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Fulltime English Teacher In Japan

🏫 Orange English ac.
💰 Competitive Salary
Medical Insurance
Paid Holidays
Job Description:

A native English-speaking teacher needed Orange English ac. in Aichi, Japan.

Orange English ac. Homepage: https://orange-english-ac.com/

*Job description - Providing English conversation lessons for 3years old to adults
                             Class preparation and related work

*Start date - December, 2023

*Salary - 250000yen per month

*Qualification - Bachelors degree or higher

                          Japanese language skill is welcome but not mandatory

                          Enthusiastic, adaptable and must love kids

                      A great team player with socializing skill


*Working hour - 5 days a week with occasional weekend work when there are special events
                           Tuesday to Friday 14:00 - 21:30 (depending on class schedule)
                           Saturday 10:00 - 15:00 (depending on class schedule)

* Holidays - 4 weeks paid holidays (1 week in May, 1 week in summer, 2 weeks in winter)  

                     Annual paid leave given in according with Japanese labor law

*Benefit - furnished apartment (60000yen per month),

                 Health insurance, Employment insurance

If you are interested, please send your CV, a copy of your passport by email.

To apply: contact@orange-english-ac.com


To apply, email contact@orange-english-ac.com

⛔ This job has expired, please do not apply