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Kindergarten In Central Japan

💼 Explorer, Inc.
💰 Competitive Salary
Medical Insurance
Job Description:

La Porte International School

We are an English-immersion kindergarten located in Ichinomiya, Aichi. We are currently seeking reliable and motivated teachers to join our team. You must be a native English speaker. The position starts from the beginning of October, 2023, or earlier.

At La Porte International School, students learn English through the study of fundamental school subjects such as, Math, Science, English, etc. Learning through the interactive and dynamic study of these subjects makes teaching very interesting and enjoyable. We also value literacy in our students, because we know that is the key to retaining and growing their second language skills.

In addition to the English-immersion kindergarten, we have classes for the graduates of our kindergarten and other local international schools, as well as children who have moved or returned to Japan from other countries. They have classes in the afternoons based on various subjects and others including, S.T.E.A.M, Science, and Critical Thinking classes.

We feel that we offer a great learning environment for children. The overarching goal of our school is English fluency, but underneath that, we hope to always have a happy and healthy environment for children to grow in regards to all areas of education. The creativity and ideas of our teachers is what makes that happen. It can be a very rewarding job, to teach children at such a young age. It requires a lot of effort on the part of each teacher but there is a lot of freedom for teachers to use their own ideas and teaching styles. In fact, the best teachers at our school have been the teachers that bring new and fresh ideas. We hope to learn from new teachers as well. This is especially true when it comes to special events in the year, such as Christmas, Halloween, Performance Festival, and Summer School.

A kindergarten teacher's hours of work are from 9:00 to 18:00, Monday through Friday with a one hour daily lunch break. Twice a week, there is an option to take the lunch break at 17:00 and leave for the day. There are occasional weekend events but the schedule compensates for these events. We will provide the yearly calendar during the interview process.


"Golden-Week" Break in May - 1 week

Summer Break - 2 weeks

Winter Break - 2 weeks

In addition to scheduled holidays, new teachers receive 5 paid personal days for the first year, as well as 5 designated days off in September for a total of 10.

Starting salary is 260,000 JPY per month. Our company participates in ‘Shakai Hoken’ for all full-time employees. That means, the company pays for half of an employee’s pension and health insurance in the national health care and pension system. We also have unemployment insurance and it is the same idea, half is paid by the company and the employee pays the other half. We will sponsor visa and handle immigration paperwork. If you are moving from overseas, we can provide an apartment through the company. We will also help with any Japanese language paperwork in regards to cell phones, internet setup, Japanese National pension, health insurance, and driver’s license.

To apply, email wsimkin@gmail.com

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👉 Apply Here: wsimkin@gmail.com

Please mention that you found the job on Teast for the school's reference.

Please review the requirements to teach English in Japan before you start applying for teaching positions.

Due to the high number of applications the schools receive they may not be able to respond to every application. If you don't hear back from them within a week or so, it's best to move on to the next job.

When applying for jobs, you should NEVER have to pay to apply. You should also NEVER have to pay to buy anything which they then pay you back for later. NEVER PAY FOR ANYTHING! Also always verify you're actually talking to the company in the job post and not an imposter. Scams in TEFL are rampant, be careful!