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Teach English in Samoa: Requirements, Salary, Jobs

Samoa, a paradisiacal nation nestled in the heart of the South Pacific, beckons with its turquoise waters, verdant landscapes, and the harmonious blend of traditional Polynesian culture with modern influences. Beyond its scenic beauty, Samoa has a burgeoning educational landscape with a growing demand for English teachers. This guide aims to provide an overview for those looking to immerse themselves in Samoan life while sharing the gift of the English language.

Samoa's Schooling Snapshot: Delving into the Education System

Samoa, while relatively small in landmass, has a rich educational heritage deeply rooted in its cultural values. The Samoan education system reflects a dedication to ensuring the holistic development of its youth, merging traditional wisdom with modern pedagogical techniques.

Foundation Years

Early childhood education, locally referred to as 'Aoga Amata', is an integral part of the Samoan educational journey. Aimed at children aged 3-5, these foundational years emphasize play-based learning, nurturing creativity, and fostering cultural identity.

Primary and Secondary Levels

Following the Aoga Amata, children transition to primary education which spans eight years. Here, the curriculum widens, introducing subjects such as Samoan, English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Bilingualism is encouraged, with both English and Samoan being mediums of instruction.

Secondary education, lasting five years, prepares students for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC) and the Pacific Senior Secondary Certificate (PSSC). These exams are pivotal, determining university eligibility and vocational pathways.

Tertiary Education

Samoa boasts several institutions of higher learning, with the National University of Samoa (NUS) being a prominent figure. Tertiary education is increasingly aligning with global standards, offering a diverse range of courses catering to local and international demands.

Inclusion of Traditional Knowledge

A unique facet of the Samoan education system is the seamless incorporation of cultural studies. Understanding 'Fa'a Samoa' (the Samoan Way) is not limited to home; it's integrated into school curriculums, ensuring the preservation of Samoan traditions and values.

Role of English

With Samoa's growing international relations, tourism, and business engagements, English has become a pivotal language. While Samoan remains the heart language, the emphasis on English, especially in urban centers, is palpable. This creates a demand for skilled English educators to foster bilingual proficiency.

Challenges and Opportunities

Like any developing nation, Samoa faces its share of educational challenges. Resource constraints, particularly in rural areas, and the need for trained educators are pressing concerns. However, these challenges pave the way for international educators, offering opportunities to make a significant impact, both within the classroom and in the larger community.

Teaching Credentials: Meeting Samoa's Eligibility Criteria

For aspiring educators considering a teaching stint in Samoa, understanding the qualification prerequisites is crucial. While Samoa's education system is anchored in its cultural ethos, the requirements for teachers—especially those from overseas—are outlined to maintain a standard that aligns with global teaching norms.

Basic Qualifications

Bachelor's Degree: Most schools and educational institutions in Samoa prefer candidates with a Bachelor's degree. While a degree in Education or English is advantageous, many institutions accept degrees in other disciplines, especially if paired with a teaching certification.

Teaching Certification: A recognized teaching qualification, such as a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), or a PGCE (Postgraduate Certificate in Education) is typically required, especially for those without an Education degree.

Experience: While not always mandatory, some schools and higher education institutions might prefer candidates with a few years of teaching experience. For those fresh out of university, schools might look at any training or student-teaching stints undertaken during their course.

Language Proficiency

Proficiency in English is a must. However, educators do not need to be native English speakers. A strong command over the English language, both written and oral, is essential. Knowledge of Samoan, while not a prerequisite, can be an asset, especially for those looking to teach in more remote or traditional areas.

Background Check

A clean criminal background is mandatory. Overseas educators might be required to provide a police clearance or criminal background check from their home country.

Health Requirements

Given that Samoa is a tropical nation, some health clearances might be sought, especially for educators coming from countries with prevalent communicable diseases. A general medical check-up might also be advised before the move.

Adaptability and Cultural Sensitivity

While not a 'formal' requirement, schools often appreciate teachers who demonstrate adaptability and a willingness to integrate into the Samoan way of life. Understanding and respecting 'Fa'a Samoa' can greatly enhance the teaching experience and rapport with students.

Renewal and Upgradation

For those considering long-term teaching positions in Samoa, periodic renewal of teaching licenses or certifications might be required. Continuous professional development is encouraged, with some schools offering in-house training programs.

Deciphering the Samoan Salary: Understanding Earnings and Benefits

While the pristine beaches, rich culture, and warm hospitality are the primary draws for many considering a teaching career in Samoa, understanding the financial landscape is crucial for a smooth transition. Let's unravel the typical salary structure for English teachers in Samoa and the benefits that accompany the profession.

Basic Salary

The salary for English teachers in Samoa varies based on several factors:

Institution Type: International schools and universities typically offer higher salaries compared to local public schools or private institutions. Experience and Qualifications: As in most countries, those with more teaching experience and higher qualifications can expect a better pay scale. Location: Urban areas, especially the capital, Apia, tend to offer slightly higher salaries than rural or more remote areas. To give a ballpark figure, English teachers can expect to earn anywhere from WST 30,000 to WST 60,000 annually, but this can vary.

Additional Benefits

Some schools and institutions provide additional benefits, especially to attract international educators. These can include:

Housing or Housing Allowance: Particularly in international schools or for positions in higher education, either on-campus housing or an allowance might be provided. Health Insurance: While Samoa has a public healthcare system, some institutions offer private health insurance as part of the employment package. Airfare Reimbursement: Some schools might reimburse the cost of your initial flight to Samoa, and possibly return flights after completing the contract. End-of-Contract Bonus: A lump sum bonus at the end of a contract term is not uncommon.

Cost of Living

While salaries might seem modest when compared to Western standards, it's important to factor in Samoa's relatively lower cost of living. Basic necessities like food and transport are reasonably priced, though imported goods can be more expensive.

Professional Development Opportunities

Some institutions in Samoa are keen on the professional growth of their educators. They might offer or subsidize workshops, courses, or even further studies for dedicated teachers.

Paid Leave and Holidays

In addition to public holidays, teachers can expect a certain number of paid leave days. Furthermore, because Samoa has a strong community and family focus, some institutions may also offer special leave provisions for significant cultural or family events.

Retirement and Pensions

While Samoa has a National Provident Fund (NPF) system, international teachers should check with their employers about contributions and potential benefits.

Job Market Insights: Where and How to Secure a Teaching Position in Samoa

Embarking on the journey to teach in Samoa requires an understanding of its job market's nuances, especially for English teachers. While Samoa may not be as prominently advertised as some larger nations for teaching opportunities, there exists a considerable demand for quality educators, particularly for the English language. This section provides insights into the Samoan job market for English teachers and guides you on where and how to find the right fit.

Types of Institutions

Public Schools: The Samoan Ministry of Education, Sports, and Culture (MESC) oversees the nation's public schools. English is a mandatory subject, and there's a continuous demand for qualified teachers, especially in schools away from urban hubs. Private Schools: Often set up by religious or community groups, these schools can have varied curricula. International or bilingual private schools, in particular, have a higher demand for English teachers. Tertiary Institutions: Institutions like the National University of Samoa sometimes seek English educators, especially for their preparatory or foundation programs. Language Schools: While not as numerous as in some other countries, there are language schools or centers focused explicitly on English proficiency.

Job Application Process

Online Portals: Websites catering to international teaching jobs sometimes list opportunities in Samoa. It's a good idea to also check the MESC's official site or those of specific institutions. Networking: Leveraging connections through teaching networks or platforms like LinkedIn can yield leads. Teachers who've previously worked in Samoa can provide insights and recommendations. Local Newspapers: The Samoan Observer and other local newspapers occasionally advertise teaching positions. Recruitment Agencies: Some international schools or tertiary institutions might hire through recruitment agencies specializing in educational placements.

Hiring Season

The primary hiring season for schools in Samoa aligns with the start of the academic year in January. However, it's advisable to begin applications several months in advance, around mid-year.

Contract Duration

Most institutions offer a one-year contract initially, which can often be extended based on performance and mutual agreement.

Visa and Work Permit

Upon securing a job, the institution typically assists in obtaining the necessary work visa and permits. The Samoan Immigration Office provides guidelines, but having an employer's support streamlines the process.

Interview Process

Interviews might be conducted online via platforms like Zoom or Skype. Some institutions might require a teaching demonstration or ask for a lesson plan. In-person interviews, while rarer for overseas applicants, might be conducted if one is already in the region.

Trial Periods

It's not uncommon for schools to have a probationary period at the beginning of the contract to assess the teacher's fit with the institution.

Samoan Highlights: Top Destinations to Teach and Explore

Samoa, with its stunning landscapes, rich history, and warm, hospitable culture, is a treasure waiting to be discovered. For educators aiming to teach English here, there's the added allure of working in places that can often feel like a paradise. In this section, we'll highlight some top destinations in Samoa that are perfect for both teaching and exploring.


Teaching Opportunities: As the capital city of Samoa, Apia hosts several schools, including the National University of Samoa, offering ample teaching positions. Exploration: Dive into Samoan culture by visiting the Maketi Fou (food market), Robert Louis Stevenson Museum, and the Immaculate Conception of Mary Cathedral. Enjoy the local nightlife and mingle with locals and expatriates alike.

Salelologa (Savai'i)

Teaching Opportunities: The largest town on Samoa's biggest island, Savai'i, has a handful of schools and institutions in need of educators. Exploration: Savai'i is renowned for its natural beauty. From the Saleaula lava fields, Alofaaga blowholes, to Afu Aau Waterfall, there's no shortage of breathtaking sites.

Lalomanu (Upolu)

Teaching Opportunities: While more limited compared to Apia, there are some schools in the area. However, the real draw here is the lifestyle and environment. Exploration: Lalomanu Beach is often ranked among the world's best. With its pristine white sands and turquoise waters, it's an idyllic spot for relaxation and water activities.


Teaching Opportunities: Situated close to Apia, Vaiala has schools that welcome native English-speaking teachers. Exploration: Vaiala Beach, also known as Palolo Deep Marine Reserve, is a snorkeling paradise with rich marine life and coral formations. The Vanya Taule'alo Gallery, showcasing Pacific art, is also worth a visit.


Teaching Opportunities: This village, located on Upolu, has some schools and institutions where teaching opportunities may arise. Exploration: Leulumoega is home to the Tuifiti coconut demonstration, where one can learn about Samoa's coconut industry and its significance. The village also offers a deep dive into Samoan traditions and lifestyles.

Cultural Connection: Embracing the 'Fa'a Samoa' Way of Life

Dive deep into the heart of Samoa, and you'll find a culture that's anchored in 'Fa'a Samoa' or 'The Samoan Way'. At its core, 'Fa'a Samoa' is a way of life that emphasizes the importance of three foundational pillars: family (aiga), respect (fa'aaloalo), and spirituality (lotu). For teachers aspiring to make a mark in Samoa, understanding and embracing 'Fa'a Samoa' isn't just an advantage—it's essential.

Aiga (Family):

In Samoa, family isn't restricted to immediate relatives. The concept of aiga extends to encompass extended family, including cousins, uncles, aunts, and even close friends. As a teacher, it's not uncommon to find yourself welcomed into a local aiga, offering a support system and a genuine sense of belonging.

Fa'aaloalo (Respect)

Respect permeates every facet of Samoan society. Hierarchies, especially based on age, are taken seriously. Elders are deeply revered, and their wisdom is sought in all community matters. As an educator, showing respect to elders and community leaders can pave the way for a more harmonious teaching experience.

Lotu (Spirituality)

Samoa is a deeply spiritual nation, with Christianity being the predominant religion. Churches are the social and spiritual hubs of communities. Regardless of one's personal beliefs, understanding and respecting the religious practices and traditions of Samoa is crucial.

Language and Communication

While English is an official language, Samoan (Gagana Sāmoa) is widely spoken and holds cultural significance. Learning basic phrases or engaging in language exchange can help bridge the gap and foster deeper connections with students and community members.

Celebrations and Festivals

Samoa is renowned for its vibrant festivals like the Teuila Festival, which showcases traditional dance, music, and crafts. Participating in these celebrations can offer a firsthand glimpse into the soul of Samoan culture.

Tattoos (Tatau)

Tatau, traditional Samoan tattoos, are more than just body art. They tell stories, represent one's position in society, and are a rite of passage for many Samoans. While they're beautiful, it's essential to approach the topic with sensitivity and respect, recognizing the deep cultural significance they hold.

Your Samoan Saga Begins: Steps to Start Your Teaching Expedition in Samoa

Embarking on a teaching journey in Samoa is more than just a career move—it's an invitation to immerse yourself in a rich tapestry of traditions, values, and experiences. But before you pack your bags and head to this Pacific paradise, there are several steps you'll need to take to ensure a smooth transition and successful stint. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the path ahead:

Research and Familiarize

Begin by thoroughly researching Samoa's education system, visa requirements, and teaching opportunities. Familiarize yourself with the country's history, culture, and social dynamics. This foundational knowledge will give you a leg up during interviews and help set expectations.

Acquire Necessary Qualifications

Ensure you meet the teaching requirements in Samoa. This may include TEFL/TESOL certification, bachelor's degree, or teaching credentials from your home country. Some institutions may have specific prerequisites, so always double-check.

Scout for Job Opportunities

There are numerous avenues to find teaching positions in Samoa—online job boards, recruitment agencies, and direct applications to schools and institutions. Networking can also prove invaluable; connecting with current or past teachers in Samoa can provide insights and leads.

Secure a Visa and Work Permit

Once you've landed a job, you'll need to apply for the appropriate visa and work permit. This process can be bureaucratic and time-consuming, so starting early is advisable. Your employing institution may assist with this, but it's good to be proactive.

Plan Your Relocation

Research the cost of living, accommodation options, and daily necessities. Establish a budget, consider potential living areas, and ensure you have necessary documents, such as medical records and academic certificates.

Engage in Cultural Preparation

To make your integration smoother, engage in cultural preparation activities. This could include taking basic Samoan language lessons, familiarizing yourself with local customs, or even participating in Samoan community events in your current location.

Arrive and Acclimate

Once in Samoa, give yourself time to acclimate. Explore your surroundings, establish connections, and understand local teaching methodologies. Remember, every challenge is an opportunity for growth.

Seek Mentorship

Once you start teaching, it might be beneficial to seek a mentor—someone who's been in the system for a while. Their guidance can help you navigate challenges and adapt your teaching techniques to better suit your Samoan students.

Stay Open and Adaptable

Flexibility is crucial. You'll encounter unexpected situations, cultural nuances, and teaching scenarios that may be new to you. Approach them with an open mind and a willingness to adapt.

Embrace and Enjoy

Lastly, immerse yourself fully. Participate in local festivities, foster genuine relationships, and savor every moment of your Samoan saga.

By following these steps, you'll not only establish a successful teaching career in Samoa but also experience the profound joy of cultural exchange, personal growth, and lasting memories. Your Samoan adventure awaits!