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Teach English in Tenerife, Spain

Tenerife, the largest of Spain's Canary Islands, sits off the northwest coast of Africa. Blessed with year-round sunshine, Tenerife is a blend of vibrant beaches, ancient forests, colossal volcanoes, and rich history. With its deep Spanish roots interwoven with its indigenous Guanche culture, this island offers a unique fusion of African and Spanish influences. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the island's bustling capital, contrasts sharply with the tranquil old towns, serene coastlines, and the World Heritage-listed Teide National Park in the island's interior.

Known not only for its tropical beauty but also as a melting pot of European and African cultures, Tenerife is a captivating destination for those seeking a distinctive teaching experience.

Reasons to Teach English in Tenerife

  1. Diverse Student Population: Due to its strategic location, Tenerife has become a hub for tourism and business. As a result, there's a continuous demand for English lessons from both locals and expatriates.

  2. Natural Beauty: From the majestic Mount Teide, Spain’s highest peak, to the golden beaches of Playa de Las Américas, Tenerife offers a range of natural attractions. This makes weekend excursions or after-work hikes both feasible and enticing.

  3. Cultural Immersion: While Spanish is the primary language, Tenerife's rich history and blend of cultures make it a fascinating place to immerse oneself, both inside and outside the classroom.

  4. Mild Climate: With its sub-tropical climate, Tenerife boasts pleasant temperatures year-round, making it an ideal destination for those who appreciate consistent weather.

  5. Cost of Living: Compared to mainland Spain, Tenerife generally has a lower cost of living, allowing teachers to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle.

  6. Growth Opportunities: As the demand for English continues to grow, there's potential for career development, not just as a teacher but also in curriculum development, teacher training, and administrative roles.

  7. Work-Life Balance: The laid-back island lifestyle ensures a healthy work-life balance, allowing teachers ample time to explore and enjoy what the island has to offer.

Understanding Tenerife's Education Landscape

Tenerife's educational landscape mirrors much of Spain's, but with certain unique elements given its island status and cultural nuances. Primary and secondary education is mandatory, and there's a strong emphasis on bilingual education, mainly English-Spanish. This presents numerous opportunities for English teachers.

Moreover, Tenerife is home to a diverse population, given its tourist-centric nature. Many businesses in the tourism sector require employees to be bilingual, further enhancing the demand for English tuition. There are several language schools, international schools, and even university programs focused on English education.

Additionally, given its location, Tenerife has become a popular destination for English-speaking expats and retirees, creating a niche demand for advanced and business English courses. This has led to a burgeoning market for private tutoring sessions.

Eligibility and Requirements to Teach English in Tenerife

The requirements to teach English in Tenerife will be similar to the standard requirements for teaching English in Spain, however, here are the specific requirements for Tenerife:

  1. Bachelor's Degree: Most schools and educational institutions prefer candidates with a university degree, though it may not always be mandatory.
  2. TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certification: A teaching English certification is generally required, especially for the better-paying jobs. Some institutions might demand a CELTA over a TEFL or TESOL.
  3. EU Citizenship or Legal Work Permit: Given Spain's labor laws, EU citizens have an advantage. Non-EU citizens will need a valid work visa, which can sometimes be sponsored by the hiring institution.
  4. Experience: Some of the more prestigious institutions or those offering higher salaries might require prior teaching experience.
  5. Proficiency in English: Native English speakers are often preferred, but non-native speakers with strong proficiency can also find opportunities.
  6. Knowledge of Spanish: Not a strict requirement, but knowing Spanish can be a significant advantage, especially for daily life and integration into the local community.

Salary and Benefits for Teaching English in Tenerife

  1. Competitive Salary: Teachers can expect to earn between €1,200 to €1,800 per month. Factors like qualifications, experience, and the employing institution will determine the exact figure.
  2. Contract Length: Typical contracts range from 9-12 months, with possibilities for renewal based on performance.
  3. Teaching Hours: A standard workweek is around 20-25 teaching hours, though additional hours might be available for those interested in earning extra.
  4. Vacation: Teachers usually enjoy national and local holidays off, along with summer breaks. However, those in private tutoring or language centers might have a different schedule.
  5. Professional Development: Some schools provide opportunities for further training and professional development.
  6. End of Contract Bonus: Some institutions might offer a bonus at the end of the contract term.

Overall, Tenerife offers a rewarding teaching experience, with competitive pay, a rich cultural backdrop, and the opportunity to live in a sun-kissed paradise.

Living in Tenerife

Tenerife, the largest of the Canary Islands, is often termed the 'Island of Eternal Spring' due to its consistently pleasant climate. Bathed in sun, surrounded by the clear Atlantic waters, and crowned with the majestic Mount Teide, Tenerife is not only a tourist hotspot but also a fantastic place to live. For English teachers considering a stint in this paradise, here's a glimpse into life on the island.

Geographical Diversity: Tenerife boasts diverse landscapes, from sun-drenched beaches to lush forests, and from volcanic terrains to tranquil valleys. The Teide National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is home to Mount Teide, Spain's highest peak.

Cultural Richness: The island is drenched in history and traditions. The annual Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is one of the largest carnivals in the world, drawing crowds with its colorful parades and vibrant energy. Plus, there are numerous festivals, markets, and local events that take place throughout the year.

Cost of Living: While Tenerife is a bit more expensive than mainland Spain, it's still affordable compared to many Western European standards. Renting a one-bedroom apartment in the city center might cost around €600-€800 per month, while dining out is reasonably priced, with local dishes like "papas arrugadas" (wrinkled potatoes) and "mojo" (a type of sauce) being must-tries.

Language: Spanish is the official language, but given the island's popularity among British tourists and expats, English is widely spoken, especially in tourist-centric areas.

Connectivity: Tenerife has two main airports, connecting it to various European destinations. The public transportation system, mainly buses, is efficient and affordable, making it easy to explore the island.

Leisure Activities: From hiking the Masca gorge, sunbathing on the golden sands of Playa de las Teresitas, to exploring the quaint towns like La Laguna and Garachico, there's never a dull moment in Tenerife. Water sports enthusiasts can indulge in activities like surfing, diving, and whale watching.

Friendly Locals: The Canarians are known for their warm and welcoming nature. They take pride in their island and are always eager to share its beauty and traditions with newcomers.

Teacher Stories

Emily from the UK

"When I first landed in Tenerife, I was spellbound by its sheer beauty. I had initially planned to teach here for just six months, but those months turned into years. The students are eager to learn, and the Canarian warmth isn't just in its climate—it's in its people. Weekends are a delight, whether you're hiking up Mount Teide or just enjoying the beach. I've also had the joy of experiencing the Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife firsthand. Every time I think about leaving, the island pulls me back!"

Jake from Australia

"I wanted a change from the hustle of Sydney. Tenerife seemed like an exciting choice, given its blend of Spanish and Canarian cultures. Teaching English here has been a learning curve—not just professionally, but personally. The slower pace, the emphasis on family and community, and the sheer joy of living in such a scenic place have taught me to appreciate the smaller things in life."

Aisha from South Africa

"Coming from Cape Town, I was no stranger to beautiful landscapes. But Tenerife has a charm all its own. My students often invite me to local festivals, helping me immerse in the culture. Plus, the advantage of being in a place where English isn't the first language means there's always demand for English teachers. It's been a rewarding journey, both as an educator and as an individual."

Sean from Ireland

"As someone who grew up in Dublin, the sunny climes of Tenerife were a massive change! But it's a change I embraced wholeheartedly. I've been teaching English to teenagers here, and while it can be challenging, the bonds I've formed are unforgettable. From exploring the Anaga Mountains to trying out the local cuisine, Tenerife has enriched my life in ways I hadn't imagined."

Moving Towards Teaching English In Tenerife

Embarking on a journey to teach English in Tenerife is more than just a professional endeavor—it's a life experience. The island, with its tapestry of cultures, traditions, and landscapes, promises not just a job, but a lifestyle transformation. Beyond the classroom, teachers find themselves immersed in a community that's as eager to learn from them as they are to share. The anecdotes of those who've walked this path bear testament to the island's allure and the countless memories it offers.

If you're seeking an adventure that combines the joy of teaching with the thrill of discovery, then moving towards teaching English in Tenerife might just be the step you need to take. Embrace the opportunity, and let the 'Island of Eternal Spring' weave its magic into your story.