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Teach English in Myanmar: Requirements, Salary, Jobs

Teach English in Myanmar (Burma)

Teaching English in Myanmar, also known as Burma, offers a unique opportunity to experience a country at a crossroads of tradition and transition. Myanmar, with its rich history, stunning landscapes from the pagoda-studded plains of Bagan to the tranquil waters of Inle Lake, and its deeply spiritual culture, provides an enriching environment for educators looking to make a meaningful impact.

In recent years, Myanmar has opened up significantly to the international community, resulting in a surge in demand for English language skills. English is increasingly seen as crucial for the nation's development and integration into the global economy, providing ample teaching opportunities in schools, private language centers, and NGOs throughout the country. Teachers in Myanmar often find themselves playing a key role in their students' educational and personal development, making the teaching experience exceptionally rewarding.

For English teachers, Myanmar presents an opportunity to immerse in a rich cultural landscape while enjoying a comfortable standard of living. TEFL in Myanmar, short for "Teaching English as a Foreign Language" in Myanmar, is an enriching experience. The cost of living in Myanmar is relatively low, allowing teachers to enjoy a good standard of living while exploring the country's cultural offerings. Myanmar is famed not only for its historical sites but also for its vibrant local markets, unique festivals, and the warm hospitality of its people.

Why Teach English in Myanmar?

Myanmar is a compelling destination for teaching English due to its unique cultural landscape and the significant role education plays in the country's ongoing transformation. Here are several reasons why Myanmar could be the ideal place for your teaching journey:

Myanmar boasts a rich cultural heritage, home to thousands of Buddhist temples and a lively array of traditional practices and festivals. Teachers in Myanmar have a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in this heritage, exploring a way of life that has been meticulously preserved over centuries.

As Myanmar continues its trajectory towards global integration, the demand for English education is swiftly expanding. Teachers here can significantly impact their students' futures, enhancing their opportunities in a manner that is both profound and far-reaching.

The people of Myanmar are renowned for their graciousness and hospitality. Teachers often experience a deep sense of community and connection, both within the classroom and in broader social contexts, enriching their personal and professional lives.

Myanmar’s low cost of living enables teachers to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle, providing room to save while still affording ample opportunities for travel and leisure. This economic benefit allows for extensive exploration of the country’s rich natural and cultural attractions.

Burmese cuisine offers a delightful mix of flavors, influenced by its geographic location and historical interactions. Teachers can enjoy a variety of dishes, from tea leaf salads to rich, slow-cooked curries, reflecting the diversity of the landscape.

Strategically positioned between India, China, and Southeast Asia, Myanmar serves as an excellent base for teachers looking to explore the wider region. Its location offers convenient access to a diverse range of cultures and experiences.

Teaching English in Myanmar not only opens up professional opportunities but also offers a window into a country that's navigating a path between its rich traditions and a new era of openness. This makes it an especially rewarding destination for educators seeking both a challenge and a chance to make a real difference.

Requirements to Teach English in Myanmar

Pursuing a teaching career in Myanmar offers a unique opportunity for educators, though the prerequisites are somewhat flexible compared to other countries. Here are the essential requirements for those interested in teaching English in Myanmar:

  • Educational Background: A bachelor's degree in any field is generally preferred but not strictly required. Schools often value the presence of a degree as it enhances the teacher's profile.

  • Teaching Certification: While not mandatory, holding a valid teaching certification such as TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) is highly recommended. Some educational institutions may require this certification, as it indicates a foundational skill set in teaching English.

  • Language Proficiency: Being a native English speaker from countries like the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, or New Zealand is often preferred. However, non-native speakers with a high level of English proficiency are also encouraged to apply and can find good opportunities.

  • Legal Requirements: Applicants must have a clean criminal record. This is a common prerequisite to ensure the safety and integrity of educational environments.

  • Health and Fitness: A health check may be necessary to confirm that you are physically and mentally fit to take on teaching duties.

  • Experience and Skills: While previous teaching experience is not a definitive requirement, it is valued by many employers. Strong communication skills and a genuine enthusiasm for teaching are critical for success and integration into the local education system.

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Demonstrating respect and appreciation for Myanmar's culture is crucial. This not only helps in creating a positive and respectful teaching environment but also assists in integrating into the community more smoothly.

These criteria provide a framework for what potential English teachers in Myanmar might expect and how best to prepare for a successful educational engagement. It is advisable to contact prospective employers directly to confirm any specific requirements they might have before applying for a position.

Salary and Benefits for Teaching English in Myanmar

Teaching English in Myanmar is becoming an attractive option due to its competitive salaries and the low cost of living, which allow teachers to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. While salaries might seem modest in comparison to Western standards, the affordability of living in Myanmar often means that teachers can live well, explore the region, and save money.

Here's a breakdown of what you can typically expect in terms of salary as an English teacher in Myanmar, depending on various factors such as your qualifications, experience, and the type of institution:

Type of Institution Salary Range
Public Schools $700 - $1,000 per month
Private Language Schools $800 - $1,200 per month
International Schools $1,200 - $1,500 per month
NGOs and Volunteer Programs $500 - $800 per month
Private English Lessons $10 - $25 per hour

Public School Teaching Jobs and Salaries

Teaching in public schools in Myanmar can be highly rewarding, offering a glimpse into the local educational culture. The salary might be on the lower end of the scale, but these positions often come with fewer demands and more holidays, allowing for personal travel and exploration.

Private Language School Teaching Jobs and Salaries

Private language schools in Myanmar are found mainly in larger cities and cater to a range of learners, from children to business professionals. These institutions typically offer salaries from $800 to $1,200 per month. Teachers in these settings may need to adapt to flexible schedules, including evenings and weekends.

International School Teaching Jobs and Salaries

For those with more qualifications and experience, international schools in Myanmar offer the highest salaries, generally ranging from $1,200 to $1,500 per month. These schools often require a higher level of commitment and professionalism but provide a more familiar working environment for expatriate teachers.

NGO and Volunteer Program Teaching Jobs and Salaries

Numerous NGOs and volunteer organizations operate in Myanmar, offering opportunities to teach English in more rural and underserved areas. While these positions usually offer lower salaries or stipends, they can be extremely fulfilling and impactful.

Private Tutoring Jobs and Salaries

Additionally, many teachers in Myanmar increase their earnings through private tutoring, which can pay between $10 and $25 per hour based on your experience and the demographic of your students. This flexible option is great for those looking to supplement their income.

Overall, teaching in Myanmar not only provides a competitive salary adjusted for the local cost of living but also offers various benefits like housing allowances, health insurance, and airfare reimbursement, depending on the employer. This combination makes Myanmar an appealing destination for teaching English abroad.

Cost of Living in Myanmar

Myanmar offers a relatively low cost of living, making it an appealing destination for English teachers and expatriates. Similar to other Southeast Asian countries, your expenses in Myanmar will largely depend on your lifestyle and the city you choose to live in. Urban areas like Yangon and Mandalay tend to be more expensive than rural areas, but even in these cities, the cost of living remains manageable and often lower than in many Western countries.

Here’s a breakdown of typical living expenses in Myanmar, expressed in US dollars for consistency:

Item Cost
Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre $200 - $400 per month
Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre $100 - $300 per month
Monthly Basic Utilities (Electricity, Heating, Cooling, Water, Garbage) $30 - $70
Internet (60 Mbps or More, Unlimited Data, Cable/ADSL) $20 - $50 per month
Water (1.5 liter bottle) $0.30 - $0.70
Chicken Fillets (1kg) $2.50 - $4.00
Potato (1kg) $0.60 - $1.20
Rice (white), (1kg) $0.40 - $1.00
Banana (1kg) $0.60 - $1.20
Local Transport (One-way Ticket) $0.25 - $1.00
Fitness Club, Monthly Fee for 1 Adult $20 - $50

Housing Costs

Rental prices vary widely based on location and the type of accommodation. In city centers, modern apartments can cost between $200 to $400 per month for a one-bedroom apartment, while more affordable options are available outside city centers for $100 to $300.

Food Expenses

The cost of food in Myanmar is generally affordable. Local markets offer fresh produce at low prices, and dining out is quite reasonable. A meal at a local restaurant typically costs between $2 to $5, while international cuisine in upscale restaurants can range from $10 to $20.


Public transportation is highly affordable, with bus fares as low as $0.25 to $1.00. Taxis and rideshare services provide convenient options at higher rates but are still reasonable compared to Western standards.

Leisure Activities

Myanmar is rich in cultural heritage and natural beauty, offering many cost-effective leisure activities. Exploring local temples, markets, and natural sites typically incurs minimal costs. However, international travel and high-end entertainment options are more expensive and comparable to international prices.

Overall, the cost of living in Myanmar allows for a comfortable lifestyle on an English teacher’s salary, with ample opportunities to explore the country's cultural and natural offerings while managing to save money. Whether you are living in a bustling city or a quieter rural area, Myanmar provides a rewarding and economical experience for expatriates.

The Best Places to Teach English in Myanmar

Myanmar offers a variety of locations for teaching English, each with distinct cultural and professional opportunities. Whether you are drawn to bustling city life or the serenity of historic sites, Myanmar has a place that can cater to your interests. Here are some of the top destinations for English teachers in Myanmar:


Yangon, formerly the capital and still the largest city, is the commercial heart of Myanmar. It is home to numerous international schools, private language centers, and businesses that require high English proficiency. Teachers in Yangon find themselves in a cosmopolitan environment, rich with historical sites like the Shwedagon Pagoda, vibrant markets, and a diverse food scene. The demand for English education here makes Yangon a dynamic place for teaching and professional development.


Mandalay, the cultural capital of Myanmar, offers a blend of traditional Burmese culture and modernity. It is known for its historical palaces, monasteries, and pagodas that dot the landscape. Teaching in Mandalay is particularly appealing for those interested in Buddhist culture and the arts. The city’s economic and cultural significance ensures a steady need for English teachers in schools and private institutions.


Naypyidaw, the purpose-built capital, is known for its spacious avenues and modern infrastructure. This city offers a unique teaching experience in Myanmar, characterized by its calm, planned environment unlike any other in the country. English teachers in Naypyidaw often work in government schools or private language centers, catering to the burgeoning population of civil servants and their families.


Bagan, famous for its breathtaking landscape filled with thousands of ancient temples, is not only a major tourist destination but also a growing hub for education in the region. English teaching jobs in Bagan are often linked with the tourism sector, where language skills are crucial for local employment. Teachers here can enjoy a tranquil lifestyle while contributing to the community’s educational and economic development.


Taunggyi, the capital of Shan State, presents opportunities particularly in community schools and local educational initiatives aimed at improving the region's language skills. Known for its scenic beauty and the colorful Fire Balloon Festival, Taunggyi has a significant demand for English educators, which provides a chance to work in a less urbanized but culturally rich part of Myanmar.

Each of these locations in Myanmar not only offers different teaching opportunities but also provides a unique lifestyle and cultural experience. From the hustle and bustle of Yangon to the historical tranquility of Bagan, teachers can find places that align with both their professional ambitions and personal interests. Whether you prefer the vibrant city life or the quiet charm of smaller towns, Myanmar’s teaching destinations offer a rewarding experience for every type of educator.

Living in Myanmar

Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, is a Southeast Asian nation rich in culture, history, and diverse landscapes. It lies between India and China and is known for its ancient temples, beautiful beaches, and vibrant markets. Here’s an integrated view of life in Myanmar, covering its cultural, economic, and geographical aspects:

Culture and History

Myanmar boasts a deep cultural heritage, with countless ancient temples, cultural sites, and festivals reflecting its long and fascinating history. This heritage is evident in its art, architecture, and traditions, making it a captivating place for history enthusiasts and cultural explorers.

Diverse Landscapes

From towering mountains to serene coastlines, Myanmar's varied landscape offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking, diving, and water sports, appealing to adventure seekers and nature lovers alike.

Affordable Cost of Living

The cost of living in Myanmar is relatively low compared to many Western countries, which can be beneficial for those looking to maximize their financial resources while experiencing a new culture.


The people of Myanmar are renowned for their friendliness and hospitality, often going out of their way to assist others, which contributes to a welcoming living environment.

Career Opportunities

With a growing economy, Myanmar presents opportunities in education, business, and tourism, particularly for English teachers, due to the high demand for language education.


Living in Myanmar also involves challenges such as adapting to a different culture and potential political instability in certain areas. It's crucial for potential residents to research thoroughly and weigh the pros and cons before moving.

Fast Facts

  • Location: Bordered by Bangladesh, India, China, Laos, and Thailand.
  • Population: Approximately 54 million as of 2021.
  • Capital: Naypyidaw.
  • Official Language: Burmese.
  • Religion: Predominantly Buddhist, with Hindu, Muslim, and Christian minorities.
  • Climate: Tropical monsoon climate with a hot, humid weather pattern. The rainy season extends from June to October, and the dry season from November to May.
  • Economy: Myanmar is rich in natural resources such as oil, gas, timber, and precious stones. Its economy is transitioning from a planned to a market-oriented system, with a growing service sector.
  • Political Situation: Myanmar's political landscape is complex, with historical challenges related to democracy and human rights. Despite some progress, issues like minority treatment and military involvement in politics persist.

Living in Myanmar offers a unique blend of cultural richness and natural beauty, paired with economic opportunities, especially in education and tourism. It provides a distinctive experience for those willing to navigate its complexities.

Do you need to speak Burmese to teach English in Myanmar?

No, it is not typically required for English teachers in Myanmar to speak Burmese. Most English teaching positions in Myanmar are focused on teaching English as a foreign language to students who are learning it as a second language. As such, the primary language of instruction is usually English, and it is not necessary for teachers to speak Burmese.

However, it can be helpful for English teachers in Myanmar to have a basic understanding of the Burmese language and culture, as this can make it easier to navigate daily life in the country and build rapport with students and colleagues. Some schools or programs may offer language training or cultural orientation to help teachers adjust to living and working in Myanmar.

Can You Teach English in Myanmar Without a Degree?

Teaching English in Myanmar offers a unique opportunity for those without a traditional academic degree. Thanks to the country's flexible approach to educational qualifications, non-degree holders have a viable path to embark on a teaching career within this culturally rich nation. Obtaining a TEFL or TESOL certification becomes a crucial step for aspiring teachers, providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively teach English as a second language.

Myanmar's educational landscape is welcoming to foreign teachers, emphasizing practical teaching ability and language proficiency over formal degrees. Opportunities abound in various settings, including private language centers, community programs, and even some public schools, particularly those outside major urban centers where the demand for English education continues to grow.

However, prospective teachers should be mindful of the legal requirements for working in Myanmar. This includes obtaining the appropriate visa and work permit, with the process often facilitated by the employing school or institution. Additionally, preparing for life in Myanmar involves understanding local customs and education systems, ensuring health and accommodation arrangements are in place, and navigating the job market with a focus on institutions that value teaching experience and certifications.

While the absence of a degree may limit options in certain educational institutions, Myanmar's teaching environment offers a rewarding experience for those willing to explore this path. The key to success lies in thorough preparation, from enhancing your qualifications with a TEFL/TESOL certification to understanding the cultural and practical aspects of living and working in Myanmar.

Read More: Can you teach English in Myanmar without a degree?

Can you teach English in Myanmar as a non-native English speaker?

Yes, you can teach English in Myanmar as a non-native English speaker. Many schools and language centers in Myanmar are open to hiring non-native English speakers who demonstrate a high proficiency in the language and a strong understanding of teaching methodologies. This inclusivity stems from a growing demand for English language education throughout the country, which has broadened the opportunities available to qualified educators, regardless of their native language.

For non-native English speakers, possessing certifications like TEFL or TESOL is particularly advantageous as these qualifications showcase your ability to teach English effectively. Additionally, having a strong educational background and relevant teaching experience can further improve your prospects.

It is also important for non-native speakers to be proficient in English and may need to provide proof of their language skills through certifications like IELTS or TOEFL. These certifications can help reassure potential employers of your language abilities and teaching competence.

Furthermore, being a non-native English speaker can sometimes be seen as an advantage, especially if you are fluent in other languages that are prevalent in Myanmar, such as Burmese, Chinese, or Thai. This multilingual capability can enhance communication with students and colleagues, providing a richer educational environment.

Can you Teach English in Myanmar with no Experience?

Yes, you can certainly teach English in Myanmar even if you have no previous teaching experience. Many schools and educational institutions in Myanmar are willing to hire individuals who are passionate about teaching and possess a strong command of English, even if they lack formal teaching credentials.

Obtaining a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) or TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) certification is highly recommended, though not mandatory. These certifications arm you with essential teaching methodologies and skills, making you a more appealing candidate to potential employers. Language centers and private schools in Myanmar are particularly receptive to hiring new teachers. They often offer training sessions and other forms of support, which can be incredibly beneficial for those just beginning their teaching careers.

Furthermore, many schools in Myanmar provide mentorship and on-the-job training to help new teachers adapt more comfortably and confidently to their roles. There is also a burgeoning community of foreign teachers in the country, and many seasoned educators are often eager to share advice and insights with newcomers.

Do You Need a TEFL Certificate to Teach English in Myanmar?

While it's not an absolute requirement, holding a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate is highly beneficial if you plan to teach English in Myanmar. This qualification is esteemed by numerous language schools and educational institutions throughout the country as it signals a teacher’s commitment to quality education and readiness to tackle classroom challenges.

Undergoing TEFL certification can be accomplished in various ways. Opting for a TEFL course in Myanmar offers distinct advantages, such as a deep understanding of the local educational system, cultural expectations, and the specific learning styles of students in Myanmar. Training within the country enables you to develop teaching strategies that are effective locally, aiding in a smoother transition to your teaching role and faster adaptation to the local environment.

Alternatively, online TEFL courses offer flexibility to study at your own pace from anywhere, which is perfect for those balancing other commitments or preferring to secure certification before moving to Myanmar. These courses are often more cost-effective while still providing the necessary skills for teaching English abroad.

Taking a TEFL course in your home country is another viable option, particularly beneficial for those who prefer face-to-face learning and interaction with instructors and peers. It also provides an opportunity to build a network with other educators and gather insights from experienced professionals before relocating to Myanmar.

A TEFL certification not only enhances job prospects in Myanmar, with schools often prioritizing certified candidates, but it also equips you with practical teaching techniques and classroom management skills, boosting your confidence to handle diverse teaching scenarios. Additionally, if the certification is obtained in Myanmar, it can immerse you in the local culture and educational practices, greatly enhancing your professional effectiveness and personal experiences in the country.

How to Find English Teaching Jobs in Myanmar

Securing a teaching position in Myanmar involves several strategic steps to ensure you find a role that suits your qualifications and preferences. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you in your job search:

Research and Preparation

  • Understand the Requirements: Begin by understanding the general requirements for English teachers in Myanmar, such as a bachelor's degree, TEFL or TESOL certification, and any preferred teaching experience.
  • Update Your Resume: Create a professional resume that highlights your relevant teaching experience, educational background, and certifications. Tailor your resume to emphasize skills and experiences that are valuable for teaching English.

Utilizing Online Resources

  • Job Boards: Explore specialized online job boards such as our job board for English teaching jobs in Myanmar. These platforms often list current job openings in various educational institutions.
  • School Websites: Check the websites of international schools, language centers, and universities in Myanmar directly for vacancy announcements and application procedures.

Direct Engagement

  • Contact Schools: Proactively reach out to schools and language centers via email or phone. Inquiring about open positions personally can show your initiative and interest.
  • Networking: Engage with other English teachers in Myanmar or participate in online forums and social media groups dedicated to teaching in Myanmar. Networking can provide job leads and valuable insights.

Volunteer and Experience

  • Volunteer: Gain teaching experience and make valuable connections by volunteering with local organizations. This can also help you immerse in the local culture and community, enhancing your teaching and personal experience.
  • Tutoring: Consider private tutoring opportunities, which are plentiful. Many families and individuals seek English tutors for exam preparation and language skills enhancement.

Interview and Formalities

  • Prepare for Interviews: Be ready to demonstrate your teaching skills and discuss your experience and qualifications during interviews. Research the school or organization thoroughly to show your commitment and interest.
  • Work Visa: Ensure you obtain a work visa before starting your teaching job in Myanmar. Your employer should assist you with the visa application process.

Be Informed and Cautious

  • Research Employers: Conduct thorough research on potential employers and seek references or testimonials from current or former teachers. Knowing the reputation and reliability of the institution is crucial for a positive employment experience.

By following these steps, you can effectively navigate the process of finding and securing an English teaching job in Myanmar. With thorough preparation and the right resources, you’ll be well-prepared for a rewarding teaching career in this culturally rich country.