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Teach English in South Korea: Requirements, Salary, Jobs

Teach English in South Korea

Considering a move to teach English in South Korea? This vibrant country, known as "The Land of The Morning Calm," offers a dynamic setting for educators looking to immerse themselves in a culture that's both rich in tradition and rapidly advancing in global influence. With its unique blend of history, technology, and pop culture, South Korea presents an exciting opportunity for English teachers.

South Korea is strategically positioned in East Asia, sharing borders with China to the west, Japan to the east, and North Korea to the north. The country experiences four distinct seasons, with warm summers and cold winters, but modern amenities like floor heating and air conditioning make it comfortable year-round.

Korean culture, including K-Drama, K-Pop, and K-beauty, has captivated a global audience, increasing international interest in everything Korea has to offer. This cultural wave has boosted tourism and heightened the demand for English language proficiency, particularly in urban areas. While cities like Seoul boast widespread English understanding due to educational policies, rural areas offer unique opportunities for deeper cultural immersion and potentially greater savings due to lower living costs.

For English teachers, South Korea is not just a place to work — it's a place to save and explore. TEFL in South Korea, short for "Teaching English as a Foreign Language" in South Korea, offers diverse opportunities. Whether you choose to teach in the bustling capital city of Seoul, the coastal city of Busan, or even the island of Jeju, known as the "Korean Hawaii," the country provides various environments catering to different lifestyles. Teachers often find they can save significantly on living expenses, especially when teaching outside major metropolitan areas. This financial advantage makes South Korea an attractive destination for educators looking to build savings while enjoying a rich cultural experience.

Why Teach English in South Korea?

South Korea presents a unique opportunity for English teachers, combining rapid modernization with deep-seated cultural traditions. Here’s why South Korea could be a compelling destination for your teaching career:

South Korea’s culture is a dynamic mix of the old and the new, where millennia-old traditions like Hanbok-wearing and tea ceremonies coexist with cutting-edge technology and a vibrant pop culture scene. As an English teacher in South Korea, you will have the chance to immerse yourself in both aspects, experiencing the depth and richness of Korean culture firsthand.

The urban landscapes of cities like Seoul and Busan are characterized by their high-tech infrastructure, extensive subway systems, and bustling markets, while the countryside offers serene temples, green mountains, and quiet coastal towns. This variety provides a diverse living and teaching experience, catering to all preferences.

South Korea is noted for its high standard of living, which includes excellent healthcare, a reliable and efficient public transportation system, and a strong emphasis on education. While the cost of living can vary, teachers often find that their salary and benefits packages, including housing allowances or provided accommodation, allow for a comfortable lifestyle.

There is a significant demand for English teachers in South Korea, driven by the government's focus on English education and the global orientation of Korean companies. This demand ensures plenty of teaching opportunities and stable positions, often with attractive contracts that include bonuses, paid vacations, and sometimes even airfare reimbursement.

The Korean people are incredibly welcoming to foreigners, and there is a strong sense of community and togetherness. This makes it easier for teachers to integrate into their local neighborhoods and schools, creating meaningful connections and a sense of belonging.

Korean cuisine is another highlight, famous for its bold flavors and communal eating style. Dishes like kimchi, bibimbap, and barbecue are not just meals but social experiences, providing a delicious insight into Korean culture.

South Korea's strategic location in Asia makes it an excellent base for travel. With its well-connected airports and budget airlines, teachers can easily explore other Asian destinations, making the most of their time abroad.

Teaching English in South Korea is more than a job — it's an opportunity to be part of a rapidly evolving society that values educational achievement and cultural exchange. This makes it an exciting and rewarding destination for educators looking to make a significant impact while enjoying a rich cultural experience.

Requirements to teach English in South Korea

English teachers in South Korea come from all sorts of backgrounds. Some are fresh university graduates, and others have come from years of teaching experience or even working in a field completely opposite from teaching and looking for a new experience.

So maybe you have been thinking about teaching in South Korea, but don’t know what the requirements are, or think that teaching English is something too different from what you have experience in, or even think that you have no experience and won’t be able to secure a job. The good news is that, English teachers come from many different backgrounds. English teacher roles have been filled by students and fresh graduates to sport coaches, baby sitters, authors, travelers, marketing managers and accountants.

The most important requirement is to be willing to learn and be a team player. You need to be a friendly and patient person and want the best for your students as your students will look up to you and respect you as their teacher. Experience is always a plus, but it is preferred not required. There might be a few exceptions but here are the basic requirements to legally teach English in South Korea:

  • Hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution (In any subject)
  • Be a citizen of a country where English is the primary language (Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, The United Kingdom, The United States, or South Africa).
  • Be mentally and physically healthy and pass a health check
  • Have a clean national-level criminal record
  • Experience is preferred, but not required
  • Holding a TEFL certificate is preferred, but not always required
  • Have a good command of the English language
  • Have the ability and willingness to adapt to Korean culture and life

Read More: What are the requirements to teach English in South Korea?

Salary and benefits for teaching English in South Korea

If you were wondering how much money you would earn in South Korea, we are happy to let you know that South Korea is one of the highest paying countries in terms of overall salary and benefits provided to English teachers. Here it is easy to save some money while teaching! The salaries might not always seem high at first, because in South Korea, it is common for schools to provide free housing and reimburse flights. Because of this, teachers usually earn enough to save or enjoy a very high quality of life here.

There are a few factors that might affect what you earn. Your qualifications and experience would be something that schools would look at when deciding on what salary they can offer you. The location you teach is also relevant. Are you going to teach in a big city like Seoul or Busan or a small rural town, where the cost of living is considerably less. Also the type of school you will teach at will also determine your salary as an English teacher. Here are some examples of average salaries of English teachers:

School Salary
Public Schools 1.5 - 3 million Won per month
Kindergarten 2.1 - 2.6 million Won per month
Private academy (Korean Hagwon) 2.1 - 2.5 million Won per month
International Schools 2,5 - 3 million Won per month
Universities 2.3 - 3.5 million Won per month
Private English Lessons 25 000 - 50 000 Won per hour

Public school teaching jobs and salaries

To teach English at a public school in South Korea you need to apply to one of the government sponsored programs. Applications for the programs start up to 9 months before starting and these jobs start at the beginning of the first semester in March and the second semester in September. These jobs are very stable options and include decent pay, benefits and vacation. One thing to note is that there is only have 1 foreign teacher per school. If you would like to work alongside foreign teachers you might want to consider other options, but this is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in Korean culture and you can meet up with other foreigners in the community outside of working hours. You will have an co-teacher that will help you with anything you might need. Besides the free housing benefit that teachers get they can also expect to earn 1.5 to 3 million Won per month. The main government programs you can teach English in South Korea with are:

  • English Program in Korea (EPIK)
  • Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education (SMOE)
  • Gyeonggi English Program in Korea (GEPIK)
  • Teach & Learn in Korea Program (TALK)

SMOE teachers are recruited through the EPIK Program or hired directly if already located in Korea through local job posts. Similarly with GEPIK, most public schools hire teachers through EPIK, while only a small amount hire directly.

As of July 2021 the TALK program has ended.

Private academy (Hagwon) teaching jobs and salaries

Dissimilarity to public schools, where you are the only foreign teacher in the class, hagwons will have many foreign teachers around which might make transitioning into Korea a bit easier for you. Depending on school your work day might start in the afternoon and go into the evening, when students come for classes, but some may also offer kindergarten classes in the mornings. So this gives you a bit more flexibility on your working hours. Theses jobs are easy to find as they are abundant and hagwons hire all year round.

Hagwons are a great place to earn some experience and you will usually be given lesson outlines along with lesson plans and worksheets so you will know exactly what needs to be done to complete all your tasks. Work hours are typically 30-35 hours a week and teachers earn a salary of 2 to 2.4 million Won per month and can earn more depending on experience. One thing to note, is that as English teacher at a hagwon you will get about 7-10 days vacation a year, which is less than public school jobs.

International school teaching jobs and salaries

International schools are schools just like those in your home country (United States, Canada, United Kingdom), just in South Korea. They follow the same syllabus and semester dates. For example the school year starts in August and ends in June. Getting a job at an international school usually requires at least 2 years of experience, preferably in your home country. At international schools the standard is also high so you can expect a high out of class workload, but you will be well rewarded as the salary and benefits are really good. Teachers here typically earn a salary of 2.5 to 3 Million Won and they usually also include housing and travel reimbursement.

University teaching jobs and salaries

Universities are a big status symbol in South Korea and working at one is a very well respected job and hence well paid. These are not the easiest jobs to find as they usually require you to know some people in the industry in South Korea or to be well qualified with a Master's or Doctoral degree. A big positive for a university job is the low workload and paid holidays. University teachers work on average around 14 hours a week. At universities, teachers typically earn a salary of 2.3 to 3.5 million Won per month.

So other than the great work environment and respectable status, you will also have a heavy wallet with this well paid job. One thing to note is that housing is typically not included as a benefit for university jobs and you will need to find your own accommodation. When renting a place in South Korea, there is a bit of a high upfront cost. A Deposit of about 5 Million Won is required and will be returned at the end of your contract. Just keep that in mind when planning your finances.

Private tutoring jobs and salaries

Private tutoring is another option to earn some extra money. When you get your visa to work in South Korea, it is tied to your employer so tutoring extra students in your free time is technically against the law. This is however largely ignored by the authorities and many teachers do it to supplement their income. Some students might want you to meet at their home, workplace or online but it is common practice to meet up at a café or other meeting place and teach from there. The going price for tutors is around 25,000 to 50,000 Won per hour but some very experienced teachers can charge 75,000 Won. It's always best to start on the lower end of the scale and work your rate up as you gain experience and a strong client base.

As a private English tutor you will have to prepare all of your lessons by yourself. You can find great resources online for lessons and worksheets. Some students might want to study with you to prepare for exams but most students will want to learn how to speak English so your focus will be on teaching conversational so it can be more casual than the regular classroom.

Read More: What is the average English teacher salary in South Korea?

Cost of living in South Korea

If you are looking for a place to teach English and earn a good salary then South Korea is for you! Here you will earn enough salary to save or enjoy eating, shopping and travel in your free time. If you decide not to save anything from your monthly salary you will not leave South Korea empty handed as most yearly contracts include a one month salary bonus on completion. When looking at salaries in South Korea compared to other countries like Japan, you need to factor in that many jobs in South Korea include free housing so your main cost would be food and entertainment. South Korea is also extremely affordable, and you will find that food at supermarkets and markets are often a fraction of the cost back in your home country. Living in a bigger city like Seoul, Busan and Daegu will be more expensive than a smaller city or more rural location. A single persons estimated monthly costs are 1,000,000 Won per month without rent. The currency used in South Korea is called "Won" or KRW and according to Numbeo here are some basic costs to consider in South Korea:

Item Cost
Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre 659,427.44 Won
Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre 452,342.25 Won
Monthly basic utilities (Electricity, Heating, Cooling, Water, Garbage) 174,497.09 Won
Internet (60 Mbps or More, Unlimited Data, Cable/ADSL) 27,736.14 Won
Water (1.5 liter bottle) 1,308.82 Won
Chicken Fillets (1kg) 10,686.77 Won
Potato (1kg) 4,018.83 Won
Rice (white), (1kg) 4,505.22 Won
Banana (1kg) 4,007.69 Won
Local Transport (One-way Ticket) 1,250.00 Won
Fitness Club, Monthly Fee for 1 Adult 61,723.00 Won

The Best Places to Teach English in South Korea

South Korea is a prime destination for English teachers due to its high demand for language education and a vibrant cultural landscape. Whether you are drawn to bustling metropolitan centers or enjoy the charm of quieter cities, South Korea offers a variety of environments that cater to different preferences. Here are some top locations where teaching English can be both professionally rewarding and personally enriching:


As the capital city, Seoul is the heart of South Korea and presents a dynamic mix of modernity and tradition. It's the largest city in the country and has a substantial expat community, making it a highly popular destination for English teachers. The demand for English language education in Seoul is significant, with numerous language schools, private academies, and international schools. Teachers in Seoul can enjoy a metropolitan lifestyle, with endless opportunities for dining, entertainment, and cultural exploration.


Located on the southeastern coast, Busan is South Korea's second-largest city and is known for its beautiful beaches, scenic mountains, and vibrant urban life. It offers a slightly more relaxed pace than Seoul but still holds plenty of teaching opportunities and cultural activities. English teachers in Busan enjoy a strong expat community and access to some of the country's best seafood, festivals, and outdoor activities.


Daegu, the fourth-largest city in South Korea, is famed for its rich history and cultural depth. The city offers a blend of traditional Korean culture and modern lifestyle, with numerous cultural sites, markets, and festivals. The demand for English teachers is strong, supported by a growing number of language schools and educational institutions. Teachers in Daegu can immerse themselves in a genuinely Korean setting while enjoying the conveniences of a large city.


Just west of Seoul, Incheon is a major port city known for its bustling port, modern architecture, and the Incheon International Airport. It has a robust demand for English education, driven by its economic development and international connections. The city's expat community is thriving, offering a supportive network for teachers. Incheon's coastal location also provides unique leisure opportunities for those interested in maritime activities.


Situated in the heart of South Korea, Daejeon serves as a hub of education, research, and culture. It is known for its innovation and technology sectors, hosting several universities and research institutes. This environment creates a substantial demand for English education, particularly in scientific and academic contexts. Daejeon's expat community, though smaller than Seoul's, is active and welcoming, making it a comfortable place for newcomers to settle.

Additional Considerations

When choosing a location to teach English in South Korea, consider factors such as the local cost of living, the type of student populations you prefer to teach, and your personal lifestyle preferences. Each city offers unique advantages and potential challenges, so it's important to align your choice with your professional goals and personal interests.

Overall, South Korea's diverse cities provide a wealth of opportunities for English teachers looking for a rich cultural experience coupled with a fulfilling teaching career. Whether in the fast-paced streets of Seoul or the scenic landscapes of Busan, educators can find a setting that not only enhances their teaching skills but also enriches their personal lives.

Understanding South Korea and Korean Culture

Arriving in South Korea can be a profound cultural shock, especially if it's your first experience outside a Western country. Korea's culture, one of the world’s oldest, has rich traditions and norms that might initially overwhelm newcomers. By taking time to understand and respect these customs, your experience as an English teacher will be significantly enriched.

Greetings and Language

In South Korea, greetings are essential, and understanding the correct formality can make a significant difference in your interactions. The formal greeting, "ann-yeong-ha-sim-ni-kka," is reserved for highly respectful situations, while "ann-yeong-ha-se-yo" is the standard greeting suitable for most encounters. The casual "ann-yeong" is typically used among friends. Another key phrase is "gam-sa-ham-ni-da," which means thank you. Learning these phrases is crucial, as many Koreans appreciate even minimal efforts to speak their language, especially given that not everyone speaks English.

Understanding Age Dynamics

Age plays a crucial role in social interactions in Korea. It’s common for Koreans to ask your age early in an introduction to establish the correct level of politeness. Age hierarchy influences language and behavior, necessitating respectful address toward elders and those in senior positions. This respect is mirrored in the classroom, where students show high levels of respect to teachers, a practice you should reciprocate with colleagues.

Home Etiquette

Korean homes are zones of respect, particularly regarding cleanliness and tradition. It is vital to remove your shoes before entering a home, as floors are often used for sitting and even sleeping. Failing to do so is considered highly disrespectful.

Public Demeanor and Interactions

You might notice that public expressions of emotion, such as smiling, are less common in South Korea compared to Western countries. This lack of outward expressiveness doesn't equate to unfriendliness but reflects a more reserved public demeanor. Additionally, the use of the middle finger for pointing or touching things does not carry the offensive connotation it does in Western cultures; it is simply practical, as it is the longest finger.

Culinary Culture

Korean cuisine is renowned for its flavors, particularly its spiciness, and kimchi is a staple, accompanying almost every meal. Eating out in Korea can be quite affordable on a teacher’s salary. The nation also has a vibrant drinking culture, with soju being the alcoholic beverage of choice, often served in shots. When exchanging items like money or gifts, always use both hands as a sign of respect and politeness.

Adapting to these cultural nuances will not only ease your transition into teaching and living in South Korea but also deepen your appreciation and enjoyment of this fascinating country. Embracing the local customs and lifestyle can turn your teaching assignment into a richly rewarding and memorable experience.

Necessity of Speaking Korean for English Teachers in South Korea

Speaking Korean is not a requirement for English teachers in South Korea. In fact, most language schools prefer that teachers use only English in the classroom to create a fully immersive learning environment. This policy helps students enhance their English language skills by encouraging them to communicate and think in English during class. However, outside the classroom, living in South Korea offers a fantastic opportunity to learn the Korean language and engage deeply with the local culture. While not necessary for your teaching role, acquiring some knowledge of Korean can enrich your experience, making daily interactions and life in South Korea more enjoyable and accessible.

Do you need to be a native English speaker?

Being from a country where English is the national language is unfortunately a requirement to teach English in South Korea. The reason for this is because it is a requirement for the E2 teaching visa. The countries included are Australia, Ireland, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa. There is talks of this rule being relaxed in the future if the candidate can prove their English skill, but no updates right now.

On the positive side, you can still find work in South Korea if you are not a citizen from those countries, but using a different visa. Some teachers teach with an F2 long-term resident visa or even an F5 spousal visa. By using this visa you can work legally and then the school can decide for themselves if they want to hire you depending on your qualifications, experience and English proficiency.

Read More: Can you teach English in South Korea as a non-native English speaker?

TEFL Certification Requirements for Teaching English in South Korea

While researching the prerequisites for teaching English in South Korea, you'll find many sources suggesting that a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate is essential. However, it's important to clarify that possessing a TEFL certificate is not a legal requirement for obtaining the E2 teaching visa, nor is it universally required to secure a teaching position. That said, some schools do prefer or require TEFL certification, which could broaden your job prospects and potentially affect your eligibility for certain teaching roles.

Evaluating TEFL Courses

Not all TEFL courses are created equal. A reputable course should include at least 120 hours of training, but the quality and content can vary significantly between providers. One crucial component to look for is practical teaching experience, which can be invaluable when you begin teaching in a classroom setting. Schools that value TEFL certification typically regard this practical component as a critical indicator of a candidate's readiness to teach.

Where to Take Your TEFL Course

You have several options when it comes to where you can earn your TEFL certification:

  • In South Korea: Taking a TEFL course in South Korea offers the advantage of directly acquainting yourself with the teaching environment and cultural context you’ll be working in. It also allows you to start networking and possibly secure a teaching position through contacts made during your course.
  • Online: Online TEFL courses offer flexibility and can be a convenient option if you prefer to get certified before moving abroad. Ensure that the online course you choose is accredited and includes a component of observed teaching practice.
  • In Your Home Country: Completing a TEFL course in your home country can be beneficial, especially if the course includes specific training on teaching English to foreign learners or managing multicultural classrooms.

Ultimately, while a TEFL certificate is not mandatory for all teaching jobs in South Korea, having one can significantly enhance your credentials and improve your chances of securing a better position. Whether you choose to get certified in South Korea, online, or in your home country, make sure the course you select provides comprehensive training and practical experience to prepare you for the challenges of teaching English as a second language.

Can you teach english in South Korea without experience?

Teaching English in South Korea without prior teaching experience is definitely possible, although having experience can enhance your job prospects and potential salary. South Korea is one of the most popular destinations for new English teachers due to its structured teaching programs and supportive teaching environment, which often cater to first-time teachers.

Many language schools and private academies (hagwons) are open to hiring individuals who are new to teaching. These institutions typically provide new teachers with training sessions and resources to help them get started, making it a viable option for those lacking formal teaching experience. Furthermore, programs like EPIK (English Program in Korea), which places teachers in public schools throughout the country, do not strictly require teaching experience but do require a TEFL certification and a bachelor's degree. These programs often provide an orientation and ongoing support, which can be incredibly valuable for new teachers.

In addition to structured programs, being enthusiastic, adaptable, and willing to learn from experienced colleagues can help overcome the challenges of having no prior teaching experience. Employers value these qualities, along with a strong foundational knowledge of English, which can sometimes offset the lack of formal teaching experience.

Can you teach English in South Korea without a degree?

In South Korea, a country renowned for its high educational standards and respect for the teaching profession, the legal requirement for teaching English is unequivocal: a bachelor’s degree is a must. This mandate is in place to ensure that all teachers, particularly those from overseas, meet the qualifications necessary to provide quality education. While there are instances of schools hiring teachers without a degree, such situations often involve working under conditions that are not legally sanctioned, including employment on a tourist visa.

Embarking on such a path comes with significant risks. Being caught teaching without the proper visa can lead to penalties, including deportation and a mark on your passport that may complicate future travel or attempts to return to South Korea. Beyond the legal ramifications, there's the issue of job security and protection under the law. Without a formal work agreement sanctioned by the appropriate visa, teachers have little recourse in disputes over pay or working conditions. The employer holds the upper hand, as the arrangement was outside the bounds of legality from the start.

Moreover, the logistical and financial burdens of maintaining a tourist visa status, such as the need to periodically exit and re-enter South Korea to renew the visa, can accumulate, offsetting the financial benefits of teaching in the country.

For those drawn to South Korea but unable to meet the bachelor’s degree requirement, alternatives do exist. The working holiday visa presents an opportunity to live in South Korea and engage in casual or part-time work, including tutoring in English. While this visa does not allow for full-time teaching positions or work in skilled professions, it offers a glimpse into the South Korean way of life and a chance to gain informal teaching experience.

Read More: Can you teach English in South Korea without a degree?

How to get a visa to teach English in South Korea

South Korea has visa dedicated to those who want to teach English. It is called an E2 visa and only English teachers are eligible for it. The visa issued will be linked to your employer (educational institutions such as public schools, private academies (hagwons), and at universities) so you can only legally work for them unless your visa is processed again. An E2 visa is valid for 13 months and must be renewed with each new contract of continuation of a current contract.

Once you are offered a job by a school and provided a contract, you can send them all the required paperwork. You will then receive a visa issuance number which you can use to apply for the physical visa. You can then take your documents along with your E2 visa application form to the Korean consulate or embassy and apply for the visa. In South Korea you will need to pass a health check which looks at your overall physical health, drug use, and diseases such as TB and HIV. If you fail this test, your visa will be denied, so if you feel unsure please talk to the school about it. Once you've passed the health test you will have your E2 visa and can teach English in South Korea. Here is a list of the documents needed for the process:

  • Your passport with at least six months validity and two blank pages for the visa
  • Passport photos
  • Your degree and transcripts and they should be authenticated with an Apostille (so it will be recognized in a foreign country)
  • A criminal background check
  • Your personal resume
  • Notice of appointment and contract or a visa issuance number and contract

When to apply for teaching jobs in South Korea

In South Korea, the first semester starts in March and the second semester starts in September, so these months will be the months where the most teachers are hired. Public schools hire for these dates and start accepting applications 8-9 months before the start date so starting the application early will increase your chances to get a job. New teachers will arrive at the schools 7-10 days before starting to complete training and orientation. So mid February and mid August is when teachers travel to South Korea to start these jobs.

Besides the 2 semester starts dates in March and September, there are also mid way breaks in May and November. March, September, May and November are the biggest hiring periods for private academies (Hagwons). Private academies, do however hire teachers all year round as they hire multiple teachers per year and it would be difficult to fill all these positions on specific dates.

How to Apply for Teaching Jobs in South Korea

Securing a teaching position in South Korea is an attractive prospect for many educators due to the high demand and relative ease of finding opportunities. However, not all teaching jobs offer the same benefits and professional environment, so it’s important to target the best positions available. You can start by exploring the latest English teaching jobs in South Korea on our job board to get a sense of what’s available.

To stand out in a competitive field, particularly with top schools and recruiters who receive numerous applications, it's crucial to present yourself professionally. In South Korea, teachers are held in high regard, and schools are keen to maintain a professional image to students and parents alike. Ensuring that you present a neat and smart appearance in any photos, videos, or during interviews can significantly influence a school's decision to hire you. Dress sharply, groom well, and ensure that tattoos and piercings are not visible. A warm, friendly smile can also make a strong positive impression.

Clear communication is another critical aspect. Your ability to articulate ideas clearly is essential, especially if English isn't your first language. If you have a strong accent, practice speaking slowly and clearly to ensure that your students can understand you without difficulty.

When preparing your application, ensure your CV is meticulously updated to include all recent qualifications, experiences, and essential personal details like your degree, TEFL certification, nationality, current location, and contact information. Alongside your CV, attach a recent professional photograph and a brief introduction about yourself. An effective way to introduce yourself is through a short video, which can add a personal touch and give potential employers a sense of your personality and teaching style. If you have prior teaching experience, consider including a video of you teaching or a demo lesson to showcase your skills.

These steps can enhance your application and increase your chances of securing a rewarding teaching position in South Korea, helping you to stand out in a market full of opportunities.