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Teach English in Trat, Thailand

Trat, situated in the easternmost part of Thailand, is a province teeming with natural allure and a rich historical tapestry. A gem often overshadowed by its more illustrious neighbors, Trat serves as a serene gateway to a collection of pristine islands, including the famous Koh Chang. With a mix of mainland charms and insular beauty, Trat embodies a blend of traditional Thai culture with the relaxed vibes of coastal living. But beyond its evident allure for tourists, Trat holds enticing opportunities for English teachers seeking a blend of authentic Thai experience and coastal relaxation.

Reasons to Teach English in Trat

  1. Natural Beauty: Trat is blessed with an abundance of natural wonders. From the lush jungles of its national parks to the white sandy beaches of Koh Chang and surrounding islands, teachers can indulge in a plethora of outdoor activities during their free time.

  2. Cultural Immersion: Far from the commercialized tourist hubs, Trat offers a deep dive into genuine Thai culture. Local markets, traditional festivals, and the daily life of its residents provide a firsthand experience of authentic Thai living.

  3. Growing Demand for English: With Thailand's continuous efforts to globalize, there's a rising demand for English, even in provinces like Trat. This offers English teachers a unique opportunity to make a real difference in the community.

  4. Affordable Living: Trat's cost of living is considerably lower than that of major Thai cities. This allows teachers to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle while saving a significant portion of their salary.

  5. Gateway to Adventures: Located near the Cambodian border, Trat serves as an excellent base for cross-border excursions. Additionally, its proximity to various islands makes weekend getaways a regular possibility.

  6. Close-knit Community: Given its size and relative seclusion, Trat has a tight-knit community where relationships are easily fostered. English teachers often find themselves forming deep bonds with locals, making their teaching journey even more rewarding.

  7. Seafood Galore: For those with an inclination towards seafood, Trat is a paradise. Fresh catches from the ocean, combined with local Thai flavors, result in culinary delights that are hard to resist.

Understanding Trat's Education Landscape

Trat, though primarily recognized for its natural and historical landmarks, is steadily evolving in terms of its education system. The Thai government's push towards English proficiency across the country has seen even provinces like Trat placing an increased emphasis on English education. Schools are progressively integrating English into their curriculums, and there's a rising demand for native English-speaking teachers to lead the way. Local schools, language centers, and even some tourism-related businesses are keen on hiring English teachers to enhance the communication skills of their staff and students.

Eligibility and Requirements to Teach English in Trat

The requirements to teach English in Trat will be similar to the standard requirements for teaching English in Thailand. However, it's always beneficial to be aware of the specific prerequisites for Trat:

  • A four-year degree in any major (bachelor’s degree or higher).
  • Native English Speaker (NES): Teachers from the USA, UK, South Africa, Australia, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, and Ireland are highly preferred.
  • Non-native English speakers (NNES): Should have a TOEIC score of 600 or IELTS score of 5+. This test can be conducted either in Thailand or in the applicant's home country.
  • Background Check: Prospective teachers need to clear a police background check from their home country.
  • Health Check: A basic health check is mandatory for all aspiring teachers.
  • TEFL Certificate: While not mandatory, possessing a TEFL certificate can enhance job prospects.
  • Experience: Previous teaching experience, though not required, can be an added advantage.
  • Cultural Interest: A genuine interest in Thai culture and a willingness to integrate into the community can make the teaching experience more fulfilling and successful.

Salary and Benefits for Teaching English in Trat

While Trat might not offer the same salary scales as bustling cities like Bangkok, the cost of living here is significantly lower, ensuring that teachers can maintain a comfortable lifestyle.

Salary: English teachers in Trat can expect a monthly salary ranging from 25,000 to 55,000 Thai Baht, depending on qualifications, experience, and the institution.


  • Work visa assistance
  • Potential for end-of-contract bonuses
  • Reduced work hours compared to larger cities
  • Opportunities for private tutoring to supplement income

Living in Trat

Trat, a serene province located on Thailand's eastern border, is a gem waiting to be discovered. Those who choose to teach and live here often find themselves captivated by the city's simplistic charm, natural beauty, and warm-hearted locals. If you're considering making Trat your home while teaching English, here's a glimpse of what life in this quaint province might look like:

Natural Beauty: Trat is the gateway to some of Thailand's most stunning islands, including Koh Chang, Koh Mak, and Koh Kood. These islands are less commercialized compared to others in Thailand, offering pristine beaches, clear waters, and a tranquil atmosphere.

Low Cost of Living: One of Trat's significant advantages is its affordability. Whether it's housing, food, or transportation, expenses here are generally lower than in the more urbanized parts of Thailand. This allows teachers to save a considerable portion of their earnings or spend on local experiences.

Local Cuisine: Trat offers a plethora of local dishes that are a delight for the palate. Seafood, given its coastal location, is a staple. Fresh catches from the ocean, combined with local herbs and spices, lead to mouthwatering dishes that are both affordable and delicious.

Community Feel: Trat's smaller size means that expatriates and teachers often feel a stronger sense of community. It's not uncommon for locals and foreigners to forge close bonds, often leading to deeper cultural exchanges and lasting friendships.

Local Markets: The markets in Trat are a riot of colors, sounds, and aromas. From fresh produce to handmade crafts and street food, these markets offer an authentic Thai shopping experience.

Cultural Attractions: Beyond its natural attractions, Trat boasts several cultural landmarks. The Trat Museum provides insights into the province's history and culture. There are also numerous temples, like the Wat Buppharam or Wat Yotha Nimit, that are worth exploring.

Climate: Trat has a tropical climate, with a distinct rainy season from May to October. However, even during these months, rain is typically heavy but short-lived, allowing plenty of sunshine and outdoor activities.

Transport: While Trat has its own airport, many locals and expats prefer using minibuses or songthaews (shared taxis) for daily commutes. These are affordable and give a genuine feel of local life.

Teacher Stories

Sarah from Australia:

"I had always dreamt of a life by the beach but never imagined it would be in Trat! Teaching here has given me a chance to experience authentic Thai culture. The children are enthusiastic and the community has welcomed me with open arms. Weekends on Koh Chang are the cherry on top!"

Liam from Ireland:

"Trat is a world away from the hustle and bustle of Bangkok. Here, I feel a deeper connection to my students and have built friendships that I cherish. The serene beauty of the province is unmatched, and the local food? Absolutely delectable!"

Tasha from South Africa:

"I was initially apprehensive about moving to a smaller province, but Trat has been a delightful surprise. The genuine warmth of the people, combined with the natural beauty all around, has made my teaching journey truly special. And there's nothing quite like enjoying a fresh seafood meal by the coast after a day at school."

Jake from New Zealand:

"Every day in Trat feels like an adventure. From exploring hidden beaches to attending local festivals, there's always something new to experience. Teaching here has also honed my skills, as I've learned to adapt and innovate in a different educational landscape."

Ella from the UK:

"Trat's charm lies in its simplicity. The slower pace of life has given me a chance to reflect, grow, and truly immerse myself in Thai culture. My students are curious and eager to learn, making every day in the classroom a rewarding experience."

Moving Towards Teaching English In Trat

Making the decision to teach English abroad is both exciting and challenging, and choosing the right destination can significantly influence your experience. Trat, with its alluring blend of nature, culture, and community, is fast emerging as a top choice for many teachers.

It's a place where you can not only impart knowledge but also engage in meaningful cultural exchanges. With its affordable living, warm community, and rich traditions, Trat provides a setting that's conducive to both professional growth and personal enrichment.

If you're looking for a destination that offers a genuine Thai experience, away from the commercialized tourist trails, then Trat might just be the perfect place for you.