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Teach English in Daegu, South Korea

Nestled in the North Gyeongsang Province of South Korea, Daegu stands as the country's fourth-largest city after Seoul, Busan, and Incheon. Often referred to as "Apple City" due to its favorable climate for apple farming, Daegu is a harmonious blend of the modern and the traditional. While its vibrant cityscape boasts contemporary amenities, skyscrapers, and a bustling nightlife, it's also home to serene Buddhist temples, historic markets, and festivals that offer a glimpse into South Korea's rich heritage.

Daegu's temperate climate is characterized by mild springs and autumns, while its summers are warm and winters cold but not overly harsh. The city's location, encircled by mountains, provides a picturesque backdrop for those seeking both urban excitement and natural beauty.

Transportation in Daegu is highly efficient, with an extensive subway system that connects major parts of the city, along with buses and taxis, ensuring easy commutes for residents and teachers alike.

The city is also renowned for its emphasis on education. As with other major South Korean cities, English education is highly valued, creating numerous opportunities for ESL teachers. The city's urban setting, combined with a slightly more laid-back vibe compared to mega-cities like Seoul, makes it an attractive destination for educators seeking a balance between the energetic city life and cultural immersion.

Whether it's sipping on a cup of traditional tea in Donghwasa Temple, shopping in Seomun Market (one of the country's largest markets), or hiking in the scenic Palgongsan Natural Park, Daegu promises a rewarding experience for ESL teachers both inside and outside the classroom.

Reasons to Teach English in Daegu

Cultural Blend: Daegu offers a unique blend of the traditional and the contemporary. Teachers can immerse themselves in cultural experiences such as visiting the traditional Hanok villages, enjoying the vibrant festivals, or exploring the historic Seomun Market. At the same time, modern amenities and entertainment options are aplenty.

Manageable City Size: While Daegu is a significant urban hub, it doesn't feel as overwhelming as cities like Seoul. The slightly slower pace means that newcomers can acclimate more comfortably, yet there's no lack of excitement or things to do.

Demand for English Education: Like much of South Korea, there's a high demand for English education in Daegu. This demand ensures a plethora of job opportunities for ESL teachers in both public schools and private academies (hagwons).

Natural Beauty: Surrounded by mountains and boasting beautiful parks like Palgongsan Natural Park, Daegu offers outdoor enthusiasts ample opportunities for hiking, nature walks, and picnics.

Warm Local Community: The people of Daegu are known for their warmth and hospitality. As an ESL teacher, it's not uncommon to be invited by locals to share a meal, participate in local events, or simply to learn about the Korean way of life.

Cost of Living: While Daegu has all the amenities of a modern city, the cost of living is generally lower compared to Seoul or Busan. This aspect allows teachers to save more of their salary or spend on travels and experiences.

Educational Resources: With its focus on education, Daegu offers numerous resources for teachers, including workshops, teaching seminars, and community groups focused on pedagogical methods and language exchange.

Connectivity: Daegu's efficient transportation system, including its subway and bus networks, ensures easy commutes. Additionally, its central location in South Korea makes weekend trips to other parts of the country both feasible and convenient.

Understanding Daegu's Education Landscape

Educational Priorities

South Korea, including Daegu, places immense importance on education. This stems from deep cultural values that see education as a pivotal factor for personal and societal progress. The "education fever" or 학문열 (hakmunyeol) is a term often used to describe South Korea's rigorous academic culture.

Public Schools

Public schools in Daegu, from elementary to high school, incorporate English as a fundamental part of their curriculum. English education begins early, and students often have English classes multiple times a week. The EPIK (English Program in Korea) is a notable government initiative that hires foreign English teachers for public schools, including those in Daegu.

Private Academies (Hagwons)

Hagwons are private education institutes ubiquitous across South Korea. In Daegu, hagwons play a significant role in supplemental education. They range from small, local setups to large chains. English hagwons are particularly popular, offering after-school and weekend English lessons for students of all ages.

Universities and Adult Education

Daegu is home to several universities, including Kyungpook National University and Daegu University. Many of these institutions offer English programs and sometimes hire native speakers for specialized courses. Additionally, there are adult English education centers where business professionals, university students, or general adults seek to improve their conversational skills.

English Villages and Camps

English villages, where students immerse themselves in English through activities, role-playing, and real-life simulations, are also present in Daegu. Seasonal English camps, often during school breaks, offer intensive courses and can be another avenue for teachers.

Emphasis on Communicative English

While traditional English education in South Korea was heavily grammar-focused, there's been a shift towards communicative English in recent years. Daegu's educational landscape reflects this, with a growing emphasis on conversation, cultural understanding, and practical usage.

Continuous Professional Development

The education community in Daegu, like the rest of South Korea, values professional development. Teachers often have opportunities for training, workshops, and seminars to enhance their teaching methodologies.

Teaching Resources and Community

Given the number of foreign teachers in Daegu, there's a supportive community where one can exchange teaching resources, methodologies, and classroom experiences. Local organizations sometimes host gatherings, and online forums specific to Daegu can be valuable for networking and support.

Eligibility and Requirements to Teach English in Daegu

If you're considering taking the leap to teach in Daegu, it's essential to be familiar with the prerequisites and requirements specific to this city. While South Korea has standard requirements for English teachers nationwide, understanding the expectations of schools in Daegu can give you an edge in the application process.

Bachelor's Degree

Just like other cities in South Korea, you'll need to hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. The subject of the degree can be in any field, not necessarily in education or English.

Nationality and Language Proficiency

Applicants must be citizens of a country where English is the primary language. This includes Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, or South Africa. Moreover, you should have an excellent command of the English language.

TEFL Certification

Although it's not mandated, having a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate can significantly boost your chances, especially if you're eyeing competitive positions or reputable institutions.

Clean Health and Criminal Record

Prospective teachers need to be mentally and physically healthy, which often requires a health check once in South Korea. Additionally, a clean national-level criminal record is a must. Some schools in Daegu might ask for an Apostille or notarized copy of your background check.

Adaptable and Respectful Attitude

While this isn't a formal requirement, schools in Daegu appreciate teachers who demonstrate an eagerness to adapt to Korean culture and life. Respect for local customs and traditions is essential.


Prior teaching experience, though not always obligatory, can be beneficial, especially if you're targeting high-end private academies or international schools in Daegu.

Contractual Commitment

Most schools and hagwons (private academies) in Daegu expect teachers to commit to at least a one-year contract. Demonstrating commitment can be a deciding factor in securing a position.

Apostilled Diploma

You'll typically need an Apostille (or notarized, depending on your country) copy of your degree, which serves as international verification.

Recommendation Letters

Some institutions in Daegu may ask for letters of recommendation. Having these ready, preferably from past employers or professors, can streamline your application process.

Salary and Benefits for Teaching English in Daegu

Daegu, being South Korea's fourth-largest city, offers a dynamic blend of urban living without the intensity of cities like Seoul. Consequently, the salary and benefits for teaching English here are attractive, balancing well with the cost of living. Here's what you can expect:

Monthly Salary

The salaries can vary based on the type of institution, your qualifications, and experience:

Public Schools: 1.8 - 2.7 million Won per month Kindergartens: 2.0 - 2.5 million Won per month Private academies (Hagwons): 2.0 - 2.4 million Won per month International Schools: 2.4 - 2.9 million Won per month Universities: 2.2 - 3.4 million Won per month


Many schools in Daegu offer free or subsidized housing for their teachers. If housing isn't provided, you can expect a housing allowance, which is usually enough to cover rent in a modest apartment.

Airfare Reimbursement

Many institutions provide either a full or partial reimbursement for your flight to South Korea. Additionally, upon contract completion, they might cover your return flight.

Health Insurance

Teachers can typically expect to receive national health insurance, with the employer covering around 50% of the insurance premiums.

Severance Pay

Upon completing a one-year contract, teachers typically receive an additional month's salary as severance pay.


While vacation days can vary depending on the employer, teachers at public schools can usually expect around 18-20 days off, excluding national holidays. Hagwons typically offer fewer vacation days, averaging around 10 days annually.

Contract Renewal Bonus

Some institutions offer a bonus if you choose to renew your contract for another year.

Professional Development

Certain institutions, especially international schools and universities, might provide opportunities for professional development, including workshops, courses, and conferences.

Cost of Living

While Daegu is a significant urban center, the cost of living is generally lower than in Seoul or Busan. This means that while salaries might be slightly less than in the larger cities, your purchasing power might be similar or even better.

Living in Daegu

The City Vibe

Daegu, often referred to as 'Apple City' due to its significant apple production, is South Korea’s fourth-largest city. Though not as vast and bustling as Seoul or Busan, Daegu boasts a harmonious mix of tradition and modernity. The city is known for its vibrant atmosphere, a product of its young population and many universities.

Cost of Living

In comparison to cities like Seoul, the cost of living in Daegu is relatively lower. Rent, transportation, and food are generally more affordable, allowing teachers to save a larger portion of their salary. A meal at a local restaurant might cost around 7,000-10,000 won, while a regular cappuccino can be around 4,000 won.


Most English teachers in Daegu either receive free accommodation from their employer or a housing allowance. Apartments provided are usually one-bedroom units, often referred to as "officetels" or "one-room apartments." They come with basic amenities, and sometimes even furnished.


Daegu has an efficient public transportation system, including buses and a metro system. Taxis are also widely available and reasonably priced. The city's size makes it possible for residents to travel from one end to the other without spending much time or money.

Local Attractions

Daegu is renowned for its cultural festivals, palaces, and markets. Places like Seomun Market, the city's largest traditional street market, offers an authentic shopping experience. Additionally, Daegu’s vibrant nightlife, from cafes to clubs, caters to diverse tastes. For those into nature, the nearby Palgongsan Mountain provides hiking opportunities and breathtaking views.

Social Life and Expat Community

Thanks to the several universities and a considerable number of foreign teachers and students in the city, there's a vibrant expat community in Daegu. There are numerous international meetups, language exchanges, and expat-friendly bars and cafes, making it easy for newcomers to make friends and build a social circle.


Daegu experiences a unique climate. It is often called the 'hottest city' in South Korea due to its scorching summers. However, it also experiences cold winters, making it essential for newcomers to be prepared for both extremes.

Teacher Stories: Teaching English in Daegu


Sarah, originally from London, always had a passion for traveling. While on a backpacking trip in Asia, she met an English teacher from Daegu who spoke highly of their experience. This planted the idea in Sarah's mind. A year later, she found herself teaching at a local hagwon in Daegu. "The warmth of the locals, the vibrant city atmosphere combined with the serene pockets of nature — Daegu has been an experience I never expected. My students are enthusiastic, and the challenges are rewarding. Plus, the bulgogi here is to die for!"


Alex, from Toronto, initially chose Daegu because of its less intimidating size compared to Seoul. Little did he know that he'd become a regular participant in Daegu's festivals. "From the Chimac Festival to the Herbal Medicine Festival, every month seems to bring a new celebration. My students often teach me the traditions, and in return, I bring them tales from Canadian festivities. It's a cultural exchange every day!"


Ethan, from New Zealand, always felt at home in the mountains. The Palgongsan Mountain in Daegu became his weekend retreat. "Apart from teaching, I spend my weekends hiking. Sometimes, I even take my students on these trips, turning them into outdoor English lessons. The landscapes here speak, and I've learned to listen."

Moving Towards Teaching English In Daegu

Moving towards a teaching career in Daegu requires a blend of research, preparation, and a bit of adventure. Start by delving into Daegu’s history, culture, and local customs. Watching documentaries, reading blogs, or connecting with current or former teachers in the city can offer valuable insights. Make sure you're thoroughly aware of the requirements. Having documents like your degree, TEFL certificate (if you possess one), and other necessary credentials at hand can be crucial.

Start applying for jobs and setting up some interviews. Anticipate potential teaching demonstrations or lesson plan evaluations in the interviews. It’s always beneficial to understand the school's ethos beforehand and tailor your responses accordingly. Should you receive a job offer, examine your contract meticulously. Ensure clarity regarding work hours, remuneration, perks, and vacation days.

Upon arrival in Daegu, most educational establishments offer orientation sessions, an excellent opportunity to get a feel for the school and meet fellow educators. Building a network is vital. Engaging with local expat communities or joining teacher groups can offer both professional support and personal connections. Also, consider enrolling in local classes, like language exchange programs, which can further enrich your experience.

Teaching in Daegu is as much about personal growth and cultural immersion as it is about education. Embrace the journey with an open heart, adaptability, and a sense of adventure. The experiences and memories you'll gather will be unparalleled.