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Teach English in Marseille, France

Situated along the azure coast of the Mediterranean, Marseille stands as a testament to a rich tapestry of history, maritime tradition, and diverse cultures. As France's second-largest city and the largest port in the Mediterranean, Marseille is a mosaic of vibrant neighborhoods, ancient basilicas, and sun-soaked beaches. With its melange of French and North African influences, the city boasts an atmosphere distinctly different from other French cities, offering a unique blend of the traditional and the contemporary. The rhythm of the waves, the tantalizing aroma of bouillabaisse, and the melodies of various languages being spoken set the backdrop for a unique teaching experience in this Mediterranean gem.

Reasons to Teach English in Marseille

  1. Cultural Melting Pot: Marseille's diverse population, a result of its port-city status, brings together a rich blend of cultures, languages, and traditions. Teaching English here allows you to interact with a mix of students, enhancing the cultural exchange and understanding.

  2. Historic Significance: The city's storied past, from its Greek origins to its role in World War II, provides a captivating backdrop for history enthusiasts. Guided tours, museums, and ancient ruins like the Old Port or the Notre-Dame de la Garde basilica offer a peek into the bygone eras.

  3. Natural Beauty: Located by the Mediterranean Sea, Marseille is blessed with breathtaking landscapes — from the Calanques National Park to its sandy beaches. This is perfect for those who want to blend work with leisure, offering weekend getaways right at your doorstep.

  4. Lively Art Scene: With a myriad of theaters, galleries, and street art, Marseille has a burgeoning art scene. The city's dynamic creative energy, combined with events like the Marseille International Film Festival, makes it a hub for art aficionados.

  5. Language Evolution: Marseille's linguistic landscape is as diverse as its population. This provides a unique opportunity for English teachers to understand the intricacies of blending language learning with cultural nuances, making teaching here a truly enriching experience.

  6. Delicious Cuisine: Being a port city, Marseille offers a culinary journey like no other. Dive into the flavors of the famous bouillabaisse, or explore the North African influences in local dishes. Teaching in Marseille means your taste buds are in for a treat!

  7. Strong Demand for English: As Marseille continues to grow as a business and tourist hub, the demand for English — both in schools and for business purposes — is on the rise. This ensures job opportunities and a chance to make a genuine impact in your students' lives.

Understanding Marseille's Education Landscape

Marseille's educational landscape mirrors the diversity and vibrancy of the city itself. Public schools, private institutions, language academies, and universities together form a robust network offering ample opportunities for English teachers.

Public schools follow the national curriculum set by the French Ministry of Education. However, due to the city's multicultural populace, many schools emphasize bilingual or multilingual education. This emphasis has led to an increased demand for qualified English teachers.

On the other hand, private language schools and academies cater to a variety of age groups and demographics, from young children to business professionals. These institutions often focus on conversational English, business English, or preparation for English proficiency exams.

Additionally, Marseille's universities and higher education institutions offer courses in English to attract international students, further solidifying the need for adept English educators.

Eligibility and Requirements to Teach English in Marseille

The requirements to teach English in Marseille will be similar to the standard requirements for teaching English in France, however, here are the specific requirements for Marseille:

  1. Bachelor’s Degree: A degree from an accredited university, regardless of the field, is typically required.

  2. TEFL/TESOL Certification: Many institutions in Marseille prefer teachers with a TEFL or TESOL certification, especially if you don't have prior teaching experience.

  3. Native Speaker: Being a native English speaker from countries such as the USA, UK, South Africa, Australia, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, or Ireland can be advantageous.

  4. Proficiency in French: While not always mandatory, having a basic understanding of French can be beneficial, both in the classroom and for daily life in Marseille.

  5. Previous Teaching Experience: Some schools or academies might require prior teaching experience, while others might be open to hiring those new to the profession.

  6. EU Citizenship or Valid Work Visa: Non-EU citizens will require a work visa to teach in France. The process can be intricate, so it's crucial to be informed and prepared.

Salary and Benefits for Teaching English in Marseille

  1. Salary Range: Depending on qualifications and experience, English teachers can expect to earn between €1,200 to €2,500 per month.

  2. Contract Duration: Contracts can range from 6 months to a year, with opportunities for renewal.

  3. Working Hours: Typically, teachers can expect to work around 20-30 hours per week. However, private tutoring or additional assignments can increase this.

  4. Benefits: While public schools might offer benefits such as health insurance and paid holidays, private institutions might not always provide the same. However, some top-tier language academies might offer relocation assistance.

  5. Opportunities for Private Tutoring: Marseille's thriving student population and business community provide ample opportunities for private tutoring, where rates can range between €15 to €35 per hour, depending on the teacher's experience and the student's requirements.

  6. Professional Development: Some institutions might offer continuous training and development opportunities to help teachers enhance their skills and stay updated with the latest teaching methodologies.

Living in Marseille

Marseille, located on France's southeastern coast, stands as the nation's second-largest city and its largest port. With a history spanning over 2,600 years, it's one of Europe's oldest cities, boasting a rich tapestry of cultures, architecture, and traditions. Living in Marseille is a delightful blend of the old and the new, where history seamlessly integrates with modernity.

Historical Significance

Marseille's Old Port (Vieux-Port) has been trading for over 26 centuries. The Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde, overlooking the city, is a Romanesque-Byzantine church and a beloved landmark, offering panoramic views of Marseille. The city is also home to numerous museums, such as the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations (MuCEM), highlighting its historical importance.

Diverse Culture

Marseille's diverse population reflects its history as a major Mediterranean port. The city's culture is a melting pot, with North African, Italian, and Corsican influences evident in its cuisine, architecture, and festivals. This diversity brings a richness to daily life, from food markets filled with exotic spices to the various musical rhythms echoing through its streets.


Marseille is a haven for food lovers. The city is renowned for its seafood, with bouillabaisse being a signature dish. Fresh produce markets, like the one on La Canebière, offer an array of regional specialties. Plus, being a port city, Marseille enjoys a fresh bounty from the sea daily.


Marseille boasts a Mediterranean climate with mild, humid winters and warm to hot, mostly dry summers. This pleasant weather allows for a range of outdoor activities, from lounging on the Prado beaches to hiking in the nearby Calanques National Park.

Cost of Living

While Marseille is more affordable than Paris, living expenses are on par with many Western European cities. Renting a one-bedroom apartment in the city center might cost around €600 to €900 per month. Public transportation is efficient, with a comprehensive metro, tram, and bus system, making commuting relatively inexpensive.


French is the official language. However, due to its multicultural populace, it's not uncommon to hear Arabic, Italian, Corsican, and other languages. As an English teacher, you'll be part of a community promoting bilingualism, and you'll find many eager to converse and practice their English with you.

Teacher Stories

Sarah from the USA

"I moved to Marseille straight after finishing my TEFL course in the States. Initially, it was a culture shock: the rhythm of life, the language, everything felt different. But the city, with its sun-kissed beaches and mouth-watering bouillabaisse, soon grew on me. The students were eager to learn, and the community was incredibly welcoming. I've not only developed as an educator but also picked up quite a bit of French along the way!"

James from the UK

"Being from London, I was used to the hustle and bustle of a big city. But Marseille offered something different — a slower pace, a rich history, and an incredibly diverse community. I've been teaching here for three years now, and every day feels like a new adventure. From exploring the Calanques to enjoying jazz nights at local bars, it's been a fulfilling journey."

Aiden from New Zealand

"Teaching in Marseille has been a dream. The Mediterranean climate reminds me of home, and the beaches are just as beautiful as those in NZ. My students are curious and motivated, always challenging me to find innovative ways to teach. Plus, being a stone's throw away from other European destinations is a massive bonus for weekend getaways."

Siobhan from Ireland

"When I told my family I was moving to Marseille to teach English, they were a bit surprised. But now, after countless visits and shared experiences, they love it as much as I do. The city is alive with culture, music, and history. My students, ranging from young learners to adults, have shown me the true spirit of Marseille."

Moving Towards Teaching English In Marseille

Embarking on a journey to teach English in Marseille is more than just a career choice; it's an adventure that promises personal growth, professional development, and countless memories. With its rich history, diverse culture, and a community eager to learn, Marseille offers an unparalleled experience for ESL teachers.

While the initial steps may seem daunting — understanding the requirements, navigating the job market, and settling in a new city — the rewards are plenty. Whether it's the joy of seeing a student grasp a new concept, the thrill of exploring ancient neighborhoods, or the simple pleasure of savoring a freshly baked croissant by the Old Port, life in Marseille is full of moments that make the journey worthwhile.

If you're contemplating a move, let these stories inspire you. Let the allure of Marseille draw you in. After all, as the Provençal saying goes, "A life lived fully is a life lived in Marseille."