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Teach English in The Philippines: Requirements, Salary, Jobs

Teach English in the Philippines

Teaching English in the Philippines offers an opportunity to work in one of Southeast Asia’s most vibrant and culturally rich nations. Known for its friendly people, stunning natural landscapes, and English-speaking population, the Philippines presents a unique environment where English teachers are in high demand. The country's educational system places a strong emphasis on English, which is used as the primary medium of instruction in schools and universities.

The demand for English language proficiency continues to grow as the Philippines strengthens its position in global business and tourism. English teachers can find opportunities in both public and private sectors, including schools, language centers, and corporate training programs. The Philippines also has a burgeoning BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) industry, where there is a significant demand for English language training.

The cost of living in the Philippines is relatively low, making it possible for teachers to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. The country offers an appealing blend of urban and rural living, from the bustling streets of Manila to the serene beaches of Palawan and Cebu. Teachers in the Philippines often speak highly of the warmth and hospitality of the Filipino people, which greatly enhances their teaching and living experience.

Why Teach English in the Philippines?

The Philippines is an attractive destination for teaching English for several reasons, from its English-speaking environment to its rich cultural diversity. Here are some compelling reasons why the Philippines could be the ideal place for your teaching career:

  • Widespread Use of English: English is one of the official languages of the Philippines, widely used in government, media, and education. This creates a unique setting where language barriers are minimal, and cultural exchange is profound, enhancing both teaching and daily interactions.

  • High Demand for English Teachers: With English being a central component of the education system and the booming BPO sector, there is a steady demand for qualified English teachers across the country. This offers job stability and a variety of teaching opportunities.

  • Affordable Cost of Living: The Philippines offers a low cost of living compared to many Western countries. Teachers can enjoy affordable housing, food, and transportation, which allows for a comfortable standard of living and the opportunity to explore the beautiful islands of the country.

  • Warm and Welcoming Culture: Filipinos are renowned for their hospitality and friendliness. Teachers often find a welcoming community both inside and outside the classroom, making their transition to a new country much easier.

  • Natural Beauty and Diversity: The Philippines is made up of over 7,000 islands, featuring some of the world’s most beautiful beaches, mountains, and diving spots. This natural diversity offers teachers endless opportunities for adventure and relaxation during their time off.

  • Professional Development: The emphasis on education in the Philippines ensures that teachers have opportunities for professional development and career advancement within the educational sector.

Teaching English in the Philippines not only allows educators to make a meaningful impact on their students' lives but also offers a lifestyle filled with adventure, cultural immersion, and personal growth. It’s an ideal destination for teachers looking to enhance their experience in a country that values education and warmly embraces newcomers.

What are the requirements to teach English in The Philippines?

To teach English in the Philippines, you will typically need to meet the following requirements:

  • A bachelor's degree: Most schools in the Philippines require their English teachers to have a bachelor's degree, preferably in a related field such as education or English.

  • A teaching certification: Many schools also prefer or require their English teachers to have a teaching certification, such as a TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) or CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) certification.

  • A clear criminal background check: Schools in the Philippines typically require their teachers to provide a clear criminal background check as part of the hiring process.

  • A good command of English: As an English teacher, you will be expected to have a high level of proficiency in English, both written and spoken.

  • Cultural sensitivity: It's important for English teachers in the Philippines to be culturally sensitive and respectful of local customs and traditions.

  • Flexibility and adaptability: Teaching in the Philippines can be a rewarding but also challenging experience, and it's important to be flexible and adaptable in order to thrive in this environment.

Keep in mind that these are general requirements, and the specific requirements for teaching English in the Philippines may vary depending on the school and location where you are teaching. It's a good idea to research the specific requirements for the school or region where you are interested in teaching in order to ensure that you meet all of the necessary qualifications.

Do you need to speak Filipino to teach English in The Philippines?

It is not typically required for English teachers in the Philippines to speak Filipino (also known as Tagalog), although it can be helpful to have some basic knowledge of the language.

While many English teachers in the Philippines are native English speakers, it's important to note that English is widely spoken in the Philippines, particularly in urban areas and in the education and business sectors. This means that you will likely be able to communicate effectively with students and colleagues in English.

However, learning some basic phrases in Filipino can be a helpful way to show respect for local customs and culture, and it may also make it easier for you to communicate with people outside of your work or school environment. It can also be a fun and rewarding way to immerse yourself in the local culture.

Overall, the most important requirement for teaching English in the Philippines is a good command of English and a strong background in education or a related field. While knowledge of Filipino can be helpful, it is not typically a requirement for teaching English in the Philippines.

What salary can you earn as an English teacher in The Philippines?

The salary that an English teacher can earn in the Philippines can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including the level of education and experience of the teacher, the location of the school or institution where they are working, and the type of program or curriculum they are teaching.

In general, English teachers in the Philippines can expect to earn a salary that is comparable to other educators in the country. According to data from the Philippine Statistics Authority, the average monthly salary for teachers in the Philippines is around PHP 20,179 (about USD 422) per month. However, this figure can vary significantly based on factors such as location, level of education, and experience.

English teachers working in private schools or institutions may earn higher salaries than those working in public schools, due to the higher tuition fees charged by private schools. English teachers working in urban areas may also earn higher salaries than those working in rural areas.

In addition to a salary, many English teachers in the Philippines also receive additional benefits such as housing, health insurance, and vacation time. It is also common for English teachers in the Philippines to supplement their income by offering private tutoring or teaching additional classes outside of their regular teaching duties.

What is the cost of living in The Philippines?

The cost of living in the Philippines can vary depending on a number of factors such as location, lifestyle, and personal preferences. That being said, the country generally has a lower cost of living compared to many other countries, especially for things like housing, food, and transportation.

Housing: The cost of housing in the Philippines can vary widely depending on location and the type of accommodation you choose. Rent for a one-bedroom apartment in a city center can range from around PHP 10,000 to PHP 20,000 ($200 to $400) per month, while rent for a similar apartment in a more suburban or rural area can be significantly cheaper.

Food: The cost of food in the Philippines is generally quite low compared to other countries. For example, a meal at a local restaurant can cost around PHP 100 to PHP 300 ($2 to $6), while a meal at a mid-range restaurant can cost around PHP 300 to PHP 500 ($6 to $10).

Transportation: The cost of transportation in the Philippines can also vary depending on your mode of travel. Public transportation, such as buses and jeepneys, is generally very cheap, with fares starting at around PHP 7 ($0.14). Taxis and ride-hailing services, such as Grab, are also available and can be more expensive, but still relatively affordable.

Overall, the cost of living in the Philippines is generally lower than in many other countries, making it a popular destination for expats and retirees. However, it is important to keep in mind that the cost of living can vary significantly depending on your location and lifestyle.

The best places to teach English In The Philippines?

There are many good places to teach English in the Philippines, including:

  • Manila: As the capital and largest city in the Philippines, Manila offers a wide range of job opportunities for English teachers. There are many international schools, language schools, and private tutoring companies in Manila that hire native English speakers to teach English.

  • Cebu: Cebu is the second-largest city in the Philippines and is located in the central part of the country. It is a major center for business and tourism, making it a good place to find work as an English teacher.

  • Davao: Davao is the third-largest city in the Philippines and is located in the southern part of the country. It is a major hub for business and industry, making it a good place to find work as an English teacher.

  • Bacolod: Bacolod is a city in the western Visayas region of the Philippines and is known for its vibrant culture and lively festivals. It is a good place to find work as an English teacher due to the high demand for English language education in the region.

  • Iloilo: Iloilo is a city in the western Visayas region of the Philippines and is known for its rich cultural heritage. It is a good place to find work as an English teacher due to the high demand for English language education in the region.

Overall, the best place to teach English in the Philippines will depend on your personal preferences and priorities. Some people may prefer to live in a larger city like Manila or Cebu, while others may prefer a more laid-back lifestyle in a smaller city or tourist destination like Davao or Bacolod.

Living in The Philippines

There are many reasons why people choose to live in the Philippines. Some of the factors that may attract people to the Philippines include:

  • Beautiful natural surroundings: The Philippines is home to a diverse range of landscapes and natural environments, including white sandy beaches, tropical rainforests, and stunning mountain ranges.

  • Cultural diversity: The Philippines is a culturally diverse country, with a mix of indigenous, Spanish, American, and Chinese influences. This cultural diversity can be seen in the country's music, art, food, and festivals.

  • Affordable cost of living: The cost of living in the Philippines is generally lower than in many other countries, making it an attractive destination for those on a budget.

  • Friendly people: The Philippines is known for its warm and hospitable people, who are often described as friendly and welcoming.

  • Good healthcare: The Philippines has a well-developed healthcare system, with a range of public and private hospitals and clinics available throughout the country.

  • Strong expat community: The Philisppines has a large and active expat community, with many people from around the world choosing to live and work in the country. This can make it easier to make friends and find support when adjusting to life in the Philippines.

Overall, the Philippines is a unique and attractive destination for those looking for a new place to live, work, and explore.

Some facts About The Philippines

Here are some interesting facts about the Philippines:

  • The Philippines is an archipelago made up of more than 7,000 islands, making it one of the largest island countries in the world.

  • The Philippines is located in Southeast Asia and is the second-largest country in the region, after Indonesia.

  • The Philippines is the world's 12th most populous country, with a population of over 109 million people.

  • The official language of the Philippines is Filipino, which is based on the Tagalog language. English is also widely spoken and is used as a second language in the country.

  • The Philippines has a rich and diverse cultural heritage, with influences from indigenous, Spanish, American, and Chinese cultures.

  • The Philippines is home to some of the world's most biodiverse ecosystems, including the Palawan rainforest, which is home to many rare and endangered species.

  • The Philippines is one of the world's top producers of coconut oil and pineapples, and is also a major producer of rice, sugar, and mangoes.

  • The Philippines is known for its beautiful beaches and is a popular destination for tourists, with over 6 million visitors to the country each year.

  • The Philippines is home to the world's longest Christmas celebration, which begins in September and lasts until the first week of January.

  • The Philippines is the only predominantly Christian country in Asia and is home to a large number of churches, temples, and other places of worship.

Find An English Teaching Job In The Philippines

Check online job boards: Websites like Teast often have job postings for English teaching positions in the Philippines. You can search for jobs based on your qualifications and preferred location.

Contact international schools: The Philippines has several international schools that teach in English, and they may be hiring English teachers. Check the websites of schools like Brent International School Manila and Cebu International School for job postings or contact them directly to inquire about any available positions.

Check with language schools: There are several language schools in the Philippines that offer English classes to both children and adults. Some of the popular language schools include The American Institute and The Berlitz Language Center. These schools may have openings for English teachers, so check their websites or contact them directly to inquire.

Attend job fairs: International job fairs like the JobStreet Philippines Career Fair often include recruiters from schools in the Philippines. Attending these fairs can give you the opportunity to meet with recruiters face-to-face and learn about available positions.

Network: Reach out to other English teachers in the Philippines or join online forums for English teachers in Southeast Asia. These connections can help you learn about job openings and get insider tips on the hiring process.

When applying for English teaching jobs in the Philippines, it's important to have a bachelor's degree and a TEFL or TESOL certification. Some schools may also require teaching experience or a teaching license. The Philippines is a diverse country with many regional languages, so it's important to be respectful of local customs and traditions. Knowing some basic Tagalog or another regional language can also be helpful.