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Teach English in Taipei, Taiwan

Nestled in the northern tip of Taiwan, Taipei serves not just as the nation's capital but as a pulsating heart of vibrant culture, rich history, and modern skyscrapers. A city that seamlessly fuses the old with the new, Taipei offers an intricate tapestry of experiences, from the solemn rituals at its ancient temples to the bustling lanes of night markets resonating with life and flavors.

At first glance, Taipei might dazzle with its futuristic cityscape, crowned by the iconic Taipei 101, once the world's tallest building. But beyond its architectural marvels, lies a city deeply rooted in its traditions. Streets are adorned with lanterns and filled with the aroma of street food, the melodies of traditional performances, and the hum of conversations that are a testament to the community spirit.

For educators, Taipei poses an irresistible allure. The city's emphasis on education and a growing appetite for English proficiency means there's a soaring demand for English teachers. Schools and language institutions are sprinkled throughout the city, offering myriad opportunities to those looking to teach. And it's not just about work. Teachers in Taipei often recount tales of weekend hikes in Yangmingshan, serene afternoons spent in tea houses nestled in the Maokong hills, or exploring the rich tapestry of food, art, and entertainment the city offers.

Moreover, Taipei's efficient transportation system, featuring its world-class metro, ensures easy commutes and explorations. Add to this the warmth of its people, and you've got a destination that's not just perfect for teaching but for living a memorable chapter of one's life.

For those considering a teaching stint abroad, Taipei promises an experience that's both professionally rewarding and personally enriching. Dive in, and let the city's charm envelop you.

Reasons to Teach English in Taipei

High Demand for English Teachers: The emphasis on English education is palpable in Taipei. With its ever-increasing global outreach, there's a continuous demand for native and fluent English speakers to educate the young and old alike. This demand translates to more job opportunities and competitive salaries.

Affordable Living Standards: While Taipei offers all the amenities of a modern metropolis, it doesn't bear the exorbitant living costs of other major Asian cities. Delicious street food, affordable public transportation, and reasonably priced accommodations mean your salary stretches further.

Cultural Immersion: Teaching in Taipei is not just about imparting knowledge but also about absorbing the rich cultural heritage of Taiwan. From traditional Dragon Boat festivals to the iconic Lantern Festival, every day is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Warm and Welcoming Locals: Taiwanese people, especially in Taipei, are renowned for their hospitality. As an English teacher, you'll often find yourself invited to local gatherings, family dinners, or cultural events, fostering deep and lasting connections.

Natural Beauty: Taipei is surrounded by stunning natural landscapes. Whether you fancy hiking up Elephant Mountain to catch a sunset view of the city or relaxing in Beitou's hot springs, nature is always just a short trip away.

Safe and Clean Environment: Taipei consistently ranks as one of the safest cities in Asia. The streets are clean, and there's a strong community ethos, making it an ideal place to live and work.

State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: From its ultra-modern subway system to skyscrapers like Taipei 101, the city boasts world-class infrastructure, making everyday life convenient and comfortable.

Language Learning Opportunities: While teaching English, educators also get a chance to learn Mandarin, an increasingly significant language in global affairs. Many institutions even offer language exchange programs, helping you immerse deeper into the local culture.

Strategic Location for Travel: Situated in the heart of Asia, Taipei serves as a strategic hub for exploring other parts of Taiwan and neighboring countries. With an array of budget airlines and excellent connectivity, weekend getaways to other Asian destinations are both feasible and tempting.

Progressive Environment: Taipei is increasingly being recognized for its progressive values. From LGBTQ+ rights to environmental initiatives, the city is at the forefront of many social movements in Asia, making it a dynamic and inclusive place to live.

Understanding Taipei's Education Landscape

Taipei, the bustling capital of Taiwan, showcases a diverse educational ecosystem that mirrors its rich cultural heritage and global aspirations. From public schools with structured curriculums to dynamic private institutions and specialized language schools known as 'Buxibans', Taipei's academic world offers varied opportunities for English educators. Here's a guide to help you understand and navigate through these distinct teaching environments:

Public Schools

Public schools in Taipei are governed by Taiwan's Ministry of Education. They include elementary, junior high, and senior high schools.

Curriculum: Public schools follow a national curriculum set by the government. English is considered a vital subject, and its instruction begins from the third grade.

Work Hours: Typically, English teachers work from Monday to Friday, with weekends off. The school day usually runs from 8 AM to 4 PM, but actual teaching hours might be less, allowing time for lesson planning.

Benefits: Public schools often offer a comprehensive benefits package that may include paid vacations, national holidays off, health insurance, and sometimes even housing subsidies.

Private Institutions

Private schools, often referred to as 'private academies', can range from kindergarten to high school level. They offer an alternative to the national curriculum, often incorporating international teaching standards.

Curriculum: Private institutions may adopt international curriculums, such as IB (International Baccalaureate) or Cambridge IGCSE, providing a diverse teaching experience.

Work Hours: While still adhering to a Monday to Friday schedule, private institutions might have extended hours to cater to their specialized curriculum.

Benefits: Salaries in private institutions can be higher than public schools, but benefits can vary widely based on the school's reputation and resources.

Buxibans (Cram Schools)

Buxibans are specialized tutoring centers designed to offer supplementary education to students outside of their regular school hours.

Curriculum: The curriculum at Buxibans is more flexible than traditional schools. Teachers often have autonomy in structuring their lessons, focusing on conversational English, test preparation, or other specialized areas.

Work Hours: Hours can be unconventional, as Buxibans operate after regular school hours. Teachers might work in the late afternoon to evening, and sometimes on weekends.

Benefits: While Buxibans can offer competitive salaries, benefits might be more limited compared to traditional schools. However, the flexibility and autonomy in lesson planning can be appealing for many educators.

Final Thoughts

When choosing the right educational institution in Taipei, consider factors such as your teaching style, desired work hours, and the kind of work-life balance you're aiming for. Each type of school offers its unique set of challenges and rewards, ensuring there's a perfect fit for every aspiring teacher in the city.

Eligibility and Requirements

Teaching English in Taipei is a rewarding endeavor, but just like any professional venture, it comes with its own set of prerequisites. While most of the general requirements to teach English in Taiwan apply to Taipei, there are certain nuances and specifics of the city that aspiring educators should be aware of. Here's a detailed breakdown:


Bachelor's Degree: A Bachelor's Degree is mandatory for most teaching positions in Taipei. It doesn’t necessarily have to be in English or Education, any field of study is usually acceptable.

Associates Degree: If you possess an Associates Degree, it's still possible to teach in Taipei, but you would need a TEFL certificate to increase your chances of landing a job.

TEFL Certification

While not always mandatory, having a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate can significantly improve your job prospects in Taipei. Many institutions, especially Buxibans and private academies, value this certification as it represents specialized training in teaching English to non-native speakers.

Native Speaker Criteria

Being a native speaker with a passport from countries such as The United Kingdom, The United States, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, or South Africa is often a strong advantage. However, Taipei is becoming more inclusive, and many schools are open to hiring well-qualified teachers from other countries, especially if they demonstrate proficiency in English.

Teaching Experience

Experience is an asset, but not a strict requirement in Taipei. Schools appreciate teachers with a background in education, but they also value transferable skills from other professions. Enthusiasm, adaptability, and a genuine passion for teaching often weigh in as much as experience.

Background Check

To work in Taipei, you'll need to pass a national criminal background check. Minor infringements like traffic violations won't be a hindrance, but more serious offenses can jeopardize your chances.

Health and Age Criteria

Teachers should be physically and mentally fit. Some schools might request a health check before finalizing a contract.

The minimum age to teach in Taipei is 20. There's no official upper age limit, but some schools might have their own criteria.

Cultural Interest and Language Passion

An evident interest in Taiwanese culture can make you a standout candidate. Schools in Taipei appreciate teachers who engage with the local culture and show a long-term interest in the city.

Passion for the English language is paramount. It's not just about grammar and vocabulary but instilling a love for the language in students.

Salary and Benefits

Teaching English in Taipei offers a lucrative blend of competitive salaries and additional benefits. The city's bustling educational scene, coupled with its high demand for English instruction, ensures that educators are well-compensated for their efforts. Here's a detailed breakdown of what you can expect in terms of salary and other perks:

Salary by School Type

Public Schools: Salaries in public schools generally range from 60,000 to 70,000 NT$ per month. These institutions offer stability, structured work hours, and regular holidays.

Private Schools: Teachers in private schools can expect to earn between 50,000 and 60,000 NT$ monthly. The pay may vary based on the reputation of the school and the specific role.

Buxibans (Cram Schools): These are after-school tutoring centers. Salaries here vary widely based on the institution's reputation and the teacher's experience, with a range of 40,000 to 70,000 NT$ per month.

International Schools: These elite institutions offer the highest salaries, generally between 80,000 and 200,000 NT$ monthly. They often seek experienced educators with specialized credentials.

Universities: Teaching at the university level typically offers a monthly wage of around 55,000 NT$. However, such roles might demand higher qualifications and a notable level of experience.

Living in Taipei

Taipei, the vibrant capital of Taiwan, seamlessly blends modernity with rich cultural heritage. The city pulsates with energy, offering an array of experiences from bustling night markets to serene temples. If you're contemplating teaching in Taipei, here's what you need to know about day-to-day life:

Cost of Living

Accommodation: Rent varies based on location and type of housing. A single bedroom apartment in the city center can range from 15,000 to 30,000 NT$ per month. In the outskirts, it can drop to 10,000 to 20,000 NT$.

Utilities: Monthly utility bills for an 85 m^2 apartment average around 2,500 to 4,000 NT$. This includes electricity, heating, cooling, and water.

Food: Eating out is a popular pastime. A meal at an inexpensive local eatery might cost 100 to 200 NT$, while a three-course meal at a mid-range restaurant could be between 500 to 1,000 NT$.


Metro (MRT): Taipei boasts an efficient and clean metro system. A one-way ticket starts at 20 NT$, and monthly passes are available for frequent travelers.

Buses: Extensive bus networks cover areas not reached by the MRT. The fare usually ranges from 15 to 30 NT$.

Taxis: They are slightly more expensive but convenient. The starting fare is around 70 NT$, with an additional 20-25 NT$ per kilometer.

Bicycles: YouBike, Taipei's public bike-sharing system, is a popular mode of transport, especially for short distances.

Food and Dining

Night Markets: Taipei is renowned for its night markets like Shilin and Raohe, offering a plethora of street food options such as stinky tofu, bubble tea, and beef noodles.

Local Eateries: From noodle houses to dumpling joints, local eateries offer affordable and delicious meals.

International Cuisine: Owing to its cosmopolitan nature, Taipei has a range of international restaurants, catering to diverse palates.


Cinemas: Watching movies is a popular pastime. Ticket prices hover around 250 to 300 NT$.

Theaters and Concerts: Taipei has a lively arts scene. The National Theater and Concert Hall regularly host performances.

Parks and Recreation: Areas like Da'an Forest Park provide green respite in the heart of the city.

Cultural Experiences

Temples: Taipei is dotted with temples, such as Longshan and Xingtian. They offer a window into Taiwanese religious and cultural practices.

Museums: The National Palace Museum and Taipei Fine Arts Museum are must-visits for art and history enthusiasts.

Festivals: The city comes alive during festivals like Lunar New Year, Dragon Boat Festival, and Lantern Festival.

Teacher Stories

Engaging with those who have walked the path you’re about to embark on can provide invaluable insights. Let's delve into the experiences of a few English teachers who have ventured into the dynamic classrooms of Taipei.

Alexandra, South Africa - Teaching at a Buxiban in Taipei

"Taipei struck me with its juxtaposition of modernity and tradition. As for teaching, my Buxiban has been a whirlwind of energy. The kids are eager to learn, and the curriculum is structured yet flexible. My biggest challenge was adjusting to the pace, but the warmth of my colleagues and students made it all worthwhile. My tip? Dive into the local cuisine - it’s a language lesson in itself!"

Miguel, United States - Instructor at a Private School

"Coming from the west, I was prepared for a culture shock, but Taipei surprised me with its seamless blend of cultures. Teaching at a private school here has its demands, but the rewards are plentiful. The smaller class sizes meant I could form genuine connections with my students. Also, don't miss out on the city's vibrant night markets!"

Tando, South Africa - University Lecturer

"I moved to Taipei to lecture at one of its prestigious universities. While not a traditional TEFL route, my experience has been enriching. The students, although older, are incredibly respectful and keen to learn. Taipei itself is a treasure, from its temples to its tech hubs. If you're considering teaching here, embrace every facet of its culture. It'll only make your teaching journey richer."

Tomas, Canada - Teacher at a Public School

"Teaching in a public school in Taipei was my first TEFL job, and what an introduction to the world of teaching it's been! The structure is more formal compared to Buxibans, but the resources and support I received were top-notch. Plus, Taipei's transport system made commuting a breeze. My advice? Join local teacher communities. It's a fantastic way to share resources, experiences, and make friends."

These tales from the ground highlight that while challenges exist, the overarching sentiment is one of fulfillment and growth. Taipei isn’t just a place to teach, it's a place to learn, explore, and thrive.

Moving Towards Teaching English In Taipei

Stepping into the heart of Taiwan, Taipei beckons with its intoxicating blend of the old and new, cultural richness, and promising educational opportunities. As we've traversed through the various facets of teaching English in this metropolitan marvel, there's no doubt that Taipei offers a unique, rewarding, and transformative experience for educators.

A few parting tips for the aspirants:

Cultural Openness: While Taipei is modern, its roots lie deep within age-old traditions. Embrace them, understand them, and incorporate them into your teaching methods and daily life.

Continuous Learning: The landscape of TEFL is dynamic. Keep upgrading your skills and techniques. Taipei offers various workshops and seminars for teachers to hone their craft.

Network: Interact with fellow teachers, join forums, and participate in community events. It will not only enhance your stay but also open doors to better opportunities and teaching resources.

Embrace the City: Beyond the confines of the classroom, the city is an educator. From its pulsating night markets to serene temples, every corner of Taipei has a story to tell. Let it be your teacher.

For those standing on the precipice of this decision, remember that every journey begins with a single step. Taipei is not just a destination; it's an adventure, a community, and a classroom in its own right. So, pack your bags, bring your passion for teaching, and let Taipei be the chapter in your TEFL story that you never knew you needed.