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English teacher

🏫 Join teaching
📍Chengdu, China
💰 Up To 35,000 CNY per month
Full-TimeInternational School
Job Description:

Chengdu City Sichuan Province Full-time Teaching Job in bilingual school
Science /Economics /Psychology teacher  (for  high school)

-Work visa 
-Bachelor's degree
-Teaching experience  

Job details:
-Location:Chengdu City,Sichuan Province
-Start date:Feb.2024
-Age group:14-18
-Weekly classes: 10-15
-Class size:less than 20    
-Weekly days off:2 days off on weekends 
-Work schedule:8:00am-5:00pm  
-Monthly salary:30-35k before tax (negotiable)
-Summer holiday: one and half month(fully paid)
-winter holiday:one  month (fully paid)
-Insurance:Commercial Insurance
- Flight allowances: 6-10K  depending on real cost of tickets , and reimburse by the end of contract year. 

⛔ This job has expired, please do not apply