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Teach English in Cambodia: Requirements, Salary, Jobs

Teach English in Cambodia

Teaching English in Cambodia invites you to immerse yourself in a nation steeped in history and brimming with natural beauty. Known for the majestic Angkor Wat and the bustling streets of Phnom Penh, Cambodia offers a unique blend of ancient history and rapid modernization. This combination provides an enriching backdrop for educators seeking both adventure and a meaningful teaching experience.

Cambodia's warm climate and welcoming culture make it an attractive destination for teachers from around the world. As an English teacher in Cambodia, you'll find a community eager to learn and improve their language skills, largely driven by Cambodia's growing integration into the global economy and its increasing tourism sector. Teaching opportunities vary from volunteer positions in rural areas to paid teaching jobs in private schools and language centers in larger cities.

For English teachers, Cambodia offers a unique blend of affordability and cultural richness. TEFL in Cambodia, short for "Teaching English as a Foreign Language" in Cambodia, provides numerous opportunities for educators. The cost of living in Cambodia is relatively low, making it possible for teachers to live comfortably while enjoying the local culture. The country offers an array of experiences, from exploring ancient temple ruins and relaxing on pristine beaches to engaging in vibrant city life. Cambodia's strategic location in Southeast Asia also makes it a great base for traveling to neighboring countries like Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos.

Why Teach English in Cambodia?

Cambodia is becoming an increasingly popular destination for teaching English, thanks to its rich cultural heritage and burgeoning need for English language skills in business and tourism sectors. Here are several compelling reasons why Cambodia could be the ideal place for your teaching adventure:

Cambodia's rich cultural tapestry is vividly displayed in its well-preserved temples, palaces, and ruins, most notably Angkor Wat, one of the largest religious monuments in the world. As a teacher in Cambodia, you'll have the opportunity to delve into these historical sites and immerse yourself in a culture that is both ancient and rapidly modernizing.

The Cambodian people are known for their resilience and friendliness. Teachers often find themselves deeply integrated within their communities, which not only enhances their teaching experience but also provides a deeper understanding of the local way of life.

There is a significant demand for English teachers in Cambodia as the country continues to expand its educational sector. This demand presents numerous job opportunities and the potential for deeply impactful teaching experiences, particularly in aiding students to improve their future prospects in a growing economy.

The affordability of living in Cambodia enables teachers to enjoy a quality lifestyle on a modest salary. This extends to dining, accommodation, and travel within the country, allowing you to explore extensively during your tenure.

Cambodian cuisine offers a delightful exploration of flavors, characterized by its use of fresh herbs, spices, and distinctive combinations. Experiencing local dishes like Fish Amok and Khmer curry can become a daily indulgence.

Located in the heart of Southeast Asia, Cambodia is ideally situated for those looking to travel throughout the region. Affordable and frequent transportation options make it easy to plan weekend getaways to nearby countries, adding to the allure of living and working in this vibrant country.

Teaching English in Cambodia offers more than just a job, it provides a gateway to a life full of adventure, cultural immersion, and professional fulfillment, making it an attractive choice for teachers looking to make a difference while experiencing the rich tapestry of Southeast Asia.

Requirements to Teach English in Cambodia

For those contemplating a career in English education in Cambodia, the prerequisites may seem less stringent compared to other countries. While you might assume that a degree in Education or a bachelor’s in a language-related field is necessary, this is not strictly the case. These qualifications can certainly enhance your profile, but they are not mandatory for all teaching positions.

In Cambodia, teachers come from diverse backgrounds — some may have prior educational experience, while others might be adventurers, writers, or professionals transitioning from different fields. The primary requirements are a strong command of English and a genuine enthusiasm for teaching. Here are the essential criteria for teaching English in Cambodia:

  • A bachelor's degree is beneficial but not required by all schools.
  • A TEFL certification is not mandatory but highly recommended, as it may be required by some educational institutions.
  • Native English speakers are often preferred, particularly those from recognized English-speaking countries. However, non-native speakers with a high level of English proficiency can also find opportunities.
  • Previous teaching experience is valued but not a prerequisite.
  • Applicants must typically undergo a criminal background check.
  • A health check may be required to ensure you are physically and mentally fit for the job.
  • It’s important to show a respect and appreciation for Cambodian culture, as this helps in creating a more engaging and respectful teaching environment.

With these guidelines, potential English teachers can better understand what might be expected of them and prepare accordingly for their teaching journey in Cambodia.

Salary and Benefits for Teaching English in Cambodia

Cambodia is becoming increasingly popular as a destination for English teachers due to its laid-back lifestyle and the relatively low cost of living, which allows teachers to enjoy a comfortable life. Despite earning what might seem like a modest salary in comparison to some Western countries, the cost efficiency in Cambodia means that teachers often find they can live well, travel, and even save money.

The salary for an English teacher in Cambodia varies based on several factors such as location, type of institution, qualifications, and experience. Here’s a general breakdown of what you might expect:

School Salary
Public Schools $700 - $1,000 per month
Private Language Schools $800 - $1,200 per month
International Schools $1,200 - $1,500 per month
NGOs and Volunteer Programs $500 - $800 per month
Private English Lessons $10 - $25 per hour

Public School Teaching Jobs and Salaries

Teaching in public schools in Cambodia can be quite fulfilling. These schools offer a more traditional Cambodian educational experience, and while the salary might be on the lower end, the demands are often less rigorous compared to private institutions. Salaries typically range from $700 to $1,000 per month. Public school teachers might also receive benefits like paid national holidays.

Private Language School Teaching Jobs and Salaries

Private language schools are prevalent throughout Cambodia, particularly in urban areas such as Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. These schools vary greatly in terms of support and resources available but generally offer salaries from $800 to $1,200 per month. They may require more flexibility in scheduling, with evening and weekend classes common. These positions are great for teachers who prefer a variety of teaching hours and interacting with different age groups.

International School Teaching Jobs and Salaries

International schools in Cambodia serve both the local and expatriate communities and generally offer the highest salaries, ranging from $1,200 to $1,500 per month. These institutions often have more rigorous hiring standards, typically requiring more extensive teaching qualifications and experience. The environment and resources at these schools are usually comparable to those in Western countries.

NGO and Volunteer Program Teaching Jobs and Salaries

For those interested in contributing to community development, numerous NGOs and volunteer organizations in Cambodia offer opportunities to teach English. While these positions often pay less—between $500 and $800 per month—they can be extremely rewarding. These roles sometimes provide other forms of compensation, such as accommodation or food stipends.

Private Tutoring Jobs and Salaries

Teachers in Cambodia also have the opportunity to increase their earnings through private tutoring, charging anywhere from $10 to $25 per hour depending on their qualifications and the client’s requirements. Private tutoring allows for flexible scheduling and can be a good supplement to income from a regular teaching job.

Teaching in Cambodia can be financially rewarding and offers a high quality of life due to the low living costs, coupled with the rich cultural experiences the country offers. Whether in a formal school setting or through private tutoring, there are various avenues to explore and thrive as an English teacher in Cambodia.

Cost of Living in Cambodia

Cambodia offers an attractive option for English teachers due to its affordable cost of living, which allows for a comfortable and enjoyable lifestyle even on a modest teacher's salary. Whether you choose to live in the bustling capital of Phnom Penh, the historical Siem Reap, or the coastal town of Sihanoukville, you’ll find that your earnings can comfortably cover your living expenses and allow for leisure activities and travel.

Here are some typical costs associated with living in Cambodia, listed in US dollars, which is widely used alongside the Cambodian riel (KHR):

Item Cost
Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre $300 - $500
Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre $200 - $400
Monthly basic utilities (Electricity, Heating, Cooling, Water, Garbage) $50 - $100
Internet (60 Mbps or More, Unlimited Data, Cable/ADSL) $30 - $50
Water (1.5 liter bottle) $0.50 - $1.00
Chicken Fillets (1kg) $3.50 - $5.00
Potato (1kg) $1.00 - $1.50
Rice (white), (1kg) $0.75 - $1.25
Banana (1kg) $0.75 - $1.50
Local Transport (One-way Ticket) $0.50 - $1.00
Fitness Club, Monthly Fee for 1 Adult $30 - $60

Living in Cambodia, you will notice that while Phnom Penh can be slightly more expensive due to its urban nature, other areas offer a more cost-effective lifestyle. The above figures show that with careful budgeting, a teacher’s salary is more than sufficient for a comfortable living standard in Cambodia. This financial flexibility also allows teachers to explore Cambodia's rich culture, visit ancient temples, enjoy beautiful beaches, and even save money. Whether you prefer the vibrant city life or a quieter rural setting, Cambodia provides a fulfilling experience for English teachers with its low living costs and friendly environment.

The Best Places to Teach English in Cambodia

Cambodia offers a diverse array of destinations for English teachers, each with its own unique cultural identity and opportunities. From the bustling urban centers to tranquil rural settings, there is a place to suit every teacher’s preferences. Here’s an overview of some of the top locations for teaching English in Cambodia:

Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh, the vibrant capital of Cambodia, is the epicenter of education and economic growth. Teaching English here provides opportunities to engage with a diverse range of students, from young learners in public schools to professionals in business sectors seeking to improve their English for career advancement. Phnom Penh offers a dynamic urban environment with a rich historical backdrop, bustling markets, and a thriving cultural scene, making it an exciting place for teachers seeking a lively urban experience. The demand for English teachers in Phnom Penh is consistently strong, with numerous positions available in private language schools, international schools, and through private tutoring.

Siem Reap

Siem Reap, known as the gateway to the ancient ruins of Angkor Wat, blends historical significance with a bustling tourist industry. Teaching in Siem Reap allows educators to immerse themselves in Cambodia’s rich history while working primarily with tourism professionals and local students. The city is known for its more laid-back atmosphere compared to Phnom Penh and offers a lower cost of living. Teachers in Siem Reap enjoy exploring the city's extensive markets, vibrant nightlife, and the nearby temples, providing a unique blend of work and cultural exploration.


Sihanoukville, located on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand, offers a different pace of life with its beautiful beaches and burgeoning tourist industry. The city has seen rapid development and is a hub for both international and local schools looking for English teachers. Living and working in Sihanoukville allows teachers to enjoy beachside living while experiencing the growth of Cambodia’s coastal regions. The demand for English teaching here caters to the hospitality industry and local schools, offering a range of teaching experiences.


Battambang, Cambodia’s second-largest city, is known for its colonial architecture and vibrant arts scene. Teachers here will find a quieter, more reflective atmosphere than in Phnom Penh, with a strong focus on community and local culture. Teaching jobs in Battambang are often in community schools and NGOs, providing a more intimate teaching and living experience that allows for significant cultural immersion and community involvement.

Banteay Meanchey

Located in the northwest, Banteay Meanchey is an emerging destination for English teachers looking for a more rural teaching experience. This region offers a glimpse into the traditional Cambodian way of life, with fewer expatriates and a more laid-back lifestyle. Teachers in Banteay Meanchey work predominantly in local schools, giving them a chance to make a profound impact in the community while experiencing life away from the more touristic centers.

In Cambodia, each location offers its own unique set of advantages and experiences, making it a rewarding country for teachers seeking both professional growth and personal adventure. Whether you're drawn to the fast-paced life of the capital or the serene landscapes of the countryside, Cambodia’s teaching destinations provide a rich tapestry of opportunities for every type of educator.

Living in Cambodia

Nestled in the heart of Southeast Asia, Cambodia is bordered by Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and the Gulf of Thailand. Phnom Penh, its vibrant capital, serves as the cultural and political hub. With a population of about 16 million, Cambodia boasts a rich mosaic of cultures and traditions, primarily influenced by the dominant religion, Buddhism. The official language is Khmer, enhancing the country’s distinct identity.

Life in Cambodia offers a unique blend of ancient heritage and natural beauty, from the majestic Angkor Wat to tranquil island beaches. The tropical climate features hot, humid weather throughout much of the year, making it ideal for those who enjoy warmth and sunshine.

Reasons to Live in Cambodia

  • Affordability: Cambodia’s relatively low cost of living makes it an appealing destination for expatriates and retirees looking to stretch their budgets further.

  • Cultural Richness: The country’s history is deep and storied, with ancient temples and vibrant traditions that offer endless opportunities for cultural immersion.

  • Natural Scenery: From lush jungles and rural landscapes to pristine beaches and the famous Mekong River, Cambodia’s diverse environments are a nature lover’s paradise.

  • Warm Community: The Cambodian people are widely recognized for their hospitality and friendliness, often making newcomers feel immediately at home.

  • Growing Job Market: With an expanding economy, Cambodia presents numerous opportunities for professionals, especially in tourism, education, and international business.

  • Relaxed Lifestyle: Many expatriates and locals alike enjoy Cambodia’s laid-back approach to life, which can be a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of more developed nations.

Considerations Before Moving

While the prospects are enticing, living in Cambodia also comes with its set of challenges. The infrastructure, though improving, can still be lacking, especially in rural areas. Access to high-quality healthcare and international standard education may also be limited and is typically concentrated in larger cities like Phnom Penh and Siem Reap.

Potential expatriates should be aware of the political landscape, which has seen its share of instability, though the situation has stabilized significantly in recent years.

Cambodia offers a compelling mix of challenges and rewards, making it a fascinating place to call home for those seeking a blend of adventure, culture, and a slower pace of life.

Understanding Cambodia and Its Culture

Cambodia, nestled in the heart of Southeast Asia, is steeped in a rich history that includes the grandeur of the Khmer Empire and periods of profound hardship. This historical backdrop has shaped a uniquely Cambodian culture, marked by resilience, warmth, and strong national pride. Expatriates, including English teachers, are often greeted with open arms, and integrating into this welcoming society can be both rewarding and enlightening. Familiarizing yourself with Cambodian customs can enhance your interactions and help you navigate daily life more effectively. While Cambodians are forgiving of cultural missteps, showing an effort to understand and respect their traditions can greatly endear you to the local community.

Communication in Cambodia

Khmer is the official language of Cambodia. While many English teachers live comfortably without mastering the language, learning basic greetings like "Sous-dey" (hello) can go a long way in showing respect and building rapport with locals.

Social Interactions and Friendliness

Cambodian culture is characterized by a general friendliness and a common practice of smiling, which can signify a range of emotions from joy to nervousness. Recognizing the nuances behind a smile can help in avoiding misunderstandings and is crucial for building effective relationships both in and outside the classroom.

Public Behavior Norms

Public displays of affection are not common in Cambodia, especially in rural areas. It is customary to greet someone with a slight bow and a bringing of the hands together at chest level, known as "sampeah." Removing shoes before entering someone’s home is also a standard practice, reflecting respect for the host.

Personal Questions

It is not unusual for Cambodians to ask personal questions regarding your age, marital status, or even your salary. These inquiries are meant to establish a social context rather than pry, and responding politely can help form closer connections.

Respecting 'Face'

The concept of 'face,' which represents a person's reputation and dignity, is significant in Cambodian culture. Public disagreements or criticisms should be handled with discretion to avoid causing embarrassment or loss of face, which can severely damage relationships.

Dining Etiquette

In Cambodia, meals are typically shared, and it is polite to wait for an invitation to start eating. You should use utensils with your right hand, and finishing all the food on your plate is considered respectful to the host. Chopsticks should be placed on the table or a chopstick holder after eating, never left standing vertically in the bowl.

Sacred Spaces

When visiting temples or other sacred sites, dressing modestly and behaving respectfully are essential. Always ask for permission before taking photographs, and remove your hat and shoes when entering temple buildings as a sign of respect.

Personal Safety and Respect

Cambodia is generally safe, but as in any country, it’s wise to be cautious with personal belongings, particularly in crowded or tourist-heavy areas. Demonstrating respect for local customs and traditions not only ensures a pleasant stay but also enriches your teaching and living experience in Cambodia.

Adopting these cultural insights will undoubtedly enrich your time as an English teacher in Cambodia, facilitating deeper engagement and mutual respect within this captivating community.

Do you need to speak Khmer to teach English in Cambodia?

You do not necessarily need to speak Khmer to teach English in Cambodia. Many schools and institutions in Cambodia are looking for English teachers who are native speakers of English or who have advanced fluency in the language. While it can be helpful to have some basic knowledge of Khmer, it is not generally a requirement for teaching English in Cambodia.

That being said, it can be beneficial to have some knowledge of Khmer or to be willing to learn the language, as it can make it easier to navigate daily life in Cambodia and may help you to better connect with your students and the local community.

Can you teach English in Cambodia without a degree?

Teaching English in Cambodia offers unique opportunities, especially for those who may not have a university degree. While specific requirements can vary across different schools and organizations, many language schools and institutes in Cambodia are open to hiring individuals without a degree. These institutions often prioritize practical teaching ability and fluency in English over formal academic qualifications.

Having a degree, though not strictly necessary, can be advantageous in the job market. It often signals a commitment to education and can broaden your employment prospects, particularly with schools that prefer or require their teachers to have higher education. However, the inclusive and diverse educational landscape in Cambodia ensures that opportunities are still plentiful for those without a degree.

For aspiring teachers, obtaining a teaching certification like TESOL or CELTA can be a vital step. These certifications equip you with essential skills for teaching English as a second language and are widely recognized by educational institutions in Cambodia.

Overall, it is possible to teach English in Cambodia without a degree, but having a degree and relevant teaching qualifications may increase your chances of finding employment and improve your professional opportunities.

Read More: Can you teach English in Cambodia without a degree?

Can you Teach English In Cambodia as a non native English speaker?

Yes, you can teach English in Cambodia as a non-native English speaker. Cambodia is known for its welcoming approach to educators from various linguistic and cultural backgrounds, making it an attractive destination for those looking to embark on a teaching career. Unlike other countries with strict requirements on native language proficiency, Cambodia values the diversity and unique perspectives that non-native speakers bring to the classroom. This inclusivity extends to various teaching roles, from English language instruction to subject teaching, offering a broad spectrum of opportunities.

The educational landscape in Cambodia allows for non-native English speakers to find meaningful employment in schools and language centers, provided they have the appropriate qualifications, such as a TEFL certification. The nation's open-mindedness towards non-native educators is coupled with a demand for English language skills, making it a fertile ground for teaching professionals seeking to contribute to and grow within an international educational setting. With its rich culture, friendly communities, and a genuine appreciation for educators, Cambodia stands out as a rewarding place for non-native English speakers to teach and thrive.

Read More: Can you teach English in Cambodia as a non native English speaker?

Can You Teach English in Cambodia with No Experience?

Yes, it is entirely possible to teach English in Cambodia without any previous teaching experience. Many schools and language centers in Cambodia are willing to hire individuals who are new to teaching, as long as they demonstrate enthusiasm and a genuine interest in education. This openness makes Cambodia an attractive destination for aspiring English teachers who are just beginning their careers.

For those without experience, possessing a TEFL certificate can be particularly beneficial. While not always mandatory, the certification provides foundational teaching skills and knowledge that can compensate for the lack of practical teaching experience. Additionally, schools often provide on-the-job training and support, helping new teachers to develop their skills and gain confidence in the classroom.

This opportunity to start a teaching career without prior experience, combined with the supportive educational environment in Cambodia, makes it an ideal location for those looking to enter the field of teaching English as a foreign language.

Do You Need a TEFL Certificate to Teach English in Cambodia?

While a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate is not always a mandatory requirement for all English teaching positions in Cambodia, acquiring one is highly advantageous. In less formal settings or rural areas, you may find opportunities without this certification, but having a TEFL certificate substantially boosts your credibility, employability, and readiness to handle the demands of teaching. It sets you apart in a competitive field and equips you with the essential skills to effectively manage a classroom.

You can opt to complete a TEFL course either online, in your home country, or directly in Cambodia. Each option offers distinct benefits. An online TEFL course provides the flexibility to learn at your own pace and convenience, often at a lower cost. Completing a TEFL course in your home country is another viable option. This can be particularly useful if you prefer in-person learning but are not yet ready to travel abroad. Moreover, these courses can offer insights into job placements abroad and prepare you comprehensively before you move overseas. On the other hand, pursuing a TEFL certification in Cambodia allows for an immersive educational experience. This on-the-ground training helps you acclimate to the local culture, understand the specific educational needs of Cambodian students, and tailor your teaching strategies accordingly.

Courses conducted in Cambodia typically include practical teaching hours, enabling you to gain valuable classroom experience and build confidence. These sessions often take place in local schools, offering a direct insight into the Cambodian educational system and student dynamics. Whether online or in-person, obtaining a TEFL certificate is a significant step toward a successful and fulfilling teaching career in Cambodia.

How to Get a Visa to Teach English in Cambodia

Obtaining the appropriate visa is an essential step for teaching English in Cambodia. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you understand and navigate the visa process:

Types of Visas

  • Ordinary Visa (E-type): For those planning to work in Cambodia, the Ordinary (E-type) visa is the appropriate choice. This visa can be obtained upon arrival at most Cambodian international airports or land border crossings. Initially, the E-type visa is valid for 30 days but can be extended to a long-term visa suitable for employment.

Initial Application

  • Arrival in Cambodia: Upon your arrival, opt for an Ordinary Visa instead of a Tourist Visa, as only the Ordinary Visa can be extended for employment purposes.
  • Application Requirements: You will need a passport valid for at least six months beyond your entry date, one recent passport-sized photo, and the visa fee, which is typically around $35 USD.

Extending Your Visa

  • Choose the Right Extension: After obtaining your Ordinary Visa, you must apply for an extension that corresponds with your purpose in Cambodia. For teaching English, you will need an EB extension (business visa), which can be extended for one month, three months, six months, or up to one year. The one-year extension is multiple entry, which is more convenient if you plan to travel in and out of the country.
  • Visa Agents: Utilizing a local visa agent can simplify the extension process. They are familiar with the procedures and can help ensure that your application goes smoothly. Fees for using an agent vary, but their expertise often justifies the additional cost.

Required Documentation for Visa Extension

  • Work Permit Requirement: To extend your visa for employment, you will also need a work permit. Your employer in Cambodia should assist you with the application process for this permit.
  • Documentation: When applying for your visa extension, you’ll need to provide your passport, the original Ordinary Visa, proof of employment from your school (like a contract), and possibly a local address in Cambodia.

Regular Renewals

  • Stay Informed: Visa policies can change, so it's crucial to stay informed about the current regulations through the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs or your embassy.
  • Timely Renewals: Always ensure you renew your visa and work permit before they expire to avoid penalties or complications with the Cambodian immigration authorities.

Additional Considerations

  • Legal and Professional Advice: If unsure about the process, seek advice from legal experts or consultants who specialize in Cambodian immigration law. This can be particularly helpful if you encounter unique situations or challenges.
  • Employer Support: Engage with your employer about the visa process. Reputable schools often have experience with this and can offer necessary support and guidance.

Following these steps will help ensure that you obtain and maintain the correct visa for teaching English in Cambodia, allowing you to focus on your new role and life in this vibrant country.

Find English Teaching Jobs in Cambodia

Securing a teaching position in Cambodia involves a few strategic steps to ensure you find a suitable role that matches your qualifications and preferences. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you in your job search:

Research and Preparation

  • Understand the Requirements: Begin by familiarizing yourself with the general requirements for English teachers in Cambodia, such as necessary qualifications and any preferred teaching credentials like TEFL or TESOL.
  • Update Your Resume: Craft a professional resume that highlights your relevant teaching experience, educational background, and any certifications you hold. Tailor your resume to emphasize skills and experiences that are particularly valuable for teaching English.

Utilizing Online Resources

  • Job Boards: Visit specialized online job boards such as out job board for English teaching jobs in Cambodia to find current openings.
  • School Websites: Directly check the websites of schools and language institutions in Cambodia for vacancy announcements and application procedures.

Direct Engagement

  • Contact Schools: Reach out to schools and language centers directly via email or phone. Inquiring about open positions personally can demonstrate your initiative and interest.
  • Networking: Connect with other English teachers in Cambodia or join online forums and social media groups dedicated to teaching in Cambodia. Networking can often lead to job leads and valuable advice.

Consider Professional Help

  • Recruitment Agencies: If you find it challenging to secure a position independently, consider enlisting the help of a recruitment agency that specializes in placing English teachers in Cambodia. They can provide guidance and increase your chances of finding a suitable position.

Be Informed and Cautious

  • Research Employers: Always conduct thorough research on potential employers and request references or testimonials from current or former teachers. It's crucial to understand the reputation and reliability of the institution to ensure a positive employment experience.

By following these steps, you can navigate the process of finding and securing an English teaching job in Cambodia effectively. With the right preparation and resources, you'll be well on your way to a rewarding teaching career in this culturally rich country.