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Teach English in Sapporo, Japan

Nestled on the northernmost island of Hokkaido, Sapporo stands as a testament to Japan's capability to seamlessly blend the contemporary with the traditional. Known for its crisp, snowy winters and vibrant summer festivals, this city offers a unique Japanese experience distinct from the hustle of Tokyo or the ancient allure of Kyoto. From the iconic Sapporo Snow Festival to the city's vast ski resorts, Sapporo is a melting pot of cultural experiences waiting to be explored. As you navigate its broad, tree-lined streets and indulge in Hokkaido's famed cuisine, you'll quickly understand why Sapporo is a coveted destination for many English teachers seeking an authentic yet modern Japanese experience.

Reasons to Teach English in Sapporo

  1. Distinct Seasons: Sapporo experiences a full range of seasons, from snowy winters ideal for skiing and snowboarding to mild summers perfect for hiking and enjoying outdoor festivals.

  2. Rich Cultural Experiences: The Sapporo Snow Festival draws visitors from around the world, and being a resident means you can experience this and other local festivals firsthand.

  3. Hokkaido Cuisine: Sapporo offers a chance to savor Hokkaido's unique culinary delights, including fresh seafood, Sapporo ramen, and dairy products.

  4. Modern Infrastructure: As a former Winter Olympics host city, Sapporo boasts a modern and efficient public transportation system, making commuting and exploring hassle-free.

  5. Outdoor Activities: With easily accessible ski resorts and numerous parks, there's always something to do outdoors, whether it's skiing, snowboarding, hiking, or simply enjoying the natural beauty.

  6. Diverse Teaching Opportunities: From private language schools (eikaiwas) to public schools, Sapporo offers a variety of teaching positions catering to different preferences and expertise levels.

  7. Friendly and Welcoming Community: The people of Sapporo are known for their warmth and hospitality, making it easier for foreigners to adjust and feel at home.

  8. Gateway to Hokkaido: Living in Sapporo also means you're at the doorstep of exploring the broader expanse of Hokkaido, with its national parks, hot springs, and unique wildlife.

  9. Lower Living Costs: Compared to cities like Tokyo or Osaka, Sapporo offers a more affordable cost of living without compromising on the quality of life.

  10. Language Immersion: Unlike the more tourist-heavy cities, Sapporo provides a genuine environment for immersing oneself in the Japanese language and culture, facilitating faster and more authentic learning experiences.

Understanding Sapporo's Education Landscape

The education landscape in Sapporo is a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity. While the city values its ancient teaching methodologies, it also recognizes the importance of English in today's globalized world. Consequently, the demand for English teachers in Sapporo is ever-present.

Private Language Schools (Eikaiwas): Eikaiwas are aplenty in Sapporo, ranging from prominent national chains to smaller, locally-run schools. They cater to a variety of students, from young learners to working professionals seeking to enhance their English proficiency.

Public Schools: Through programs like the JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching) Program, native English speakers are placed in public schools to work alongside local teachers. In Sapporo, there's a particular emphasis on introducing English at earlier grades, making the role of assistant language teachers (ALTs) vital.

Universities: Sapporo, being home to some of Hokkaido's top universities, offers opportunities for those with higher qualifications to teach at a tertiary level. These positions are competitive but come with added benefits and higher pay.

Private Lessons: Many teachers supplement their income by offering private lessons. In a city as vast and populated as Sapporo, finding interested students isn't a challenge.

Eligibility and Requirements to Teach English in Sapporo

The requirements to teach English in Sapporo will be similar to the standard requirements for teaching English in Japan, however, here are the specific requirements for Sapporo:

  1. Bachelor's Degree: A degree from a recognized university, in any field, is typically a must for teaching positions.

  2. TEFL/TESOL Certification: While not always mandatory, having a TEFL or TESOL certificate can significantly enhance job prospects, especially in competitive areas like Sapporo.

  3. Native English Speaker: Most schools prefer native speakers from countries like the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, and South Africa.

  4. Visa: A work visa is essential, usually sponsored by the employing institution. The most common is the Instructor Visa for those teaching in public schools and the Specialist in Humanities/International Services Visa for those in eikaiwas or universities.

  5. Clean Background Check: A criminal background check might be requested by some employers.

  6. Health Check: Some institutions might require a basic health check, especially if you're working with young children.

  7. Japanese Proficiency: Not a strict requirement, but having basic Japanese skills can be an advantage, especially for daily living and building rapport with students and staff.

Salary and Benefits for Teaching English in Sapporo

  1. Salary: On average, English teachers can expect to earn between ¥200,000 to ¥300,000 per month. University positions and experienced teachers can command higher salaries.

  2. Health Insurance: By law, teachers are required to be enrolled in the National Health Insurance program, often split 50-50 between the employer and employee.

  3. Contract Completion Bonus: Some schools offer a bonus upon successfully completing a contract term.

  4. Professional Development: Larger institutions, especially universities, might offer opportunities for professional development, including workshops and conferences.

  5. Paid Vacation: In addition to national holidays, teachers can expect 10-20 days of paid leave. This might vary depending on the institution and contract specifics.

  6. Contract Renewal: Many schools offer the option to renew contracts, and with renewal might come a salary increase.

  7. Cultural Experiences: Sapporo, with its rich history and vibrant festivals, offers teachers a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in Japanese culture, often facilitated by the schools themselves.

Living in Sapporo

Living in Sapporo is a unique experience that seamlessly blends urban conveniences with natural beauty. As the largest city on the northernmost of Japan's main islands, Hokkaido, Sapporo offers a distinctive lifestyle. Here's what you can expect:

Climate and Geography:

Sapporo is renowned for its chilly winters and snow festivals. It's a winter wonderland from December to February, with temperatures often plunging below freezing. Snow sports enthusiasts will find this a paradise. On the flip side, summers are mild and short, making them a refreshing break from the heat and humidity found elsewhere in Japan.

Culture and Festivals:

The Sapporo Snow Festival held in February is world-famous, attracting tourists from all over to marvel at the magnificent ice sculptures and installations. The city also hosts the Sapporo International Art Festival and the Sapporo Autumn Fest, celebrating arts, crafts, and food.


Sapporo boasts an efficient public transport system. Its subway system, consisting of three lines, is punctual and comprehensive, ensuring you can get around the city with ease. Buses and taxis are also readily available.

Food and Cuisine:

Hokkaido is famed for its fresh seafood, and Sapporo is no exception. You can savor delectable sushi, crab dishes, and other seafood delicacies. Additionally, Sapporo is the birthplace of the miso ramen, a must-try for any food lover. Don't forget to wash it down with a glass of Sapporo beer, which hails from the city.


Accommodations in Sapporo tend to be more spacious compared to cities like Tokyo or Osaka. While rent isn't the cheapest, you'll likely get more value for your yen in terms of space. Many English teachers opt for apartments known as "1K" or "1DK", which are suitable for single occupants.

Recreation and Leisure:

Outdoor enthusiasts will have plenty to do, from skiing and snowboarding in the nearby mountains during winter to hiking and exploring parks like Moerenuma Park in the warmer months. The city also offers numerous shopping districts, bars, and nightclubs for urbanites.


While many people in Sapporo understand basic English, especially in the hospitality sector, it's beneficial to know some Japanese phrases. The local population appreciates any effort made to speak their language, and it will undoubtedly enrich your experience.


Sapporo is a safe city, with low crime rates. As always, exercise basic precautions, especially during crowded events or late-night outings.

Teacher Stories

Emma from the UK:

"When I landed in Sapporo, the sheer beauty of the snow-covered city left me awestruck. Teaching English here has been a delightful journey. The students are eager to learn, and the local community is incredibly welcoming. Weekends spent skiing and savoring the local ramen are moments I cherish. My advice to potential teachers? Come with an open heart and a warm jacket!"

Sean from Ireland:

"Being from Ireland, I thought I was used to cold weather. But Sapporo introduced me to a whole new level of winter wonder! Apart from teaching, which has been an incredibly rewarding experience, I've grown fond of the local festivals, especially the Sapporo Snow Festival. The camaraderie among the expat community here is fantastic."

Aiden from Australia:

"Coming from the sunny shores of Australia, Sapporo's climate was a big change. But the warmth of its people more than compensates for the chilly weather. Teaching here has been an eye-opener, with students bringing a mix of enthusiasm and humility to the classroom. And yes, the seafood here is to die for!"

Lebo from South Africa:

"I never imagined I'd find myself teaching in a snowy city like Sapporo, coming from sunny South Africa. But the experience has been nothing short of magical. The city has a rhythm of its own, and the students have a genuine respect for teachers. Exploring Hokkaido's natural beauty has been a big bonus."

Sophia from Canada:

"As a Canadian, I felt right at home with Sapporo's snowy landscapes. Teaching English here has provided me with an opportunity to not only share my language but also to dive deep into Japan's rich culture. The balance of work and leisure in this city is just perfect!"

Moving Towards Teaching English In Sapporo

Sapporo, with its mesmerizing landscapes and vibrant city life, promises a unique teaching experience in Japan. Beyond the classroom, the city offers a plethora of activities, from its world-renowned snow festival to the delectable local cuisine. For those considering the journey, teaching in Sapporo isn't just about imparting English knowledge; it's about immersing oneself in a culture that beautifully blends tradition with modernity. As you take the steps towards this northern gem, rest assured that the memories you make here will be cherished for a lifetime.