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Teach English in Taiwan: Requirements, Salary, Jobs

Teach English in Taiwan

Have you ever considered the adventure of teaching English in Taiwan? This island nation offers a fascinating blend of cultural influences and stunning natural landscapes, making it an ideal destination for educators. Taiwan is not just a place to teach; it's a place to discover a rich tapestry of Chinese, Japanese, Western, and indigenous cultures, all coalescing into a vibrant community atmosphere.

Located north of the Philippines and southwest of Okinawa, Taiwan's geography is as diverse as its culture. From the soaring peaks of its mountain ranges to the lush greenery of its forests and the serene beauty of its offshore islands and hot springs, Taiwan invites exploration and wonder. The capital city, Taipei, is a hub of energy and excitement, renowned for its delicious culinary delights, bustling markets, and vibrant nightlife.

Taiwanese people are known for their warmth and hospitality, often going out of their way to welcome foreigners. This openness makes Taiwan one of the most welcoming countries for English teachers. The island's climate varies from hot and humid summers to cooler winters, providing a comfortable backdrop for both living and teaching.

Whether you are an experienced educator or new to teaching, Taiwan offers numerous opportunities to develop your career. TEFL in Taiwan, short for "Teaching English as a Foreign Language" in Taiwan, is in high demand. Teaching in Taiwan not only enriches your professional life but also immerses you in a community known for its kindness and generosity. Here, every teaching day is an opportunity for cultural exchange and personal growth.

Why Teach English in Taiwan?

Taiwan is an increasingly attractive destination for teaching English, offering a unique blend of cultural richness and professional opportunities. There are many reasons why Taiwan could be the perfect place for your teaching adventure.

The vibrant culture of Taiwan is a colorful tapestry of indigenous, Chinese, Japanese, and Western influences, creating a society that is both diverse and harmonious. As an English teacher in Taiwan, you'll experience a community that celebrates traditional festivals with enthusiasm and warmly welcomes foreigners into their daily life, making it easy to feel at home.

Taiwan's natural beauty is profound, ranging from the bustling cityscapes of Taipei to the serene landscapes of Taroko Gorge and the Sun Moon Lake. These diverse settings offer something for everyone, whether you're an urban explorer or a nature enthusiast.

The cost of living in Taiwan is relatively low, especially when compared to many Western countries. This affordability allows for a comfortable lifestyle on a teacher's salary, with ample opportunity to enjoy local cuisine, public transportation, and leisure activities without breaking the bank.

There is a strong demand for English teachers in Taiwan, driven by the country's commitment to international education and English proficiency. This demand ensures a wealth of job opportunities and a stable teaching environment, often accompanied by competitive salaries and benefits.

Taiwanese people are known for their friendliness and hospitality. This welcoming attitude extends into schools and neighborhoods, making it easier for teachers to integrate and form meaningful connections within the community.

The culinary scene in Taiwan is legendary, especially noted for its night markets and street food, which offer an array of delicious and affordable dishes. From bubble tea to beef noodle soup, the flavors of Taiwan cater to all tastes and provide a delightful aspect of daily life.

Situated in the heart of Asia, Taiwan serves as an excellent base for exploring the wider region. Affordable and convenient travel options make it easy to visit nearby countries like Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia during school holidays.

Teaching English in Taiwan is not just a job — it's a gateway to a rich cultural and professional life that combines the joy of teaching with the adventure of exploring a beautiful, friendly country.

Requirements to teach English in Taiwan

So assuming you’d like to teach English in Taiwan, but have no idea if you would be able to satisfy all the requirements, this next section will cover all the important factors. Teachers often worry that they are not experienced enough. They worry that they have worked in a completely different industry so will never be able to teach English. They assume you need many years experience to get any job. The good news is that those are all false. English teachers in Taiwan come from many different backgrounds. Some are experienced English teachers and others come from other industries, such as babysitting, public speaking, corporate, medicine, acting and many more. The most important thing is that you are willing to learn and are friendly and positive while working with a team. Here is a list of some of the requirements to teach English in Taiwan:

  • You will need a Bachelor's Degree (In any subject) for most jobs. (If you have an Associates Degree, you can still get a visa if you also have a TEFL certificate)
  • Schools prefer teachers to be a native English speakers and passport holders from The United Kingdom, The United States, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand or South Africa. However, many schools hire teachers from other countries if you are well qualified as it's not a formal requirement.
  • A TEFL certificate will give you preference with some schools, but it is not required.
  • Teaching experience is not a requirement, but it certainly does help.
  • You need to pass a national criminal background check (minor traffic violations will not disqualify you).
  • Be physically and mentally healthy.
  • Be at least 20 years of age or older.
  • You should have an interest in Taiwan and Taiwanese culture.
  • Have a passion for the English language.

Read More: What are the requirements to teach English in Taiwan?

Salary for teaching English in Taiwan

With the demand for English growing steadily in Taiwan now is a great time to work as an English teacher. Opportunities are plenty and the pay is good. Taiwan is often overshadowed by it’s Asian counterparts but is largely underrated. The cost of living is relatively low compared to your salary. Your salary often depends on a few things. How qualified and experienced you are, your teaching location and the type of school you teach at. Teaching English in a big city like Taipei will earn you a higher salary but also bear in mind that the cost of living will also be higher. Here are a few examples of salaries English teachers earn at different institutions:

School Salary
Public Schools 60,000 - 70,000 NT$ per month
Private Schools 50,000 - 60,000 NT$ per month
Buxiban 40,000 - 70,000 NT$ per month
International Schools 80,000 - 200,000 NT$ per month
Universities 55,000 NT$ per month

Public school teaching jobs and salaries

Public school jobs are usually quite difficult to find. If you have years of experience you might be able to get an offer. These jobs are often taken by teachers with Education degrees but schools are open to teachers with a bachelors if they can prove themselves. If you teach at a public school in Taiwan you will most likely be teaching high school level instead of primary or elementary. Typically you will teach around 15 hours a week but you still need to stay at school all day from around 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM daily.

At a public school you are given more freedom in planning your curriculum than at the others. You also get more benefits. Public school teachers earn 60,000 to 90,000 NT$ per month. After completing your contract there is usually a year end bonus. Other benefits like housing, flight reimbursement and health cover are also usually included. Taiwan's government program to teach English at public schools is the Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program or TFETP.

Private school teaching jobs and salaries

The first notable difference between public and private schools are the class sizes. Private schools generally have smaller class sizes the public schools. Smaller classes are easier to handle so you can say that there is a better work environment here. Your workload will be around 20-25 hours a week. Private schools usually offer great benefits as well included housing and paid vacations. English teachers earn 50,000 to 60,000 NT$ per month which is lower that public schools but teachers say that the lower pay is worth it because of the benefits and work environment.

International school teaching jobs and salaries

International schools are the most prestigious schools in Taiwan. These are typically like the schools in your home country and although they are in Taiwan they follow a British or American curriculum. Fees at these schools are much higher than other options so they need to follow a high standard. To get a job here you need to be a fully qualified teachers with an Education degree and experience. It's best to apply for these jobs in your home country as they are not filled easily. International school teachers earn a salary of 80,000 to 200,000 NT$ per month. These schools also have great benefits such as reimbursed flights and school supplies as well as a not taxing your salary.

Buxiban teaching jobs and salaries

Buxiban's are also called "cram schools" and these are privately owned schools where students come after school to prepare for university. This is the most common school for new English teachers to work in Taiwan as the jobs are plentiful and easy to get, even if you don't have a degree.

These classes can be big (some over 100 students) or small and you will get paid per hour. One thing to note is that you are only paid for teaching hours and not preparing lessons and assessing students. Students are usually aged 4 to 15 and classes can be any time of the day and your schedule might vary. This can be a nice flexible teaching job and it can help you earn experience. The salary earned here on average totals up to 40,000 to 70,000 NT$ per month depending on the number of hours you work as you are paid per hour.

University teaching jobs and salaries

University jobs are some of the hardest to find. They require teachers to have at least a master's degree and sometimes a doctoral degree to teach. Working days will be mixed between weekdays and weekends but your will generally have less teaching hours than other schools and still earn a salary of 55,000 NT$ per month. This can easily be increased by working overtime hours or tutoring students privately.

Read More: What is the average English teacher salary in Taiwan?

Cost of living in Taiwan

A big reason you should teach English in Taiwan is the low cost of living. Having a low cost of living means having affordable housing, transport and food and also means being able to have a good lifestyle and save some money. Taiwan is a first world country like Singapore and Hong Kong, so you can enjoy all the benefits of that without breaking the bank. As an English teacher your salary will depend on which city you secure a job in, but the cost of living will also be lower places away from the main city centres. A single persons estimated monthly costs are 23,000 NT$ per month without rent. The currency used in Taiwan is TWD or NT$ (New Taiwan Dollar or Taiwan Dollar for short) and according to Numbeo here are some basic costs to consider in Taiwan:

Item Cost
Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre 13,389.10 NT$
Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre 8,892.76 NT$
Monthly basic utilities (Electricity, Heating, Cooling, Water, Garbage) 2,287.90 NT$
Internet (60 Mbps or More, Unlimited Data, Cable/ADSL) 732.58 NT$
Water (1.5 liter bottle) 34.72 NT$
Chicken Fillets (1kg) 257.87 NT$
Potato (1kg) 75.34 NT$
Rice (white), (1kg) 82.22 NT$
Banana (1kg) 57.93 NT$
Local Transport (One-way Ticket) 20.00 NT$
Fitness Club, Monthly Fee for 1 Adult 1,219.68 NT$

The Best Places to Teach English in Taiwan

Taiwan stands out as a top destination for English teachers, offering a blend of cultural richness and a thriving demand for language education. Here, we explore some prime locations for teaching opportunities:


Taipei, Taiwan's bustling capital, is a modern metropolis teeming with life and culture. Renowned for its lively night markets, picturesque scenery, and friendly locals, Taipei offers a dynamic environment for English teachers. The city's ever-growing appetite for English language education presents rewarding prospects for educators of all levels. Teaching in Taipei means engaging with enthusiastic students across various age groups, from young learners to seasoned professionals. Beyond the classroom, Taipei beckons with its cosmopolitan charm, inviting teachers to delve into Taiwanese customs, traditions, and experiences.

New Taipei

Adjacent to Taipei lies New Taipei, Taiwan's most populous city. Combining urban sprawl with serene landscapes, New Taipei provides a diverse teaching landscape. Amidst its bustling streets and modern developments, remnants of traditional Taiwanese culture thrive. Teaching in New Taipei offers a unique blend of metropolitan vibrancy and cultural heritage. Educators here can immerse themselves in the city's rich history, explore traditional markets, and engage with a multicultural community, all while contributing to its burgeoning demand for English education.


Nestled in central Taiwan, Taichung exudes charm with its scenic beauty and warm hospitality. Boasting friendly locals, vibrant night markets, and breathtaking landscapes, Taichung offers an inviting atmosphere for English teachers. The city's increasing interest in English language learning provides ample opportunities for educators to make a meaningful impact. Teaching in Taichung means embracing a blend of tradition and modernity, with opportunities to explore historic landmarks, savor local delicacies, and foster cross-cultural connections in a supportive environment.


Located in southern Taiwan, Tainan stands as a testament to the island's rich heritage and cultural legacy. Dotted with temples, historic sites, and delectable cuisine, Tainan offers a captivating backdrop for teaching English. The city's growing enthusiasm for language education opens doors for educators to engage with motivated students across diverse age groups. Teaching in Tainan allows for an immersive cultural experience, where educators can delve into the city's storied past, savor authentic local flavors, and contribute to a nurturing educational environment.


Situated in southern Taiwan, Kaohsiung beckons with its vibrant energy and coastal allure. Known for its sunny weather, culinary delights, and scenic beaches, Kaohsiung offers an enriching setting for English teachers. The city's burgeoning demand for English language instruction presents exciting opportunities to connect with students from varied backgrounds. Teaching in Kaohsiung means embracing a laid-back lifestyle while immersing oneself in Taiwanese culture, exploring unique attractions, and fostering academic growth in a welcoming community.


Taoyuan, located to the west of New Taipei, serves as Taiwan's gateway with its bustling international airport and diverse population. Boasting a blend of modernity and natural beauty, Taoyuan offers a vibrant teaching environment for English educators. The city's multicultural landscape and robust demand for English education create a stimulating atmosphere for teachers. Teaching in Taoyuan means engaging with a melting pot of cultures, exploring picturesque landscapes, and contributing to the city's global connectivity.

Other Locations

While cities like Taipei, New Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Taoyuan are well-known hubs for English language education, Taiwan is dotted with a variety of other locales that also provide enriching teaching opportunities. Places such as Hsinchu, known for its technological industries and vibrant expat community, or Yilan, with its lush landscapes and more relaxed pace of life, offer unique environments for educators.

Coastal towns like Taitung and Hualien offer breathtaking natural beauty and a slower, more contemplative lifestyle, which can be perfect for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of larger urban centers. These areas, while quieter, have a growing demand for English education, giving teachers a chance to really integrate into the community and make a noticeable impact.

In the mountainous regions of Nantou or the historic city of Keelung, teachers can enjoy rich cultural heritage and natural scenery. These locations often attract schools that are very welcoming to new teachers and may provide a more immersive Taiwanese experience.

Each of these diverse settings not only broadens a teacher's professional horizon but also enriches their personal life, allowing them to explore Taiwan's varied landscapes and cultural offerings. Whether you’re teaching in the shadow of the mountains or by the seaside, each place has its own charm and potential for personal and professional growth.

Essential Insights into Taiwanese Culture

Once known primarily for its manufacturing prowess, Taiwan has evolved into a sought-after destination for expatriates, particularly English teachers seeking to immerse themselves in Asian culture. With a burgeoning expat community and a warm embrace of foreigners, Taiwan offers a welcoming environment for those venturing abroad. Here are some key facets of Taiwanese culture to navigate life on this beautiful island:

Language Dynamics

While many Asian countries have distinct languages, Taiwan predominantly speaks Mandarin Chinese as its official language. English is gaining traction as a second language, with the government aiming for fluency by 2030. Consequently, English teachers find it relatively easy to integrate into Taiwanese society. Learning basic Chinese phrases, such as "ni hao" for hello, can enhance interactions and demonstrate cultural appreciation.

Modern Conveniences

Contrary to misconceptions, Taiwan boasts modern amenities and Western comforts readily available. From familiar products in stores to diverse culinary delights, expats can find familiarity amidst the vibrant Taiwanese lifestyle. Convenience stores like 7/11 or Family Mart dot the landscape, offering accessibility and convenience around the clock.

Cultural Courtesies

Taiwanese culture values respect and hospitality, evident in customs like removing shoes when entering homes. Bringing a small gift as a token of appreciation further demonstrates respect for hosts. Greetings vary, with handshakes becoming more common, particularly in professional settings, though nods remain prevalent, especially among women.

Etiquette and Politeness

Politeness is ingrained in Taiwanese society, emphasizing composure and respect in interpersonal interactions. English teachers are expected to maintain decorum, even in challenging situations. Non-verbal cues like waves or nods often replace physical contact, with hugs or kisses reserved for close relationships.

Handling Important Documents

When exchanging significant documents or receiving gifts, employing both hands signifies respect and sincerity. Opening gifts in the giver's presence is considered impolite, suggesting a lack of discretion.

Avoiding Red Ink

In Taiwanese culture, red ink symbolizes negativity and is avoided, particularly when signing or writing names. Using alternative colors demonstrates cultural sensitivity and avoids inadvertent offense.

Understanding these cultural nuances enhances the experience of living and teaching in Taiwan, fostering mutual respect and appreciation between locals and expatriates alike.

Do you need to speak Chinese to teach English in Taiwan?

No, you don't need to speak Chinese at all. While Mandarin Chinese is the primary language spoken in Taiwan, English is also prevalent, especially in urban areas. In fact, many Taiwanese people have a good grasp of English, particularly in major cities.

In the classroom, schools typically encourage English immersion by asking teachers not to speak Chinese, even if they are capable. This approach fosters a learning environment where students are encouraged to communicate in English as much as possible, facilitating their language acquisition. So, whether you're fluent in Chinese or just starting to learn, you can still excel as an English teacher in Taiwan without needing to rely on Chinese proficiency.

Can you teach English in Taiwan without a degree?

n Taiwan, the legal framework for teaching English professionally includes the requirement of holding a degree to qualify for a work visa. However, an Associate's degree accompanied by a TEFL certification also meets the criteria for obtaining a work visa, showcasing the government's flexibility towards educational qualifications for English teachers. While a bachelor's degree is often cited as a prerequisite, not all educational institutions adhere strictly to this requirement if they find a candidate whose skills and experience align with their teaching needs.

It's important to navigate this landscape with a clear understanding of the legalities involved. Working under a tourist visa, for instance, has been a route some teachers take, capitalizing on the 90-day entry permit granted to most nationalities upon arrival in Taiwan. These individuals may travel to nearby locations like Hong Kong for visa runs every three months to maintain their stay. Similarly, obtaining a student visa offers another avenue, albeit with its inherent risks due to the technically illegal nature of working under these conditions. Such practices expose teachers to potential deportation and exploitation, as any grievances with employment terms cannot be legally contested.

An often overlooked but legally permissible option for some is the Working Holiday Visa, available to citizens of certain countries. This visa allows for part-time work and travel within Taiwan, providing a unique opportunity to explore teaching English alongside experiencing the rich culture and lifestyle of the island.

For those without a degree looking to teach English independently, private tutoring emerges as a viable and flexible option. Operating as your own boss, you can arrange sessions in informal settings, such as cafés or students' homes, free from the stringent requirements typically associated with formal teaching positions.

Read More: Can you teach English in Taiwan without a degree?

Do you need to be a native English speaker?

The question of whether one must be a native English speaker to teach in Taiwan is pivotal for many aspiring educators looking towards this culturally rich and economically vibrant island. The straightforward answer is no; you do not need to be a native English speaker to secure teaching positions in Taiwan. This inclusivity sets Taiwan apart as an attractive destination for a diverse array of teaching professionals from around the globe.

Taiwan's education sector values the contributions of both native and non-native English speakers, recognizing the unique perspectives and experiences they bring to the classroom. The requirements for teaching English in Taiwan focus more on educational qualifications, such as holding a bachelor's degree or an associate degree with a TEFL certification, rather than the teacher's nationality or native language. This approach facilitates a more diverse educational environment, enriching students' learning experiences with a broader range of linguistic and cultural insights. Schools themselves

Some schools and language institutes may have a preference for native English speakers, influenced by market demand or institutional policies. However, this is not a blanket requirement across the board, and many educational institutions value the unique perspectives and skills that non-native speakers bring to the classroom.

The scenario presents a landscape where flexibility, qualifications, and the ability to navigate the job market are key. Non-native English speakers are encouraged to highlight their language proficiency, teaching credentials, and any relevant experience to enhance their appeal to potential employers. The richness of Taiwan's teaching environment, complemented by its cultural diversity and openness, ensures that there are ample opportunities for educators of all backgrounds.

Read More: Can you teach English in Taiwan as a non-native English speaker

Do you need a TEFL to teach English in Taiwan?

Any TEFL website you visit will probably say a TEFL is a requirement to teach in Taiwan. The honest truth is that it's not a requirement at all. You can get a job and visa easily without it. There are a few schools that insist on teachers having a TEFL but the majority don't require it. If you don't have a degree or have an Associates degree, the advantage of having a TEFL is that it might give you some credibility.

But just because you don't need it doesn't mean it won't be useful. If you have never taught before a TEFL course will be a good warmup and confidence boost before starting your teaching job. Not all courses are created equally and one of the most useful parts of a TEFL course is the practical teaching so make sure to take a course that focuses on that. Taking a TEFL course in Taiwan will most likely also give you a good briefing on Taiwanese culture and working culture and help you meet many other foreign teachers that could lead to long term friendships. You can also take a tefl course online, in your home country, or anywhere else before arriving in Taiwan if that's more convenient for you.

Can You Teach English in Taiwan Without Experience?

Yes, you can certainly teach English in Taiwan even if you do not have prior teaching experience. Taiwan's education sector is known for its inclusive approach, welcoming individuals who are enthusiastic about teaching and willing to learn, regardless of their previous professional background.

For many aspiring educators, the prospect of teaching without experience might seem daunting. However, Taiwan offers numerous support systems and resources to help new teachers get started. Language schools and educational institutions often provide comprehensive training programs that cover classroom management, lesson planning, and effective teaching strategies. These programs are designed to equip new teachers with the tools they need to succeed in the classroom from day one.

Additionally, the demand for English education in Taiwan means that schools are open to hiring individuals with diverse skill sets. For those without formal teaching experience, other qualities such as adaptability, communication skills, and a proactive attitude are highly valued. Schools look for candidates who are eager to engage with students and contribute positively to their learning experience, believing that a fresh perspective can bring valuable insights into teaching methods.

Furthermore, many schools in Taiwan pair inexperienced teachers with seasoned mentors who provide guidance and support as they navigate their new roles. This mentorship is invaluable, as it helps new teachers build confidence and develop their teaching style.

Having a TEFL certification can also significantly enhance your prospects if you lack teaching experience. The certification demonstrates a foundational understanding of teaching principles and shows potential employers that you are committed to professional development.

How to get a visa to teach English in Taiwan

One things teachers always worry about, is how how to get a visa to work. The process usually seems overwhelming, but don't worry it's actually quite simple. Taiwan has an agreement with a several countries and offer a Visa Exempt Entry. This means you get a visa when you arrive at the airport and there is no need to apply. If you are from the United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia (for Australia, this is temporary and it is usually 30 days) or an EU country you will be given 90 days. If your country isn't granted the Visa Exempt Entry you will need to apply for a Visitor Visa, which are granted for 60 or 90 days, at your nearest Taiwan Embassy or Consulate.

It's best to find a job before you come to Taiwan so you can start the process immediately, but if you are in Taiwan and need more time you can extend your Visitor Visa for up to 180 days and if you are on a Visa Exempt Entry you can apply for a Visitor Visa. Your school will usually help you with this while they file your work permit. While most teachers do it, working on a Visitor Visa or Visa Exempt Entry, is technically illegal and the correct visa to work with is a Resident Visa. This is sponsored by your school and you can only receive it once the school has obtained your work permit. Once the Resident Visa is issued, it is tied to your employer and valid until the end of your employment with that school. As soon as you receive your Resident Visa, you have 15 days to apply for your ARC (Alien Resident Card). This is basically an ID card that grants you access to rights of Taiwan residents such as healthcare and travel re-entry. These are the documents needed to get your Resident Visa:

  • Original degree certificate
  • Police background check
  • Passport (with at least 6 months validity)
  • 2 passport photos
  • Flight itineraries (if applying from outside of Taiwan)
  • Health check (In Taiwan, on arrival or when applying for the Resident Visa)
  • Original teacher Work Permit issued by the Ministry of Education

When to apply for teaching jobs in Taiwan

The school year in Taiwan begins in September (sometimes end of August) and ends in June every year. The year is split up into 2 semesters, with a holidays in between. Winter holidays are after the first semester in February and are usually about a week long. Summer holidays begin in July after the second semester and are around 2 months long.

The biggest hiring period for schools is in February and March, as well as August. Most schools also hire teachers throughout the year, so you will be able to secure a job whenever it is convenient for you to move to Taiwan. Universities will do most of their hiring in August, but you can still find a few jobs during the year.

How to apply for teaching jobs in Taiwan

Securing a teaching position in Taiwan is quite straightforward if you meet the basic requirements. Our Taiwan teaching jobs page offers a convenient platform to find the latest job listings in Taiwan. With Taiwan aiming to make English a national language by 2030, the demand for English teachers has surged. To ensure you land the best job for yourself, understanding what schools or recruiters seek in candidates is crucial. Here are some steps to help you stand out:

Look Clean and Professional: In Taiwan, schools hold significant status, and teachers are highly respected as professionals. It's essential to present yourself appropriately. Schools prefer a neat appearance without visible tattoos, piercings, long beards, or unconventional hairstyles. Dressing professionally for photos, videos, and interviews demonstrates your seriousness and respect for the profession. Remember to wear a smile - it makes a positive impression.

Speak Loud and Clear: Native English speakers are valued for their clear accent and natural fluency. As a teacher, you'll need to communicate effectively with students, so clarity and volume are crucial. Demonstrating your ability to speak confidently and audibly during interviews or demonstrations can greatly enhance your chances, especially if you're from a non-English-speaking background.

Update Your CV: Ensure your CV reflects your latest qualifications and experiences, even if they're not directly related to teaching. Highlight your strengths and include a brief personal statement explaining why you're interested in teaching in Taiwan.

Send a Video Introduction: With schools receiving numerous CVs, standing out is key. Consider attaching a short introductory video to your application. Share a bit about yourself and any unique qualities or experiences. If possible, include a video showcasing your teaching style and abilities — it adds a personal touch and sets you apart from other candidates.