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Faculty Positions Available in China for English, Business, Biotech, Bioinformatics, and Engineering

🏫 Australian Higher Education Network
💰 Competitive Salary
Job Description:

Australian Higher Education Network (AHEN) aims to integrate and optimize various Chinese and foreign higher education resources to build a platform for education and cultural exchanges between Australia, the Asia Pacific region and the rest of the world. Since its inception, we have promoted the multi-level, multi-type, multi-field bilateral exchanges and cooperation in the higher education industry of various countries, and actively promoted the exchanges between the higher education exchanges activities of China and Australia. 

Australian Higher Education Network runs and manages several Sino-foreign programs in different cities in China since 1999, and all the programs are cooperating with Chinese public universities and colleges. The students will study the first stage 2 years in China, then go abroad for further 2 years and get two countries' diplomas. Before the students go abroad, they need to attend IELTS examination and study some major courses. The foreign teachers are required to help the students improve their English ability and teach some professional courses. 

In 2025, we are looking for part-time(short-term) and full-time teachers to instruct courses in IELTS English, architecture, biotechnology, bioinformatics, engineering and so on. Short-term courses typically last one to two weeks, depending on the number of teaching hours. Some courses can be taught online while some courses have to be taught in the classroom. As for the courses that need to be taught in the classroom, we will cover visa, flight and hotels. The salary is negotiable. The teaching schedule is quite flexible.

The students are university students and they are 18-20 years old.

(1)Bachelor degree or higher, candidates with a related professional educational background will be preferred. 
(2)Minimum 2-year teaching experience
(3)Native English speakers from USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland or South Africa

Application Documents: 
(1)Main information page of passport

The starting date is April/September 2025.

If you are interested in this position, please contact me by:

Email: hr_ahen@163.com

Phone: (+86)18621926454

WeChat: 18621926454

To apply, email hr_ahen@163.com

⛔ This job has expired, please do not apply