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Teach English in Rabat, Morocco

Nestled on the Moroccan coastline, Rabat stands tall as the nation's capital and holds a unique blend of history and modernity. This city, with its emblematic blue and white tones, offers an intimate look into Morocco's multifaceted culture. Rabat is home to iconic sites such as the Hassan Tower and the Mausoleum of Mohammed V, blending architectural marvels from its historical past with its burgeoning contemporary scene. Its coastal positioning along the Atlantic Ocean also provides a refreshing backdrop for its bustling streets and dynamic energy. As the administrative and political heart of Morocco, Rabat is an increasingly cosmopolitan city, making it a fascinating destination for teaching English.

Reasons to Teach English in Rabat

  1. Cultural Immersion: Rabat offers a distinct mix of Berber, Arab, and French cultures. Teaching here will not just be an employment opportunity but an immersive experience into Morocco's rich tapestry of traditions.

  2. Growing Demand for English: With Rabat's stature as a political and administrative hub, there's an increasing demand for English, especially among young professionals aiming to make their mark in international forums.

  3. Quality of Life: The city offers a relatively high quality of life compared to other Moroccan cities, with a touch of modernity without the overwhelming hustle found in more tourist-heavy cities.

  4. Proximity to Other Destinations: Located strategically, Rabat is a stone's throw away from other enchanting Moroccan cities, making weekend getaways to places like Casablanca or Chefchaouen easily feasible.

  5. Historical Significance: Teaching in Rabat provides an opportunity to live amidst sites of great historical and cultural significance, from ancient ruins to the modern-day medina.

  6. Warm Community: The Moroccan emphasis on community and hospitality ensures that expats, including teachers, are warmly welcomed and quickly find themselves embraced by local communities.

  7. Coastal Beauty: Being a coastal city, Rabat offers beautiful beaches, providing a serene escape from the daily routine and an excellent spot for relaxation during off-teaching hours.

Understanding Rabat's Education Landscape

Rabat, as the capital of Morocco, has a diverse education landscape that ranges from public to private institutions, international schools, and language centers. Given its status, Rabat sees an amalgamation of students from diverse backgrounds, including children of diplomats, international business professionals, and locals. The demand for English has grown significantly due to globalization and Morocco's increased engagements with English-speaking countries. English is perceived as a tool for better job prospects, which has led to a surge in English language schools and programs.

Language centers cater mainly to adults looking to learn English for business or travel. International schools in Rabat often follow the British or American curriculum and require teachers with experience in those educational systems. On the other hand, private and public schools have started incorporating English lessons from an early age, reflecting the importance of the language in the country's educational strategy.

Eligibility and Requirements to Teach English in Rabat

The requirements to teach English in Rabat will be similar to the standard requirements for teaching English in Morocco, however, here are the specific requirements for Rabat:

  1. Bachelor’s Degree: Most institutions require a bachelor's degree, although the field of study can vary.

  2. TEFL/TESOL Certification: A certification in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) is highly preferred, if not mandatory, for most teaching positions.

  3. Teaching Experience: International schools especially may require a minimum of 2 years of prior teaching experience.

  4. Native English Speaker: Many institutions prioritize native English speakers from countries like the USA, UK, South Africa, Australia, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, and Ireland. However, non-native speakers with a strong command of the English language and relevant qualifications can also find opportunities.

  5. Background Check: A criminal background check is often required, especially when working with younger students.

  6. Knowledge of Arabic or French: While not a strict requirement, knowing some basic Arabic or French (given Morocco's bilingual nature) can be an asset both in the classroom and daily life.

Salary and Benefits for Teaching English in Rabat

The salary and benefits for teaching English in Rabat can vary widely based on the institution, your qualifications, and experience:

  1. Salary: On average, English teachers can expect to earn between $800 to $1,500 per month. International schools at the higher end may offer more competitive salaries.

  2. Contract Duration: Contracts typically last for a school year, with the potential for renewal. Some language centers might offer shorter-term contracts.

  3. Teaching Hours: The average teaching week ranges from 20 to 30 hours, with additional hours set aside for preparation, meetings, and extracurricular activities.

  4. Vacation: Teachers can expect national holidays off and might get extended breaks during Ramadan and summer, depending on the institution.

  5. Visa Sponsorship: Reputable institutions will often assist with visa sponsorship and the necessary work permits.

  6. Other Benefits: Some institutions may offer benefits such as health insurance, end-of-contract bonuses, or professional development opportunities.

It's essential to thoroughly research and negotiate contracts, ensuring that both parties have a clear understanding of terms and conditions.

Living in Rabat

Rabat, the capital of Morocco, gracefully straddles the line between the historical and contemporary. Situated along the Atlantic coast, it's a city that offers a unique blend of modern urban design and rich historical tapestry. For English teachers considering a stint in Rabat, understanding the local lifestyle, culture, and general environment can help them transition more smoothly.

Geographical and Cultural Splendors

Nestled at the mouth of the Bouregreg River, Rabat is renowned for its serene beaches, lush gardens, and historical landmarks. The Kasbah of the Udayas, a 12th-century fortress, offers panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean and is a testament to Rabat's Moorish heritage. Adjacent to it, the Medina, with its narrow winding streets and bustling markets, is a lively center of traditional commerce and craftsmanship.

Cost of Living

Living in Rabat is generally more affordable than in many Western cities. While accommodation, food, and transportation are relatively cheaper, imported goods can be expensive. Eating local cuisine, shopping at traditional markets, and using public transport can significantly reduce monthly expenses.


Rabat boasts a Mediterranean climate. Summers (June to August) are warm and dry with temperatures ranging from 25°C to 30°C. Winters (December to February) are mild and occasionally wet, with temperatures hovering around 12°C to 20°C.


While Arabic is the official language, French is widely spoken due to Morocco's colonial history. It's beneficial for English teachers to learn some basic phrases in either language to navigate daily life more efficiently. Darija, the Moroccan Arabic dialect, is most commonly spoken on the streets.


Rabat has an efficient transportation network comprising buses, shared taxis (known as grands taxis), and trams. The city's tram system, launched in 2011, is a modern and convenient way to traverse the city.

Food and Cuisine

Moroccan cuisine is celebrated for its rich flavors and diverse dishes. In Rabat, teachers can savor traditional dishes like tagine, couscous, and pastilla. Street food vendors offer delicious treats like msemen (flaky pancakes) and brochettes (kebabs). The city also has a good mix of international restaurants catering to varied palates.


Rabat is generally considered safe for expatriates. However, as in any city, it's advisable to exercise basic precautions, especially at night or in less frequented areas.

Teacher Stories

James from Liverpool, UK

"I always dreamt of combining my passion for teaching with my wanderlust. Rabat, with its intoxicating blend of culture and modernity, seemed an appealing choice. The transition wasn't smooth - I struggled with Darija, the local dialect, and felt overwhelmed by the bustling Medina. But the warmth of the locals and the sheer beauty of places like the Kasbah of the Udayas made it all worthwhile. I teach at a private school and the students are enthusiastic and eager to learn. Their curiosity about my life back in the UK constantly reminds me of the bridges education can build."

Sarah from Toronto, Canada

"Coming to Rabat was a decision influenced by my Moroccan roots. While I was born and raised in Canada, I always felt a pull towards exploring my ancestral land. Teaching English seemed like the best way to integrate and give back. And what an adventure it's been! I've relished Moroccan dishes (the tagine is my favorite!), explored historical sites, and built bonds that I'll cherish forever. Teaching here is not without its challenges - the educational system is different and classroom dynamics can vary. But every day, I learn as much from my students as they do from me."

Liam from Dublin, Ireland

"I landed in Rabat more by chance than by choice. A last-minute placement swap brought me here, and initial apprehension soon gave way to an unexpected love affair with the city. Rabat's tranquil beaches became my solace, and the vibrant hues of the Medina, a source of constant fascination. Teaching English to a diverse age group, from young children to adults, has been a rewarding experience. The mutual exchange of stories, traditions, and aspirations has been the highlight of my journey."

Moving Towards Teaching English In Rabat

Embarking on the journey to teach English in Rabat is not just about sharing language skills but also about embracing a rich tapestry of culture, history, and tradition. Each teacher's journey is unique, filled with challenges and rewards that shape their experiences in profound ways.

Rabat, with its captivating blend of the ancient and contemporary, offers an environment where teaching and learning transcend the confines of a classroom. It's a place where educators can broaden their horizons, immerse themselves in a vibrant culture, and make lasting impacts on the lives of their students.

In Rabat, every lesson taught is also a lesson learned, and every day presents a new opportunity for growth, discovery, and connection.