positions.

  5. Clean Criminal Record: A background check or proof of no criminal record might be requested by some institutions.

  6. Flexibility and Cultural Sensitivity: As with teaching in any foreign country, being adaptable and culturally sensitive is crucial in Ecuador.

Salary and Benefits for Teaching English in Quito

  1. Competitive Salary: English teachers in Quito can expect to earn between $600 to $1,200 per month, depending on the institution, qualifications, and hours worked.

  2. Health Insurance: Health benefits are often provided by employers, but it's advisable to have a backup or supplementary health insurance plan.

  3. Contract Length: Contracts typically range from 6 months to a year, with possibilities for renewal.

  4. Paid Vacations: Paid vacations are generally in line with the school's holiday calendar. Teachers at private institutions might find fewer holidays than those in public schools.

  5. Professional Development: Some institutions offer or subsidize professional development opportunities, including workshops, courses, or even further TEFL certifications.

  6. End-of-Contract Bonus: Some schools offer a bonus upon successful completion of the contract, which can be a percentage of the salary or a fixed amount.

Living in Quito

Quito, the capital of Ecuador, is uniquely positioned more than 2,800 meters above sea level in the Andean foothills. This stunning city stretches out over a narrow plateau and is flanked by soaring mountain peaks. Living in Quito is a blend of the ancient and modern, where colonial history intersects with a bustling contemporary urban life. Here's a glimpse of life in this high-altitude city.

Geography and Climate

Perched in the Andes, Quito offers a mild, relatively consistent climate throughout the year, often referred to as the "eternal spring". However, due to its altitude, the sun can be intense during the day, while nights tend to be cooler. Rain is most common during the afternoons in the wetter months.

Cultural Heritage

Quito boasts a beautifully preserved historic center, which was one of the first places to be declared a UNESCO World Heritage site. Cobblestone streets, colonial churches, and monasteries tell tales of the city's rich past. The city's churches, particularly the Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús, are famed for their intricate and ornate interiors.

Cost of Living

In comparison to many Western cities, Quito is relatively affordable. Local markets like Mercado Central offer fresh produce at low prices, and local eateries serve hearty meals that won't break the bank. However, imported goods can be more expensive. Accommodation, both rented and purchased, is reasonably priced, especially when compared to North American or European standards.

Local Cuisine

Quito offers a blend of indigenous and Spanish cuisines. Traditional dishes to try include "locro de papa" (a rich potato soup), "llapingachos" (cheese-filled potato cakes), and "cevichochos" (a ceviche-style dish made with chocho beans).


Quito has an extensive bus network that covers the city, and taxis are plentiful and relatively inexpensive. The city is also in the process of introducing a metro system to further improve its public transportation offerings.


Like many large cities, it's essential to be cautious and aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded areas or during late hours. Some neighborhoods are safer than others, so it's a good idea to seek local advice on where to go and where to avoid.


While Spanish is the official language, many residents, especially in the tourism and service sectors, speak English. However, knowing some basic Spanish phrases can be both helpful and appreciated by locals.

Activities and Entertainment

From visiting the equatorial line at "La Mitad del Mundo" to exploring local parks like Parque La Carolina, there's plenty to do. Quito is also a gateway to other fascinating places in Ecuador, such as the Amazon Rainforest or the Galapagos Islands.

Teacher Stories

Sarah from the UK

"When I first arrived in Quito, the altitude took some getting used to, but the warm and welcoming nature of the Ecuadorians made the transition much smoother. Teaching English here has been such a rewarding experience. My students are eager to learn, and they've taught me so much about their culture in return. Weekends exploring the historic center or hiking in the surrounding Andes have been an absolute treat!"

Mike from South Africa

"Quito is a city of contrasts. One moment you're walking through centuries-old streets, and the next you're in a bustling modern neighborhood. As a teacher, it's been fascinating to understand these contrasts better through the eyes of my students. The food, music, and festivals here are unlike any I've experienced before."

Kylie from Australia

"I'd always wanted to visit South America, and teaching English in Quito gave me that opportunity. The city is beautifully located, and the views from my apartment window are breathtaking. My school has been supportive, and the students are passionate about learning English. It's also been great to travel around Ecuador during the holidays!"

Aiden from New Zealand

"As an adventurer at heart, Quito's proximity to so many natural wonders was a big draw for me. But what's kept me here for over two years is the sense of community. My colleagues and students have become like family. We've shared festivals, birthdays, and many potluck dinners. It's a cultural exchange every day, both inside and outside the classroom."

Moving Towards Teaching English In Quito

Making the decision to teach English abroad is always a significant step, filled with excitement, anticipation, and naturally, a touch of apprehension. Quito, with its rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty, offers a unique teaching environment. Beyond the classroom, the city and its surroundings provide endless opportunities for exploration and personal growth.

So, as you contemplate the next step in your teaching journey, consider Quito. It's not just about imparting knowledge, but also about broadening your horizons and becoming part of a global community. The Andean city awaits with open arms and a promise of unforgettable memories.