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Teach English in Chungbuk, South Korea

Chungbuk, or North Chungcheong Province, lies in the heart of South Korea. It serves as a crossroad where traditional values meet modern lifestyles, surrounded by untamed nature and dense mountains. The province embodies a quieter and more tranquil side of Korea compared to the bustling urban centers of Seoul or Busan. With a rich historical background, it possesses a number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and is replete with natural beauty. For those wanting to immerse themselves in Korean culture while avoiding the chaotic pace of bigger cities, teaching English in Chungbuk provides a perfect opportunity.

Reasons to Teach English in Chungbuk

  1. Deep Cultural Immersion: Unlike more cosmopolitan areas, Chungbuk offers a genuine Korean experience. You'll get a chance to be a part of traditional festivals, ceremonies, and day-to-day local life.

  2. Rich History and Heritage: From the ancient relics in Sangdangsanseong Fortress to the stunning temples like Beopjusa, there's always something to explore.

  3. Natural Beauty: Nestled amidst national parks like Songnisan and Woraksan, the province promises stunning scenic vistas, serene hiking trails, and rejuvenating experiences in nature.

  4. Lower Cost of Living: Living in Chungbuk is generally more affordable than in the larger cities of South Korea, allowing you to save more while enjoying a comfortable lifestyle.

  5. Warm Community Feeling: With fewer foreigners, the communities are often more tight-knit. This provides an opportunity to form deeper connections with locals and truly become a part of the community.

  6. Unique Opportunities: Schools in smaller towns and provinces like Chungbuk often have a high demand for native English-speaking teachers. You might find unique teaching opportunities and experiences here that you wouldn't find in more urban settings.

  7. Traditional Korean Cuisine: Dive into authentic flavors of Korea. From the savory to the spicy, Chungbuk offers a wide array of traditional dishes that you won't find elsewhere.

Understanding Chungbuk's Education Landscape

Chungbuk, while not as metropolitan as Seoul or Busan, has a solid education infrastructure. The public schools, from elementary to high school, emphasize English education as a core subject. In addition to public schools, there are private language institutions known as hagwons, where English is taught intensively. These hagwons can range from small, locally-run institutions to branches of larger chains that operate throughout Korea. Chungbuk's more remote and smaller towns may also have community centers or village schools where English education is increasingly being recognized as vital. As the Korean government and parents continue to value English proficiency, there's a steady demand for English teachers, especially in places like Chungbuk where native English-speaking teachers might be rarer than in larger cities.

Eligibility and Requirements to Teach English in Chungbuk

The requirements to teach English in Chungbuk will be similar to the standard requirements for teaching English in South Korea, but it's essential to note that certain schools or hagwons might have their additional preferences or criteria.


  • Bachelor’s Degree: All teachers should hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution in any subject.

  • Citizenship: Be a citizen of a country where English is the primary language (Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, The United Kingdom, The United States, or South Africa).

  • Health: Be mentally and physically healthy. Prospective teachers will need to pass a health check before beginning their teaching contract.

  • Criminal Record: Have a clean national-level criminal record.

  • Experience: While experience is preferred, it's not always a requirement. Many institutions offer training upon arrival.

  • TEFL Certificate: Holding a TEFL certificate can make you a more attractive candidate, although it's not always a requirement.

  • Language Proficiency: Have a strong command of the English language, both written and spoken.

  • Cultural Adaptability: Living and working in Chungbuk will be a different experience from more urban areas in Korea. It's crucial to be open-minded, adaptable, and eager to immerse oneself in the local culture.

Salary and Benefits for Teaching English in Chungbuk

Salaries in Chungbuk might slightly vary compared to the larger cities. On average, teachers can expect to earn between 2.1 million to 2.7 million KRW per month. Benefits often include:

  • Free housing or a housing allowance
  • Return airfare
  • Severance pay upon completion of a one-year contract
  • National health insurance
  • Paid vacation (usually around 10 days in addition to national holidays)
  • Opportunity for overtime pay

With a lower cost of living in Chungbuk, teachers often find they can save a significant portion of their salary while still enjoying a comfortable lifestyle.

Cities in Chungbuk (North Chungcheong) Province

Chungbuk, also known as North Chungcheong Province, is located in the center of South Korea and is home to various cities and districts. Below is a list of all the cities in Chungbuk, complete with links to their respective Wikipedia pages:

  1. Cheongju - As the capital city of Chungbuk, Cheongju is the province's economic and cultural center.

  2. Chungju - This city is known for its beautiful landscapes and the historic Chungju Lake.

  3. Jecheon - Often referred to as the "healing city" for its medicinal herbs and hot springs.

  4. Eumseong County - A primarily agricultural region known for its production of melons and ginseng.

  5. Danyang County - Famous for its breathtaking natural landscapes, including the Three Scenic Views of Danyang.

  6. Goesan County - A picturesque county known for its clean environment and organic farming.

  7. Jincheon County - Recognized for its traditional drum-making industry.

  8. Boeun County - Home to the Beopjusa Temple and Songnisan National Park.

  9. Okcheon County - Known for its agricultural produce, particularly apples and rice.

  10. Yeongdong County - A significant wine-producing region in South Korea.

  11. Jeungpyeong County - An agricultural county with picturesque landscapes.

Living in Chungbuk

Chungbuk, also known as North Chungcheong Province, beckons with its blend of rich history, natural beauty, and modern amenities. As the heartbeat of central South Korea, Chungbuk offers a balanced lifestyle for those looking to immerse themselves in both traditional Korean culture and contemporary conveniences. Here's an insight into life in this captivating province:

  1. Natural Beauty: With attractions such as Songnisan National Park, the Three Scenic Views of Danyang, and the serene Chungju Lake, Chungbuk is a haven for nature enthusiasts. The province provides countless opportunities for hiking, picnicking, and simply relaxing amidst nature.

  2. Cultural Treasures: Beopjusa Temple in Boeun County is one of the many historical sites in the province. It houses the tallest Buddha statue in South Korea. Throughout Chungbuk, traditional festivals, local museums, and ancient architectures narrate the stories of the past.

  3. Local Cuisine: Chungbuk's cuisine is a delightful reflection of its agrarian roots. From dishes made with fresh ginseng in Eumseong County to wine from Yeongdong County, there’s a culinary journey awaiting food lovers.

  4. Education and Infrastructure: Cheongju, the provincial capital, stands as the educational and administrative center. The region boasts of various educational institutions, modern hospitals, and an efficient transportation system.

  5. Community and Lifestyle: While Chungbuk offers the tranquility of the countryside, cities like Cheongju and Chungju provide urban comforts, from shopping centers to entertainment venues. Foreigners teaching English often find a welcoming community of both locals and fellow expatriates.

  6. Affordability: Generally, the cost of living in Chungbuk is lower than in major metropolitan areas like Seoul. This allows for a comfortable lifestyle with the possibility of saving a significant portion of one's salary.

  7. Accessibility: Its central location in South Korea ensures that Chungbuk is well-connected to other parts of the country. The expressways and railways make travel convenient for weekend getaways or short trips.

Teacher Stories

Sarah from the UK:

"I always wanted to teach overseas, and Chungbuk became my chosen destination almost by accident. I was placed here through a teaching program, and initially, I was unsure about living in a more rural area. However, Cheongju quickly became my second home. The locals are incredibly friendly, and the fellow teachers I met here, both Korean and foreign, have become lifelong friends. The food, the festivals, and the serene beauty of the province have left an indelible mark on me. It's a decision I'll never regret."

Mike from the USA:

"Coming from the hustle and bustle of New York, Chungbuk's tranquility was a refreshing change. Teaching in Chungju gave me a deeper insight into Korean culture, far from the touristy façade. My students were curious, eager, and respectful. The memories of our class picnics at Songnisan National Park and the cherubic smiles of my students will always stay with me."

Aisha from South Africa:

"I was a bit skeptical when I first arrived in Chungbuk. But living here has been an enriching experience. The blend of modern amenities in cities like Cheongju and the traditional vibe in the countryside has been fascinating. I have also been fortunate to participate in local festivals and experience the warm hospitality of the residents. Teaching here has given me a fresh perspective on life."

Liam from Australia:

"The slower pace of life in Chungbuk is its charm. As a nature lover, I was thrilled to be so close to places like Chungju Lake. I taught in a small school in Eumseong County. The relationships I built there, both with my students and colleagues, were genuinely heartwarming. Plus, the fresh ginseng dishes are to die for!"

Moving Towards Teaching English In Chungbuk

Teaching English in this province offers more than just a job opportunity. It's a chance to immerse oneself in the very fabric of Korean culture, to understand its nuances, and to build lasting relationships. The serene landscapes, coupled with the province's rich history, make it a unique place to live and work.

For those considering a teaching stint in South Korea, Chungbuk stands out as a destination that promises both personal and professional growth. It's a place where one can truly integrate into the community, enriching one's life with experiences that are both rewarding and transformative. Whether it's the joy of seeing a student's eyes light up with understanding, the thrill of hiking up a scenic mountain trail, or the simple pleasure of sharing a meal with locals, Chungbuk offers an experience that is unmatched.