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Teach English in Rome, Italy

Rome, a city where history and modernity mingle on every corner, where every cobblestone might tell a tale of emperors and gladiators, poets and painters. The Eternal City, as it's fondly called, has beckoned travelers for centuries. With its ancient ruins, renaissance art, and a lively street life, Rome is a feast for the senses.

But beyond its touristic allure, it's also a bustling metropolis, home to international businesses, universities, and a vibrant local culture. For English teachers, Rome offers a unique backdrop to ply their trade, surrounded by the grandeur of history while imparting a language so essential to the modern world.

Reasons to Teach English in Rome

  1. Historical Significance: There's nothing quite like teaching the future generation amidst reminders of the past. The Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and the Pantheon are just some of the historical marvels that you'll pass on your commute to work.

  2. Cultural Immersion: Dive deep into Italian culture, from savoring a fresh plate of 'cacio e pepe' to understanding the nuances of Italian expressions. Teaching in Rome offers a firsthand experience of Italian traditions, festivals, and daily life.

  3. Diverse Student Base: From young students eager to learn a new language, to professionals aiming to expand their global opportunities, to retirees seeking to pick up a new skill – Rome's diverse demographic ensures a varied and interesting teaching experience.

  4. Gateway to Europe: Located centrally in Italy and Europe, Rome serves as a fantastic base for those looking to travel. Whether it's a weekend in the Tuscan countryside or a short flight to another European capital, your adventures are boundless.

  5. Language Exchange: While you teach English, immerse yourself in Italian language courses or casual language exchange meet-ups. It’s a fantastic opportunity to be a student while teaching.

  6. Quality of Life: While Rome is undeniably bustling, there's a laid-back quality to its lifestyle. Enjoy leisurely meals, afternoon siestas, and walks along the Tiber River. The quality of life in Rome is enriched by its art, music, and culinary scenes.

  7. Warm Community: Italians are known for their warmth and hospitality. As a teacher, you'll often find yourself invited to family gatherings, local festivals, and community events – making it easy to forge deep, lasting connections.

  8. Endless Learning: In Rome, every day is a history lesson. Whether you're exploring the Vatican Museums, wandering through Trastevere, or simply enjoying a gelato by the Spanish Steps, there's always something new to discover and learn. This continuous learning enriches your teaching experience, as you bring snippets of history and culture into your classroom.

Understanding Rome's Education Landscape

Rome, as Italy's capital, boasts a robust educational sector, ranging from public schools to private institutions, universities, and language centers. The demand for English proficiency has grown over the years, particularly as Rome is a focal point for international business, tourism, and academia. English language instruction is incorporated into the curriculum of most schools, but there's also a thriving market for private lessons, both for students and for professionals looking to enhance their career opportunities. Furthermore, Rome houses many international schools and universities where English is the primary medium of instruction, further increasing the demand for qualified English teachers.

Eligibility and Requirements to Teach English in Rome

The requirements to teach English in Rome will be similar to the standard requirements for teaching English in Italy, however, here are the specific requirements for Rome:

  1. Bachelor's Degree: Most institutions require a bachelor's degree in any field. However, those with a degree in education, linguistics, or a related field may find more opportunities and higher pay.

  2. TEFL/TESOL Certification: A TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) or TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certification is often mandatory, especially for those without teaching experience.

  3. Italian Proficiency: While not always a requirement, having a basic understanding of Italian can be advantageous. Some schools may prefer or require a certain level of proficiency.

  4. Teaching Experience: Previous teaching experience, while not always mandatory, can open doors to more prestigious schools and higher salaries.

  5. EU Citizenship or Valid Work Visa: As with many European countries, preference is often given to EU citizens due to the complexities of visa sponsorship. However, non-EU citizens who secure a job offer may be sponsored by their employer for a work visa.

  6. Clean Criminal Record: A background check is standard for most teaching positions to ensure the safety of students.

Salary and Benefits for Teaching English in Rome

  1. Competitive Salary: While the cost of living in Rome can be higher than other Italian cities, English teachers can expect a competitive salary, typically ranging from €1,000 to €1,500 per month for full-time positions.

  2. Contract Bonuses: Many schools offer end-of-contract bonuses as an incentive for teachers to complete their contract terms.

  3. Health Insurance: Employers typically provide health insurance, ensuring teachers have access to Italy's high-quality healthcare system.

  4. Paid Vacation: In addition to national holidays, teachers can expect paid vacation, especially during the summer and Christmas breaks.

  5. Professional Development: Opportunities for professional growth, such as workshops, courses, and seminars, are often provided by larger institutions or language chains.

  6. Opportunities for Private Tutoring: Many teachers supplement their income by offering private lessons, which can range from €15 to €30 per hour, depending on the teacher's qualifications and the student's needs.

Remember, while these are general guidelines, individual experiences can vary based on qualifications, negotiations with employers, and the specific institution where one is employed.

Living in Rome

Living in Rome is akin to residing within a vast, open-air museum. Every corner of this iconic city seems to whisper tales from its rich history, which spans millennia. As the capital city of Italy and once the heart of the powerful Roman Empire, Rome effortlessly blends the ancient with the modern, the sacred with the profane.

A Dive into History

Rome, fondly called the "Eternal City," is home to some of the world's most renowned historical sites. The Colosseum, Roman Forum, Pantheon, and the catacombs are just a few testaments to its ancient grandeur. Living in Rome means being continually surrounded by remnants of its storied past, offering endless exploration opportunities.

Vibrant Daily Life

Roman life unfolds amidst bustling markets, such as the Campo de' Fiori, and quaint cobblestone streets. Espresso bars and traditional Roman trattorias line the streets, where locals indulge in delicious Italian dishes like "cacio e pepe" or "carbonara." The lifestyle here is laid-back, characterized by "la dolce vita" or the sweet life, where Romans often take evening strolls, known as "la passeggiata," to socialize and enjoy gelato.

A Hub of Art and Culture

Rome is a haven for art enthusiasts. Aside from the masterpieces in the Vatican Museums, countless churches in Rome contain works by renowned artists like Caravaggio, Bernini, and Michelangelo. Moreover, the city hosts various cultural festivals, film fests, and exhibitions year-round.

Cost of Living

While Rome can be pricier than some other Italian cities, it is generally more affordable than many other European capitals. Renting an apartment in the city center can be expensive, but moving slightly away from the heart of the city can lead to more reasonable rates. Public transportation, including buses and the metro, is relatively affordable and efficient.

Language and Interaction

While many Romans speak English, especially in the service and tourism sectors, having a basic grasp of Italian can enrich your experience. It will not only aid in day-to-day interactions but will also be appreciated by the locals, who value efforts to speak their language.


Rome enjoys a Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. The city looks particularly radiant in spring and autumn, with comfortable temperatures and fewer tourists.

Education and Services

Rome is home to several universities, international schools, and libraries. Healthcare in Rome is of high quality, with numerous public and private hospitals and clinics.

Teacher Stories

Sarah from the USA

"When I first set foot in Rome, it felt like I had walked straight into a history book. Teaching English here allowed me to delve deeper into the Italian culture. My students, eager to learn, often exchanged language lessons with me, helping me grasp Italian phrases. Rome, with its enchanting blend of history and vibrancy, has truly become my second home."

Liam from the UK

"Every lesson in Rome is more than just teaching English; it's a cultural exchange. My students often share stories of their local traditions, and in return, I narrate tales from back home. The passion Romans have for their city is infectious. It's impossible not to fall in love with the place."

Thando from South Africa

"Coming from South Africa to Rome, I was initially hit by culture shock. But as I started teaching and mingling with the locals, I found many similarities in our love for family, food, and festivity. My students are not just learners; they've become friends who've welcomed me into their Roman way of life."

Grace from Australia

"Rome has a rhythm of its own. While I came here to teach, I ended up learning so much more - from the city's ancient tales to its modern-day life nuances. My students often invite me to local events, making me feel more integrated into the community."

Aoife from Ireland

"As someone who hails from the Irish countryside, Rome's hustle and bustle were initially overwhelming. But teaching English here has been the bridge between my past and present. My students, with their lively spirit and insatiable curiosity, make every day a new adventure."

Isabelle from Canada

"My journey from Canada to Rome has been nothing short of magical. As I navigate through the maze of cobbled streets, teaching English here feels like I'm adding my own chapter to Rome's extensive history book. My students are the heartbeat of this experience, making Rome feel like home."

Aria from New Zealand

"Teaching in Rome has been a refreshing blend of old and new. While the city is ancient, my experiences here have been brand new, from tasting authentic Roman dishes with my students to exploring hidden gems of the city together."

Moving Towards Teaching English In Rome

Embarking on a journey to teach English in Rome is more than just an occupational shift; it's a transformative experience. As you immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Roman culture, history, and lifestyle, you'll find that teaching becomes a two-way street. Not only do you impart knowledge to your students, but they, in return, enrich your life with local customs, traditions, and stories.

Rome, with its millennia of history, serves as a backdrop to this unique teaching experience. The ancient ruins, mouthwatering cuisine, and warm-hearted locals make Rome a city like no other. Whether you're in a classroom, a bustling piazza, or a quiet corner of a café, every moment spent here adds to your personal and professional growth.

Teaching English in Rome is more than just a job; it's a life-changing adventure, offering insights into a culture that has shaped the course of history. So, as you contemplate this journey, remember that Rome isn't just a destination; it's a new beginning.