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⛔ This job has expired, please do not apply

Native English Teachers

🏫 School in Zhongli
📍Taoyuan, Taiwan
💰 Up To 92,000 TWD per month
Full-TimePrivate School
Job Description:

Native English Teachers Mon-Fri, morning and/or afternoons.
Now or 12th August 2024
one year contract (may be renewed) ARC available.
Location: Zhongli District, Taoyuan City
Kindergarten: (Salary)
9:00 Start for homeroom teacher.
11:30 Accompany homeroom for lunch.
12:00 Teacher’s Lunchtime
13:30 Planning time.
14:00 Teach special subject class. You will have one subject all year. Subject classes: sport / art / drama / stories / or teachers can submit a course proposal.
15:30 Accompany homeroom for snack time.
16:00 End of Kindi English day
Elementary School: (Hourly pay)
16:10 -18:00 (FT) or 14:00 – 18:00 (PT)
EFL lessons following curricula from various publishers. Some classes are zero level beginners, some are graduates of a 3-year immersion kindergarten program with impressive fluency (compared to the local standard).
Hourly pay – 650NT$ -680NT$ for new teachers.
Kindi + Elementary – circa 83,000 - 92,000NT$
Desired Teacher Skills:
ESL games / systematic synthetic phonics / singing / recognizing teachable moments / classroom management strategies / ability to plan lessons independently.
Desired Teacher Qualities:
approachability / empathy / patience / charisma
Please send your CV / video self intro / teaching demo video to: frontierdirector@gmail.com
If you would like an informal chat about the job, please request this and include your Line ID.

⛔ This job has expired, please do not apply