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Full time Kindi teacher in Tainan

💼 Jumpstart Language Institute
📍Tainan, Taiwan
💰 Up To 71,000 TWD per month
Job Description:

Pre-school full-time Native English teacher position available from Sep 1, 2024. Monthly salary, full health and labor insurance, ARC and 4 weeks of paid vacation (in addition to national holidays). Hours are 9-5 M-F with 2 hour lunch break. The school is located in North district, Tainan, Taiwan. If you are interested, please send your resume with a recent photo to recruitment@jumpstart.com.tw

Website: https://www.jumpstart.com.tw/

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Please review the requirements to teach English in Taiwan before you start applying for teaching positions.

Due to the high number of applications the schools receive they may not be able to respond to every application. If you don't hear back from them within a week or so, it's best to move on to the next job.

When applying for jobs, you should NEVER have to pay to apply. You should also NEVER have to pay to buy anything which they then pay you back for later. NEVER PAY FOR ANYTHING! Also always verify you're actually talking to the company in the job post and not an imposter. Scams in TEFL are rampant, be careful!